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Forums - PC Discussion - The Semi Official VGChartz Minecraft Thread

sorry the server is do w n right now trying to get it back up. the move to pfsense is finished if I can get the wan to pull an IP... its just being an ass

back up, check the new router numbers (whoops wrong link corrected)

same plan as before,  reight before the move with my wndr3700v2 i was getting 67~ down and 8~up


with the speeds, and assuming everything went to minecraft and 133 down and 22 up supposedly i can host 69 players now. dont think we will ever see that, but i may raise the old cap of 20 to 30 on nibiru

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Around the Network

I just discovered a huuuuge way that I need to expand my livestock farm.

Dyed sheep.

I now have 16 different varieties of sheep running around in my one sheep enclosure. This is obviously a problem, since it's quite difficult to keep numbers equal. When breeding, I have to make sure I only feed two sheep of the same color, and then I have to help them wade through the sea of other sheep to find each other, and this can be really hectic. If I don't ensure it's two identical sheep breeding together, then I could end up with a whole variety of numbers. That's not acceptable.

So I'm going to be building fifteen new pens, and slowly corralling each individual color into their respective corrals, then breeding them to get a large supply of each color.

I also need to start building a stable for when horses are introduced in 1.6, because I intend to breed horses and donkeys both.


I've made the new sheep pens, divvied my sheep out amongst them, and am now breeding them. I want to have ten of each color.

Thing is, my sheep keep escaping from the pens. I have no clue how, but I'm going to have to rework the entire pen system so it doesn't use any fencing and has redundant doors. =/


So the new Star Trek begins on a planet named Nibiru.

I am now required by Nerd Law to build an homage.


thetonestarr said:
I've made the new sheep pens, divvied my sheep out amongst them, and am now breeding them. I want to have ten of each color.

Thing is, my sheep keep escaping from the pens. I have no clue how, but I'm going to have to rework the entire pen system so it doesn't use any fencing and has redundant doors. =/

I used pits with fence at the top seems to work... yea with just fence you have to build an ugly cage.... thought they had fixed that glitch

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Around the Network
goddog said:
thetonestarr said:
I've made the new sheep pens, divvied my sheep out amongst them, and am now breeding them. I want to have ten of each color.

Thing is, my sheep keep escaping from the pens. I have no clue how, but I'm going to have to rework the entire pen system so it doesn't use any fencing and has redundant doors. =/

I used pits with fence at the top seems to work... yea with just fence you have to build an ugly cage.... thought they had fixed that glitch

Pits are nearly impossible with my man-made island. I would have gone that route if I could have.


thetonestarr said:
goddog said:
thetonestarr said:
I've made the new sheep pens, divvied my sheep out amongst them, and am now breeding them. I want to have ten of each color.

Thing is, my sheep keep escaping from the pens. I have no clue how, but I'm going to have to rework the entire pen system so it doesn't use any fencing and has redundant doors. =/

I used pits with fence at the top seems to work... yea with just fence you have to build an ugly cage.... thought they had fixed that glitch

Pits are nearly impossible with my man-made island. I would have gone that route if I could have.

Try going with leaves to clear the water if you make new pens.

I'm in the process of moving my pens to where my crops are for the same reason, they keep getting out of the area I have them in the desert. It took a while to build the floor and everything, but with shears I took off a couple stacks of leaves. Lucily I only had to clear one block deep water out of the pens when I finally enclosed them, but with the leaves I could do it in sections and pick them up again very quickly with the shears.

Saw your colored sheep, that was an awesome idea.

If you happen to have silk touch, could you by chance grab a couple of grass blocks and put them in my new pen? Grass takes so long to spread :/

Yeah I can do that. I do have a shovel with silk touch.


Are the servers down?

IllegalPaladin said:
Are the servers down?

yes and no .... while is up and reachable showing the server is up and running, the server itself is unreachable. i cannot rdp to it from outside or inside my network. it is not listening to cmd line from other computers telling it to reboot or shut down. in its current state it may clear on its own if its just a huge change carried out in world edit, or ill have to check the system for an error when i get home, most likely the latter.... if it had paniced and rebooted i could get it up now but its in some kind of up/down state.... ill look into it in the AM should be home around 6am 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog