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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA Pre-Orders UP!!!! (Week ending 2nd Oct 2010)

viStaR said:
psrock said:
darthdevidem01 said:
psrock said:
kopstudent89 said:

OMG!! DK, KIrby, and Epic mickey :D :D :D

GT5 though makes me kinda sad :( i want it to be get a grip already!!

And btw, just dance 2 just got the third largest increase just after the black ops... I knew it would be big, ut could it be the game that saves the Wii O_o It might be the best selling 3rd party game on the wii(yes u heard me), the record holds for MH3 at around 750k (deservedly)

Hold up, GT5 being in the top 10 makes you sad, but DK, KIRBY AND Epic mickey BEING in the list way down there gets an OMG, What the hell is going on in this site?

He is talking increases wise.

You have got to accept, GT5 doing 3K more in weekly pre-orders compared to Forza 3 in the same weeks up to launch isn't how I had dreamed GT5 would be launching in NA.

Then again this series has legs so I am not really'll just be less front loaded

There's nothing OMG about the increase nor is there any need to be sad about pre-order numbers. Games like GT don't need huge opening week like FPS, it will sell for years.

Lol what ?? Mw2 stills selling thousands and thousands... Dont expect GT5 to have such a huge lefs like Mw2 at least for 1st year.


" GT don't need huge opening like FPS" now, where are you getting the point that I question MW2 legs?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Around the Network
Pyramid12 said:
viStaR said:
Fab_GS said:
viStaR said:

5.5M in europe is way too MUCH! Not even Cod MW2 has that so no other game will have...

in Americas may be at 2M.

I Believe 2.1M in americas , 3.1M EMEAA and 1.5M in Japan for a total of 6.8M WW.

Gran Turismo sales:-

Game Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
Gran Turismo (PS) - 1998
Sony Computer Entertainment             
3.99 2.55 4.31 10.85
Gran Turismo 2 (PS) - 1999
Sony Computer Entertainment         
3.96 1.71 3.70 9.37
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2) - 2001
Sony Computer Entertainment
7.14 1.89 5.86 14.89
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue (PS2) - 2004
Sony Computer Entertainment
0.00 0.79 0.57 1.36
Gran Turismo 4 (PS2) - 2005                         
Sony Computer Entertainment
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3) - 2008
Sony Computer Entertainment
1.12 0.57 2.19 3.88

Ps2 : 150M Consoles

Ps3 : By GT5 Launch : 38.6 -

GT3 at launch = less ps2 console sold than what PS3 has now.

GT3 life time = nearly 15m

you want more?

GOD OF WAR 1-2 = ps2 install base over 100m release

GOD of war 3 = ps3 install base 36m at release

still GOW3 sales > gow 1 and 2.



Racing Sims years ago were much more popular... If FIFA doesnt sell more than 3M in EU it wont be GT.

huaxiong90 said:
Mad55 said:

man enslaved and castlevania are not gonna do as good as i want them to damn.

Legs, my friend, legs.

LOL i hope so friend cause im playing enslaved right know and it deserves sales.

viStaR said:
Fab_GS said:
viStaR said:

5.5M in europe is way too MUCH! Not even Cod MW2 has that so no other game will have...

in Americas may be at 2M.

I Believe 2.1M in americas , 3.1M EMEAA and 1.5M in Japan for a total of 6.8M WW.

Gran Turismo sales:-

Game Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
Gran Turismo (PS) - 1998
Sony Computer Entertainment             
3.99 2.55 4.31 10.85
Gran Turismo 2 (PS) - 1999
Sony Computer Entertainment         
3.96 1.71 3.70 9.37
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2) - 2001
Sony Computer Entertainment
7.14 1.89 5.86 14.89
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue (PS2) - 2004
Sony Computer Entertainment
0.00 0.79 0.57 1.36
Gran Turismo 4 (PS2) - 2005                         
Sony Computer Entertainment
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3) - 2008
Sony Computer Entertainment
1.12 0.57 2.19 3.88

Ps2 : 150M Consoles

Ps3 : By GT5 Launch : 38.6 -

GT3 launched on a 20 Million userbase

GT5 on a 39 Million userbase


Btw, with download sales GT5: Prolouge is already over 5 Million (5 million shipped by june)

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

saicho said:
huaxiong90 said:
Mad55 said:

man enslaved and castlevania are not gonna do as good as i want them to damn.

Legs, my friend, legs.

I'm not sure if you are serious.

GT5 would have legs. Enslaved and Castlevania would have legs too? What kind of legs do you expect?

No where near the same legs GT5 would have. I expect word of mouth to help. Maybe in a similar fashion to Valkyria Chronicles.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Around the Network

GT5 WILL Outsell GT4 at least.......its actually a TREND:

- MGS4 outsold MGS3

- FF13 outsold FF12 (that too within 6 months of launch)

- GOW3 will do it soon (that too within 1 year of launch!!)

- DMC4 did it (outsold DMC3)

Why won't GT5 outsell GT4?

Every new iteration of a franchise this gen is outselling the last iteration of the last gen!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

is this thread broken? I cant see any new posts, only old ones.

i'll keep saying the same thing every week, i believe that my Sig will provide the numbers for GT5 launch week, and certainly, it'll reach at least the 8M mark.

Believe me, 80% of the GT users out there don't know that it's coming in 1 month.

I'm Back! - Proud owner of the best doomed handheld of all time!

Goddbless said:
huaxiong90 said:
hudsoniscool said:
huaxiong90 said:
Goddbless said:
huaxiong90 said:

Yeah, definitely more Wii games than usual. Glad to see Kirby, DKCR, and LoZ: SS there.

Also, lol at Gears of War 3 already being in the list. Doing pretty solid numbers already.

Gears of War may be one to watch pretty soon.

Yeah. You think it can pass 1 and 2?

i do. gears 2 will probably pass 1 in less then a year. the reason its taken so long is probably because of how glitchy the multiplayer was. anywhay gears 2 had a launch week of just under 2 million. i ecpect 3 will have about 2.2 million. and will sell 5.5m-7m

Yeah, I've always believed word of mouth on Gears of War 2's glitchy multiplayer hurt its sales.

I don't even buy Gears for the multiplayer although I'm sure I'm in a very small minority. I actually get it for the story.

Story never really appealed much to me, I like it for its arcadey 3rd person shoot 'em up action. Multiplayer has potential, but is technically flawed (even worse than MGO). Still fun for what it is.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Why are we all arguing over GT5 sales??? We should be concerned that Kinect Adventures is getting almost as much pre-orders as Assassin's Creed Brotherhood!

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*