BHR-3 said:
I've been reading alot of comments lately here on VGChartz things like "Wii is in trouble" and "360 is a sales beast" ect. ect., but what i have not been seeing in my reading is anything really about the PS3 except maybe that GT5 is in big trouble. This has got me sad , not the part about GT5 but part that no one is really seeing that mass potential for Sonys PS3 next year .
Why would people be talking about next year's sales with xmas coming up?
I believe that next year Sonys PS3 will have multiple sales explosions causing it to sell the most of any console. Why do i believe this you ask?
I don't need to ask .. I know why.
well if you look at current Wii vs PS3 sales Wii is only above it by 2M for this year, this time last year it was over 4M, i believe that around this time or earlier in Aug-Sep the PS3 Wii gap will be closer to only 1M for 2011, i believe that Sony will slash the price of the PS3 this time next year and the PS3 will erase that 1M gap to take the lead before the year ends.
I believe PS360 will both be ahead of Wii in 2011 numbers by June, HA, my prediction is more wilder than yours 
As for PS3 vs 360 there really hasnt been much of a threat with the 360
Kinect says hello.
PS3 gots Japan on lock by alot
16k weekly, and when it comes to xmas, the ceiling for PS3 sales is 200k, that's WITH a high profile game.
this will continue in 2011, and the same can be said in EMEAA, as you can see by the latest numbers only 2 weeks after 360s mammoth Reach launch the gap between the two in EMEAA is only 10k this weekly gap will be gone and in PS3s favor very shortly with new PS3 skus releasing and GT5.
Quite frankly, it's pathetic PS3 didn't take the lead sooner. No price cut for 360 in Sony's home land, just a revision, yet it's beat it there solidly for nearly 3 months. You're, again, acting as if Kinect poses no threat, I guess that's your god given opinion though.
Just look at Dead Rising 2s sales for EMEAA only 10k apart didnt 360 have exclusive DLC and has even more exclusive DLC coming? doesnt 360 have a over 2M lead in UK? doesnt 360s version run and look better?
Why would UK lead matter? I'd say the overall EMMEA lead matters more. So a 360 multiplat outselling a PS3 multiplat in a region where PS3 sales are higher? your point was? This is just filler BHR, come up with something original.
Also look at the growth in yearly sales above, PS3 already hit way passed 12M in a year and will do the same again this year while 360s sales have been relatively flat year after year only barely breaking 11M once,
It's 1.8 mill ahead of it's peak year (11 mill) and could very well top 13 mill this year alone if Kinect is even a mild hit. Breaking any previous PS3 year. The current year gap is within 300k, which could be erased if Kinect is a hit.
also look at COD pre orders in NA same case again 360s are relatively flat while PS3 have grown significantly. This trend will continue in 2011
As for some other reasons why i believe in this just look at PS3s SW line up its pretty much game after game month after month of PS3 exclusives.
360 had that too, "an AAA exclusive every month for Q1/Q2" MS said, but they got delayed, or didn't turn out quite amazing. Don't be surprised to see some of those pushed back. Not to mention a lot of those (bolded) will do jack for HW sales.
LBP2, MotorStorm3D, Killzone3D, Socom4, Twisted Metal, Yakuza 4 Infamous 2, Resistance 3, Ratchet & Clank All 4 One, ICO Shadow of Colossus Collection, The Last Guardian, Dynasty Warriors 7, Virtual Tennis 4, Star Drone and other possibilities The Agent, Star Hawk, Valkyria Chronicles 3, Sly Cooper 4, Uncharted 3 and those FF games.
And of course, all the 360 has is Gears 3.... right wrong.
I also believe that there will be a PS3 sku revision that adds extra features along with a price cut.
X360 is gonna double whammy that price cut, Kinect has massive room for price cut, as does the 360 itself (last baseline cut was 2008)
Now you can say the same for 360Wii but there already priced at $199 and had deals of $149 and even $99 already also i dont think Wii will get a revision and the 360 already got one.
PS3 already had one too? So PS3 can have two revisions but 360 can't? Not that I think 360 needs it. If history tells us anything it's that Sony takes away PS3 features with new revisions, so you better hope they don't bring out another aye.
I also believe sony is like myself they like to hide and stay behind cover when battling they didnt rush to go to $299
or rush to get certain games out, there waiting for the right time when there opponent is at there weakest,
So that's why Sony didn't drop to $199 in 2008 
i believe the 360 and Wii have used up pretty much everything in there arsenal for this console war,
Wii? Quite possibly. X360. Not even close. Microsoft has shown strength this gen, and more so than Sony and Nintendo, they relish a fight.
i believe they have run out of breath now, in 2011 PS3 will come out of cover blind firing and then charging out with its SW lineup and pricing strategy
PS3 could well be the market leader, Kinect could fail. Or. Kinect could be a success, and then a cheaper Kinect HW sku completely wrecks any chance of this 
Now post what you believe in