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Forums - Sales Discussion - *PS3 Dead In America?*

johnglen said:

PS3 is doing O.K in America , not great, not horrible kind of like how the 360  is doing in Europe. The ps3 is not doing that much better in Japan, it's just that the 360 is a complete failure there and that blinds some people when the reality is that the playstation brand has been badly damaged in Japan (Sony's home country) . 5.5 million in 4 years ?? That's ..not good at all.

Blind to the fact the Wii & DS have been a massive success? a trend that's repeated all around the globe, the PS3 & PSP have 32% & 33% of the market, compared to 20% & 29% in Americas.  Hardly looks like the brand has been badly damaged, its just not as successful as Nintendo this gen.

The PS3 isn't dead in america, its not selling as much as the 360 atm, I can't recall many threads about how the 360 was dead in america when the Wii was blowing everything away.

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Stupid thread.

*Sound Of Rain said:
Chairman-Mao said:

I guess you've been sleeping the lasts 2 weeks when PS3 outsold Wii in America.

Anyways PS3 is just fine in America. And it shouldn't be that long (maybe in 2011?) when we get another price drop.

In my opening post I said that PS3 outsold Wii by 6K this past charting week. Also its only been 1 week so far even though I expect the week ending the 2nd to be PS3>Wii but starting the 9th Wii>PS3 in America.

Also I will rephrase my post...PS3 may be dead in America when compared to the 360 and Wii.

before the slim and reach came the 360 was doing 5k more then the ps3. so no its not dead compared to the 360 and now the wii.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

PS3 is fine IMO. Its just that us americans like to buy what other people have. People had the 360 first so other people started buying 360 over ps3. I guess they don't see how great of a value the PS3 is. Anyways the excuses most people have for not buying a PS3 is that "NO one has  a PS3, and i want to play with my friends."

had a feeling this thread needed a funny pic

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It's Because Xbox and Nintendo dominate the Americas. I seriously Don't see Move doing any better than Kinect.

3DS Friend Code:   4596-9822-6909

IS 360 dead in EU just because its last?

rf40928 said:
Silver-Tiger said:
rf40928 said:
Rafux said:

Its doing just fine for being the most expensive console, nobody knows for sure the effect GT5 is going to have and next year is full of exclusives. With no offense to the 360 but it seems their biggest game next year will be Gears of wars 3 but still Kinect is gonna sell truckloads.

Sony fans have a strong argument that the PS3 is a solid product, and it is.. but  from a business perspective, Sony can't take another last place console.  They really are just now barely making money from the PS3 which hardly offsets whats been lost the since launch 4 years ago.

If you want to compare Apples to Apples we neeed to stop comparing the sales of the PS3 to the Wii or Xbox 360.. This Gen probably has about 3 more yrs till you start seeing Next Gen consoles ( which gives you nearly a ten year cycle ) .. 

If you want to compare Apples to Apples stop comparing the sales of the PS3 to the Wii or Xbox 360..

Xbox 1 sold  24.6 million lifetime - Xbox 360 has sold 45.3 million so far ( an INCREASE of 98% more owners then the previous console userbase )   ---->  PS2 sold 137.1 million Lifetime - PS3 has sold 37.8 Million so far ( A DECREASE of 73% less owners then the previous console userbase ) --- >  GameCube sold 21.7 Million Lifetime - Wii has sold 74.2 Million so far ( an INCREASE of NEARLY 300% more owners ! ) .. Software wise you'll see the same trend, everyone has increased software sales over thieir previous gen console, except the PS3..


The PS2 was and still is the best selling and most successful console ever. It's hard to improve on that performance.

You're right, but it was launched in a perfect storm.. It launched 1.5 yrs ahead of its only competition the underpowered gamecube, which didnt include a DVD player.. it was till nearly 2 yrs later MS launched their first endeavor XB1 which while far superior was way late and had ramped up developer support.. i think the Wii will come close lifetime, but I thought the PS2 was better then the Will .. LOL

I know it's really off-topic but i am too anal-retentive to let this pass, Gamecube was NOT underpowered compared to the PS2

i agree they should get out of the console market.... and focus on portables.... thats where they shin... oh wait >_>;

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

It's important that Sony remains staunch in pursuing the 360 marketshare, it just makes things better for consumers. Face it, all three companies have a reputation for reprehensible behaviour and without the strong competition, would gladly rape your wallet without lube.