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A203D said:

WTF, PS3 is only 10,000 units behind the 360, and Halo Reach just came out and so did the 4GB 360 SKU. either Move is pushing those sales or F1 is a lot more popular than we think in the EU. amazing for both the 360 and the PS3.

huh, 4GB 360 came out mid August .. don't make out this was some massive achievement, Halo: Reach boost was only ever going to last 2 weeks.


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Seece said:
A203D said:

WTF, PS3 is only 10,000 units behind the 360, and Halo Reach just came out and so did the 4GB 360 SKU. either Move is pushing those sales or F1 is a lot more popular than we think in the EU. amazing for both the 360 and the PS3.

huh, 4GB 360 came out mid August .. don't make out this was some massive achievement, Halo: Reach boost was only ever going to last 2 weeks.

Fair enough, its not an achievement, but i'm happy with the sales figures none the less. besides, we've yet to see US, and its pretty much guranteed that 360 will be a lot higher there. yeah true, Halo Reach boost was never going to last that long in the EU where its less popular than the US.

just watch Wii killing all starting November... u guys understimate the wii holidats power.

viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


Lmao ?? So u cant deal with other opinions ?? haha loser

if your opions were realistic then other might deal with it

So whats a realistic opinion ?? Ps3 had is peak year on 2009 with Slim u wont see sales over 11M anymore...

if a console can have its peak sales at $299 then how can't 360 which you billed at 15m for next year no peak when it has been the cheapest ever since the launch of both consoles

360 has Game changer Kinect that will drive Sales in 2011

thats being optimistic not realistic

we can all be that way


and Wii will allways be Wii and i expect big hardware Boosts on holidays this and next year.

when you say wii will always be wii and you also expect it to have big HW sales then how can you say 360 will top it and go way beyond the sales it has ever got

So its pretty realistic my opinion and should be up with the true but we will see... it will if Kinect Changes Xbox in Japan but only time will tell...

you will come to your senses pretty soon that japan will never jump in

your prediction is typical of a new VGC user,when you join in you just post whatever you like or want to happen


but as you stay on this site more time,your predictions get better.

Ps3 wont do better than 11M ... No more killer aps aka GT5 , no more Slim only a price cut can save it and even if they cut the price Microsoft and Nintendo will follow next year.

no killer apps?

killzone3,resistance 3,twisted metal,final fantasy 13 versus,MGS rising,hd collections,agent,etc

i am not saying they will be systems sellers or all release next years,just giving some big names of games that coming on PS3

SLIM was no way near the main reason PS3 sold so well last year,it was price cut

and who says ther won't be another slim,sony never mentioned PS3 slimmed down version as PS3 SLIM like PS2 SLIM,till today it is called as PS3 120gb,250gbgb,etc and also the fact that PS3 can be slimmed down way further

and about the counter Price cut you talk about by ninty and MS,sure they will do it next year and am expecting it fully like the PS3 one

but you really think a price cut from $200 to a lower level is going to counter a price cut from a higher priced PS3 which all the people wait all the time,unlike wii which has always been cheap and the 360 has been too

Remember that Microsoft doesnt cut the price to 360 since 2008 so its all but lost for Sony thisand next year.

Remember that ps3 has always been alot more expensive than 360 and people are always waiting for ps3 price cuts unlike 360 which has been cheap


your comments are very optimistic

Maybe next gen but i doubt , Nintendo is way too smart this days.

maybe next gen what?

Wow, first week in Europe et al for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock was hilariously terrible.

I'd love to see some absolutely horrid sales for the game. Maybe, just maybe, it would force them to actually try innovating in one of their games for once. Am I asking too much by thinking they should?

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leo-j said:
Acevil said:
ethomaz said:


Remember... last week Move numbers was about few days only... this is the FIRST FULL WEEK MOVE.

Next week PS3 > ALL!!!

What makes you say next week ps3 will beat 360? 

360 sales should go down again since halo reach effect should wear off..

The same can be said about Move. So right now it is up in the air.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

Gran turismo 5 as reinforcements should put PS3 on top for a while :D

LordMatrix said:
leo-j said:
Acevil said:
ethomaz said:


Remember... last week Move numbers was about few days only... this is the FIRST FULL WEEK MOVE.

Next week PS3 > ALL!!!

What makes you say next week ps3 will beat 360? 

360 sales should go down again since halo reach effect should wear off..

The same can be said about Move. So right now it is up in the air.

you comparing game to peripheral,not good idea


anyways fifa 11's launching next week

NeoRatt said:

Wii is on its way to free fall (finally).

Expect Nintendo to be the first to release a new generation of consoles...  Wii HD next E3?

I can't believe the legs on Sniper Ghost Warrior...  Staying in the top 50 since its release in June.  Promising to see a B level title stay on the charts for so long.

that's what I expected since I made my prediction..


they're ganna release a new console right before or right after sony announces a $199 ps3, so that the ps3 doesn't gain any momentum and take consumer interest away from nintendo...



B...But but... But Move is teh copying flopz.

Excellent DS
Excellent HD sales.

And also, good to see F1 2010 doing so well.