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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo Wii or Playstation 3?


Are you insane? Its not even a matter of opinion.


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leo-j said:

Are you insane? Its not even a matter of opinion.

Are you mentally undeveloped? Thats the DEFINITION of a matter of opinion.  God your posts get worse and worse and the people on the forum get dumber just by reading them.

IF you like fast paced multiplayer fun then of COURSE you will think Brawl is better.  I have a feeling I will once they are both released (of course no one can claim either, as you both have, explicitly or implicitly)

How is this NOT a matter of opinion.

*takes a page out of the leo-j book*

Are you insane to even think about getting a PS3? The wii is SOOOO much better, its not even a matter of opinion.

See how stupid that sounded? Well read over your post and compare and contrast.

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

Mega Man 9 Challenges: 74%

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Bunny Hop Mr. Trigger Happy Double Trouble Mr. Perfect Invincible
Almost Invincible No Coffee Break Air Shoes Mega Diet Encore
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Whomp Wiley! Truly Addicted! Truly Hardcore! Conqueror Vanquisher
Destroyer World Warrior Trusty Sidearm Pack Rat Valued Customer
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Quick Draw J Quick Draw P Quick Draw T Quick Draw M Quick Draw X
Yojimbo said:
Jessman said:
They are not even in the same legue.



When I said that, I didn't mean to compare the games, but instead, would he rather play Brawl more, or MGS4 more. You can tell by his avatar that he likes MGS, so in his opinion (maybe) MGS4 > Brawl, which would result in him getting a PS3.

You believe Brawl > MGS4, so if you were in his situation, you would have chosen a Wii over a PS3, under the given circumstances

Currently playing:

Unreal Tournament 3, Warhawk, Rock Band, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, DMC2, then 3, and Radiata Stories

"Stop the presses// It's been a while but I'm back in session// And in the past time my flow's matured more than adolescence// It's time to learn a lesson// So get you pen and your pad out, listen close, and take heed to this blessing"


CrashMan said:
leo-j said:

Are you insane? Its not even a matter of opinion.

Are you mentally undeveloped? Thats the DEFINITION of a matter of opinion.  God your posts get worse and worse and the people on the forum get dumber just by reading them.

IF you like fast paced multiplayer fun then of COURSE you will think Brawl is better.  I have a feeling I will once they are both released (of course no one can claim either, as you both have, explicitly or implicitly)

How is this NOT a matter of opinion.

*takes a page out of the leo-j book*

Are you insane to even think about getting a PS3? The wii is SOOOO much better, its not even a matter of opinion.

See how stupid that sounded? Well read over your post and compare and contrast.

Rofl, +10.

Your pwn skills have leveled up.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Soriku said:
Kingsora_be said:
Well I would buy a PS3, you like MGS right (your avatar), if you buy a PS3 you can play MGS4, you have just to look at this.

Killzone 2
Kingdom Hearts III (it's coming for PS3, not for Wii :P)
The Agency
FF Versus XIII
Star Ocean
Dark Cloud 3
R & C
Lord of Vermillion
GT 5
Hot Shots
Yakuza 3
Tekken 6
Naruto Project
Eight Days
The Getaway
Jak & Daxter

Mario Galaxy
Smash Brawl
No More Heroes
Mario Kart
Wii Fit
Monster Hunter 3
Umbrella C.
DQ Swords
Naruto GNT
Trauma Center
Mario & Sonic
Pokémon Battle
Chocobo Dungeon
Ghost Squad

it just depends on which exclusives you like most from this list :)


KH3 is coming to PS3, not Wii? Says who? You? Take that off the list because it's not announced yet for ANY consoles.

Well, considering the main guy and team that made KH1 and KH2 is now in development on FF13: Versus on the PS3, there's a good chance they will also put KH3 on the PS3.  They are also both action/RPGs.

I'm not sure why people post a thread asking for advice, because it is really going to influence your decision?  Maybe it does...

I'd get a PS3 but that's because I have to play MGS4 and FF13 as well as all the other games I've found out about since I got my PS3, including Little Big Planet.

Super Mario Galaxy is fun, I'm sure I'll like Brawl, and I'm having fun with Super Paper Mario right now, but there's only so much mario you can take in 5 years if you ask me.

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Lets look at your list.

Kingsora_be said:
Well I would buy a PS3, you like MGS right (your avatar), if you buy a PS3 you can play MGS4, you have just to look at this.

LittleBigPlanet Not going to sell well on the PS3
MGS4 I don't remember when this is coming out but it isn't soon
Killzone 2 You'll be lucky to see this in 08' and there's still no reason to think it's good
Kingdom Hearts III (it's coming for PS3, not for Wii :P) Not confirmed
The Agency Crappy MMO?  Ok
GoW III More than likely is coming end of 09
FF XIII 2009
FF Versus XIII 2009
WkS 2009
Star Ocean Has this been announced?
Dark Cloud 3 Has this been announced?
Afrika Was this supposed to be good and is there a release date?
Uncharted  First good released game on this list!
R & C
Lord of Vermillion
GT 5
Hot Shots
Folklore Really wasn't that great
Yakuza 3
Tekken 6 It's not Tekken Tag
Naruto Project There's a new Naruto game released every two months
Eight Days
The Getaway
Jak & Daxter Not confirmed

Mario Galaxy
Smash Brawl
No More Heroes
Mario Kart
Wii Fit
Monster Hunter 3
Umbrella C.
DQ Swords
Naruto GNT
Trauma Center
Mario & Sonic
Pokémon Battle
Chocobo Dungeon
Ghost Squad
You forgot the following
Super Paper Mario
Zack and Wiki
Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Not exclusive but might as well be
Ghostbusters Also not exclusive but also might as well be
Soul Calibur: Legends
Cooking Mama
Animal Crossing Since we're counting unconfirmed games
Batallion Wars Wii
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
Links Crosbow Training
Brothers in Arms: Double Time
Geometry Wars Galaxies
Dewey's Adventure
Endless Ocean
Excite Truck
Fire Emblam
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Not exclusive but it is the definitive version
Mario Strikers: Charged
Mercury Meltdown Revolution
SSX Blur
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Trauma Center: New Blood

it just depends on which exclusives you like most from this list :)



Well guys it looks like twesterm can predict the future. Hey whose going to win the Super Bowl?

Did you play The Agency to know that its a crappy game because if you didn't then I can say the same about Ghostbusters. And are you overlooking the development for WkS, FFXIII and Verses and Killzone 2 since you know when the games are coming out.

I'll take the case!!!

boilermaker11 said:
I can undertsand why many people here say that if you have a 360, then get a Wii, as the PS3 and 360 are similar right now. I mean, they do share a lot of heavey hitters (COD4, Orange Box, etc), however, you can't overlook the 1st party titles. The only reason I didn't get a Wii is because, at this moment, it still falls prey, alongside with the PS3, of the "it has no games" category. Sure, people here will tout Mario Galaxy, and Twilight Princess, but I could talk about Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted.

Right now, I'd say that it's only a matter of price for you.....and like I always say, you pay for what you get. You can get your platforming, action, rpg, ect experience with the Wii for $250, but with lack of HD graphics, poor online, and a WIDE selection of shovelware.

Or you can pay $400 for an entry level PS3, get your action, platforming, adventure, etc experience, with HD graphics, a good online system, multimedia functionality, Blu-ray, etc etc

I know it looks like I just basically said "get a PS3 over a Wii" but look at the price difference. You pay for HD, you pay for the multimedia, you pay for high end technology. I'd say it's all about what you're willing to pay for, at this moment.

In 2008 when the heavy hitters for both consoles come out, then it becomes a matter of which games you want to play more. Brawl or MGS4? Mario Kart or GT5? It's a matter of preference then.

But as of now, depending on your take on the "HD era", that's the only factor when choosing between a Wii or PS3. If you just don't care, get a Wii. If your one of the people with a 42" Samsung HDTV, and a surround sound setup, etc, get a PS3.....for right now. I don't have said setup, but I do care about HD, so I picked up a PS3.

Just my take on things


Yeah, like R&C and Uncharted can stand in the shadow of Galaxy and TP. You've named the 2 best exclusive PS3 games and compared them to the best games on Wii, doesn't really look good for PS3, does it?

HD is not that important, play Galaxy and you'll know that.

Did you own a GameCube? If not you can buy some amazing games for a few bucks, since the Wii is backwards compatible. Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, Zelda Windwaker, Resident Evil 0 & 1 (must buy 4 for Wii), Fire Emblem, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, Paper Mario.

And something to keep in mind if you want to choose between Wii and PS3: The wii has the Virtual Console: Old Mario's, Sonics, Zelda's, NES, SNES, N64, Genesis/Mega Drive, T16 and NeoGeo all downloadable. I love that feature.


twesterm said:

Lets look at your list.

Kingsora_be said:
Well I would buy a PS3, you like MGS right (your avatar), if you buy a PS3 you can play MGS4, you have just to look at this.

LittleBigPlanet Not going to sell well on the PS3
MGS4 I don't remember when this is coming out but it isn't soon
Killzone 2 You'll be lucky to see this in 08' and there's still no reason to think it's good
Kingdom Hearts III (it's coming for PS3, not for Wii :P) Not confirmed
The Agency Crappy MMO? Ok
GoW III More than likely is coming end of 09
FF XIII 2009
FF Versus XIII 2009
WkS 2009
Star Ocean Has this been announced?
Dark Cloud 3 Has this been announced?
Afrika Was this supposed to be good and is there a release date?
Uncharted First good released game on this list!
R & C
Lord of Vermillion
GT 5
Hot Shots
Folklore Really wasn't that great
Yakuza 3
Tekken 6 It's not Tekken Tag
Naruto Project There's a new Naruto game released every two months
Eight Days
The Getaway
Jak & Daxter Not confirmed

Mario Galaxy
Smash Brawl
No More Heroes
Mario Kart
Wii Fit
Monster Hunter 3
Umbrella C.
DQ Swords
Naruto GNT
Trauma Center
Mario & Sonic
Pokémon Battle
Chocobo Dungeon
Ghost Squad
You forgot the following
Super Paper Mario
Zack and Wiki
Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Not exclusive but might as well be
Ghostbusters Also not exclusive but also might as well be
Soul Calibur: Legends
Cooking Mama
Animal Crossing Since we're counting unconfirmed games
Batallion Wars Wii
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
Links Crosbow Training
Brothers in Arms: Double Time
Geometry Wars Galaxies
Dewey's Adventure
Endless Ocean
Excite Truck
Fire Emblam
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Not exclusive but it is the definitive version
Mario Strikers: Charged
Mercury Meltdown Revolution
SSX Blur
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Trauma Center: New Blood

it just depends on which exclusives you like most from this list :)



 Wait wait wait...youre going down the list downplaying all the PS3 games (except Uncharted, wow one) and then putting NON exclusive Wii games up there cause they "might as well be". Im baffled.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

BengaBenga said:
boilermaker11 said:
I can undertsand why many people here say that if you have a 360, then get a Wii, as the PS3 and 360 are similar right now. I mean, they do share a lot of heavey hitters (COD4, Orange Box, etc), however, you can't overlook the 1st party titles. The only reason I didn't get a Wii is because, at this moment, it still falls prey, alongside with the PS3, of the "it has no games" category. Sure, people here will tout Mario Galaxy, and Twilight Princess, but I could talk about Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted.

Right now, I'd say that it's only a matter of price for you.....and like I always say, you pay for what you get. You can get your platforming, action, rpg, ect experience with the Wii for $250, but with lack of HD graphics, poor online, and a WIDE selection of shovelware.

Or you can pay $400 for an entry level PS3, get your action, platforming, adventure, etc experience, with HD graphics, a good online system, multimedia functionality, Blu-ray, etc etc

I know it looks like I just basically said "get a PS3 over a Wii" but look at the price difference. You pay for HD, you pay for the multimedia, you pay for high end technology. I'd say it's all about what you're willing to pay for, at this moment.

In 2008 when the heavy hitters for both consoles come out, then it becomes a matter of which games you want to play more. Brawl or MGS4? Mario Kart or GT5? It's a matter of preference then.

But as of now, depending on your take on the "HD era", that's the only factor when choosing between a Wii or PS3. If you just don't care, get a Wii. If your one of the people with a 42" Samsung HDTV, and a surround sound setup, etc, get a PS3.....for right now. I don't have said setup, but I do care about HD, so I picked up a PS3.

Just my take on things


Yeah, like R&C and Uncharted can stand in the shadow of Galaxy and TP. You've named the 2 best exclusive PS3 games and compared them to the best games on Wii, doesn't really look good for PS3, does it?

HD is not that important, play Galaxy and you'll know that.

Did you own a GameCube? If not you can buy some amazing games for a few bucks, since the Wii is backwards compatible. Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, Zelda Windwaker, Resident Evil 0 & 1 (must buy 4 for Wii), Fire Emblem, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, Paper Mario.

And something to keep in mind if you want to choose between Wii and PS3: The wii has the Virtual Console: Old Mario's, Sonics, Zelda's, NES, SNES, N64, Genesis/Mega Drive, T16 and NeoGeo all downloadable. I love that feature.


 HD not being important is your opinion. To me it is important, thats why when I look at SMG and MP3 I cringe cause I stopped expecting to see graphics like that a few years ago. 

And Yes, personally, R&C and Uncharted CAN stand in the "shadow" of Galaxy and TP. TP was a major let down for me, i spent more time fishing that I did actually playing the game. Galaxy on the other hand was brilliant, albeit with incredibly short simplistic levels. R&C suffers from simplicity as well, but I enjoy it more than Galaxy because I like the style and prefer the unique weaponary.

 Uncharted as well is fantastic, just because youre a Wii fan doesnt make the PS3's games any less impressive. Also, the Wii's VC is impressive, but the PS3 does have the option of buying old PS games as well...

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.