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I just discovered a huuuuge way that I need to expand my livestock farm.

Dyed sheep.

I now have 16 different varieties of sheep running around in my one sheep enclosure. This is obviously a problem, since it's quite difficult to keep numbers equal. When breeding, I have to make sure I only feed two sheep of the same color, and then I have to help them wade through the sea of other sheep to find each other, and this can be really hectic. If I don't ensure it's two identical sheep breeding together, then I could end up with a whole variety of numbers. That's not acceptable.

So I'm going to be building fifteen new pens, and slowly corralling each individual color into their respective corrals, then breeding them to get a large supply of each color.

I also need to start building a stable for when horses are introduced in 1.6, because I intend to breed horses and donkeys both.
