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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA Pre-Orders UP!!!! (Week ending 2nd Oct 2010)

can' wait till GT5 actually comes out so we can see how well it does. I will be buying special edition btw :)

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Lyrikalstylez said:
Pyramid12 said:
Lyrikalstylez said:

I also think GT5 will sell well, But I dont agree with the outragious sales some people claim here!!

Im thinking 4-6 million life-time

LMAO the irony!!!!!


I fail to see the Irony??

Im betting you think itll sell over 10 million

The irony is that Prologue sold that, Prologue is a glorified demo. I bet GT5 sells more than what you're claiming. Real bet too.

Silly GT5 sales debates. Always source from a single critism, or a single comment...

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