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Acevil said:
Slimebeast said:

We need to get accustomed to Wii sales being on par with PS3 and X360 from now on.

Perdicted 2011 sales:

PS3: 14 million
Wii: 13 million
X360: 12 million


I think Wii and Ps3 will have another price cut next fall. So it should boost both to 15 million. 

I'll be bowled over if 360 doesn't get a price cut by next fall, it'd be 3 years at that point without one.


Around the Network
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


I Believe in MOVE. Sports Cha. rules))

Wait for USA results.

Seece said:
Acevil said:
Slimebeast said:

We need to get accustomed to Wii sales being on par with PS3 and X360 from now on.

Perdicted 2011 sales:

PS3: 14 million
Wii: 13 million
X360: 12 million


I think Wii and Ps3 will have another price cut next fall. So it should boost both to 15 million. 

I'll be bowled over if 360 doesn't get a price cut by next fall, it'd be 3 years at that point without one.

all will get one

ps3 the biggest though at $199

wii and 360 at $149

Slimebeast said:

We need to get accustomed to Wii sales being on par with PS3 and X360 from now on.

Perdicted 2011 sales:

PS3: 14 million
Wii: 13 million
X360: 12 million

This year or next year???

Around the Network
ethomaz said:
Slimebeast said:

We need to get accustomed to Wii sales being on par with PS3 and X360 from now on.

Perdicted 2011 sales:

PS3: 14 million
Wii: 13 million
X360: 12 million

This year or next year???

Next year, he said 2011:

I think it is 15mil, 15mil, 13 mil myself. 


Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


Lmao ?? So u cant deal with other opinions ?? haha loser

kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
kowenicki said:
kowenicki said:
leo-j said:

Console Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
n/a n/a 91,984 91,984
n/a n/a 84,823 84,823
n/a n/a 73,108 73,108
n/a n/a 53,256 53,256
n/a n/a 27,986 27,986

YOY changes

360 up 29k (up 52%)

DS down 52k (down 36%)

PS3 down 48k (down 40%)

PSP down 36k (down 57%)

Wii down 18k (down 25%)


nobody else think these figures are amazing?


360 - OK (after Slim and Halo: Reach)
DS - OK (six months for next DS)
PS3 - OK (same 360 but inverted)
PSP - OK (after last week boost because some new games)
Wii - SURPRISE (because I just didn't expect this from Wii)

You think PSP is ok?    it really isnt..

and 360 up more than 50% is better than ok.

i think he means expected

psp sales are expected and 360 sales are expected too

kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
kowenicki said:
kowenicki said:
leo-j said:

Console Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
n/a n/a 91,984 91,984
n/a n/a 84,823 84,823
n/a n/a 73,108 73,108
n/a n/a 53,256 53,256
n/a n/a 27,986 27,986

YOY changes

360 up 29k (up 52%)

DS down 52k (down 36%)

PS3 down 48k (down 40%)

PSP down 36k (down 57%)

Wii down 18k (down 25%)


nobody else think these figures are amazing?


360 - OK (after Slim and Halo: Reach)
DS - OK (six months for next DS)
PS3 - OK (same 360 but inverted)
PSP - OK (after last week boost because some new games)
Wii - SURPRISE (because I just didn't expect this from Wii)

You think PSP is ok?    it really isnt..

and 360 up more than 50% is better than ok.

PSP is dying like expected.

And 360 was expect with new model and Reach.

After september 360 2010 sales  = PS3 2009 sales and vice-versa.

All 3 systems should get a price drop next year.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey