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X360 sales and Reach sales are excellent! PS3 and Move sales are pretty low.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

Around the Network
Shorty11857 said:
Boutros said:
Seece said:
Boutros said:

So neither Kung Fu Rider nor Start the Party! sold more than 4k? lawl

It's good! Might send out a message to 3rd partys to avoid putting trash on the Move.

Yeah lol

But I think they were not tracked because Kung Fu Rider isn't in the sales database and it still says N/A for Start the Party.

I kind of hope for Kung Fu Rider to flop indeed but I thought Start the Party looked swell.

Kung Fu Rider sold 3,411. Can't find Start the Party anywhere

How do you know about Kung Fu Rider?

Nintendogamer said:
BHR-3 said:

damn thought reach would of beat last years MW2

wonder what COD BO will do 1st week in NA now

think BO on 360 will be able to outsell reach b4 the years up even with the little time it will have to do it in

nice PS3 numbers cant believe its beating the Wii WW w/o a recent redesign or pricecut

360 should probably own all during the holidays now that Socom4 and recently LBP2 got pushed to 2011

oh well guess Sony are setting them selves up to own 2011 and become 2011s #1 selling console WW

It outsold Wii because of Move.

doesnt matter what caused it

what matters is that leo-j warned us bout the HD holiday domination

what about all the other weeks it did it in the summer? think it was like 2-3


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Boutros said:
Shorty11857 said:
Boutros said:
Seece said:
Boutros said:

So neither Kung Fu Rider nor Start the Party! sold more than 4k? lawl

It's good! Might send out a message to 3rd partys to avoid putting trash on the Move.

Yeah lol

But I think they were not tracked because Kung Fu Rider isn't in the sales database and it still says N/A for Start the Party.

I kind of hope for Kung Fu Rider to flop indeed but I thought Start the Party looked swell.

Kung Fu Rider sold 3,411. Can't find Start the Party anywhere

How do you know about Kung Fu Rider? Computer Entertainment

if the link doesn't work just search Sony Computer Entertainment in publisher
12th best selling title published by Sony in Americas last week

kowenicki said:
Seece said:
kowenicki said:

Ive just noticed that the Wii is in danger of falling below its 2007 sales year to date... meaning thsi year will be its worst year since launch.

It's now about 400k above 2007 on a comparable YTD, 3.5m down on 2008 and 300k down on 2009.


What did it do from now to end of year same time in 07? (not at my computer so can't check)

2007 - 7.2m

2008 - 10.8m

2009 - 11.7m


So it will likely beat 2007 in the end...

or will it... it is now tracking lower on a weekly basis than 2007.

This week in 2007 - 211,179... It wont get anywhere near that this week.



I wonder if Nintendo will drop the price 2 years in a row, something Sony and Microsoft havn't even done themselves.


Around the Network
Boutros said:
Shorty11857 said:
Boutros said:
Seece said:
Boutros said:

So neither Kung Fu Rider nor Start the Party! sold more than 4k? lawl

It's good! Might send out a message to 3rd partys to avoid putting trash on the Move.

Yeah lol

But I think they were not tracked because Kung Fu Rider isn't in the sales database and it still says N/A for Start the Party.

I kind of hope for Kung Fu Rider to flop indeed but I thought Start the Party looked swell.

Kung Fu Rider sold 3,411. Can't find Start the Party anywhere

How do you know about Kung Fu Rider?

Klick on Kung Fu Rider on the EMEAA software charts...

Seece said:
Maynard_Tool said:
Seece said:
Maynard_Tool said:
Seece said:
Maynard_Tool said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

 Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

I'm gonna be saying it as it reachs ever closer It's something that needs to be celebrated, HD consoles getting the marketshare they deserve.

Hahahaha well, then wait until December 31st to create the thread of it actually happening. I mean, if it stays like that at the end of the year. 

And HD consoles have the marketshare they deserve.They don't deserve more than they have

But yeah, when you know the war is lost, every small victory is worth celebrating...I guess.

Who needs to wait till the end of the year? If it happens it happens, still a milestone.

Not true, MS and Sony have worked their asses off a lot harder than Nintendo this gen, and they've delivered each year with no lull in games. They deserve more.

I don't care about Wii being first per say, I will celebrate when the 360, and even PS3 are ahead, because they deserve it more IMO.

Hahahahahaha well, because if at the end of the year wii finishes with 40% or more, well.... it didn't even matter. Not like it matters right... one year... the whole generation. Is not going to make a difference.

No, Nintendo was the one that risked the more coming into this generation. Hence, they got the best out of that risky move. If third parties weren't such bitches, Nintendo would be the one to have EVEN more... and they actually deserved it. 3rd parties have try to ignore the wii for too long now, but still nintendo is killing everything this gen ;)

MS and Sony just waited 4 years to notice how motion controllers are bringing a new experience that was needed into this indrustry. Now we see they announced Move and Kinect, while 4 years ago they were making fun of the wii.... yeah, they really worked their asses this gen xD

Yeah, you don't care at the wii being #1, that's why every week you go on about "this is the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th week on a row that X360 is above the wii...." suuuuuure man.

And yeah I understand, as I said before... when you lost the important fight, every little thing you win seems important all of the sudden =)

First part - You're missing the point, overall it doesn't matter to sales. It does highlight really how "dominant" wii has actually been this gen, when 4 years in it can only muster near a third of sales for the year.

Nintendo didn't have a choice but to do Wii, they would have been slaughtered if they did something similar to Sony and MS, so it was Wii .. or go home, don't make out they were some brave warriors to make that decision, they were left choicless.

Third part, ugh, I already explained that. I've never cared abut Wii being first, even when it overtook 360. I DO care and want to celebrate when 360 or PS3 outsell it, because like I already said, they deserve to IMO. Get it?

And like I said, I don't give a flying monekys about the "Important fight", I care about the here and now, and any week the HD outsell the Wii is a great week for gaming. IMO.

Well actually.... coming out a year later than the X360, and comparing sales... it really shows you how dominant the wii has been. Picking a year, months or weeks, is not even important. You have to look the big picture, not a small part of it.

Nintendo didn't have a choice? Really... they had plenty of choices, and they chose the right one. Just like the N64. they had choices, and they made some mistakes there, and they ended up paying  for them. You cannot say the wii was the only option they had... is BS. Yes, they were brave, coming out as the underdog and kicking everyone's asses... no one expected that one.


I didn't know you were living in a cherry pick world, when the only thing that matters are those that you like xD I don't think life works that way. But w/e makes you happy. If you are happy with 25 out of 200 weeks (random numbers) ok, good for u =)

KillerMan said:

Even Halo Reach is not enough to defeat DS ww (when Japan numbers are out). That thing is just something else. 3DS already announced and it just keeps selling. wow.

Amazing Reach numbers but at the same time some guys here really should calm down. If you compare Reach sales to Halo 3 sales in sales site you hate Halo? wtf really.

Solid PS3 sales. Nothing amazing but no disaster either.

Wii needs more games.

PSP is PSP... slowly dying away (outside of Japan). it needs price drop asap.

Nobody is saying that.  People are saying that calling 4M in one week disappointing is ridiculous, which it is...

Shorty11857 said:
Boutros said:
Shorty11857 said:
Boutros said:
Seece said:
Boutros said:

So neither Kung Fu Rider nor Start the Party! sold more than 4k? lawl

It's good! Might send out a message to 3rd partys to avoid putting trash on the Move.

Yeah lol

But I think they were not tracked because Kung Fu Rider isn't in the sales database and it still says N/A for Start the Party.

I kind of hope for Kung Fu Rider to flop indeed but I thought Start the Party looked swell.

Kung Fu Rider sold 3,411. Can't find Start the Party anywhere

How do you know about Kung Fu Rider? Computer Entertainment

if the link doesn't work just search Sony Computer Entertainment in publisher
12th best selling title published by Sony in Americas last week

Ok thanks!

Woah I never knew about that feature. Thanks for that too!

Seece, just imagine if MS or Sony had to rely on first party alone and then tell us who's worked harder this gen. When MS or Sony can create multiple 20M sellers EVERY YEAR instead of killing great GAMING companies like Rare, they might get a look in.

MS and Sony haven't worked hard, Bobby Kotick did all the hard work.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!