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kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Forza Motorsport 3 (X360)
47 9,391 1,472,324

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
127 9,096 1,112,354

I'm sorry but this has to be shown!

People need to stop doubting GT5, seriously!

Excellent spot, Darth.

A point well worth making. ;)

yeah.. I have another one... more people bought GT5P than pre-ordered GT5.

So, what you're saying is, GT5 is doomed in America because 2.5 years of Prologue sales is greater than the pre-orders for the full game over a month from release?

That's the second time I've been lost for words in this thread.

I didnt say anything of the kind...  what ever provided that leap in your thought process?

What it means to me is that people are getting GT5P now in readiness to play GT5.  if you checked even my recent post history you would see plenty of complimentary GT5 posts.

Strawmen are typical arguments by some people on this site who can't stand people disagreeing with them.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Around the Network
patapon said:
ioi said:

There was a copy error on the PS3 numbers guys - should have been 65k

Oh, thank god

For a moment there, I thought move gave the ps3 negitive sales!

"Oh, there's the PS3 you were looking for honey... Wait, what is this?? They copied the Wii? I'm sickened. Let's just go"

darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

CGI-Quality said:
themanwithnoname said:
CGI-Quality said:

The estimated 4.2 mill for week 1 would mean Halo received 400,000 more fans, give or take, depending on it's lifetime. For those who expected 5 mill week 1, it's not that 4.2 mill is disappointing, but rather your expectations were a little high.

Before they can truly be pegged as disappointing, lets see how the legs are. Keep an eye on the week-to-week (in conjunction with Halo 3). Chances are, Reach will still pull off 11-12 million.

Okay, again, the numbers are above Halo 3 and the 2nd biggest launch on one platform of all time. How can they ever "truly be pegged as disappointing?"

Whoa, calm down there sir, I'm not saying the numbers are. I'm saying that's really the only way to track that.

I'm saying that anybody concluding these numbers to be disappointing is dillusional. There is no way anybody can ever make 4 million sales in the first week ever look disappointing.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

I think Reach is gonna have much longer legs than H3, lots of people are talking about the game and how addictive the multiplayer is.

Around the Network
Maynard_Tool said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

I'm gonna be saying it as it reachs ever closer It's something that needs to be celebrated, HD consoles getting the marketshare they deserve.


Maynard_Tool said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

Honestly I don't even know why seece started picking on nintendogamer in the first place. A lot of people here make redundant posts, me included.


Even Halo Reach is not enough to defeat DS ww (when Japan numbers are out). That thing is just something else. 3DS already announced and it just keeps selling. wow.

Amazing Reach numbers but at the same time some guys here really should calm down. If you compare Reach sales to Halo 3 sales in sales site you hate Halo? wtf really.

Solid PS3 sales. Nothing amazing but no disaster either.

Wii needs more games.

PSP is PSP... slowly dying away (outside of Japan). it needs price drop asap.

Seece said:
Maynard_Tool said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

I'm gonna be saying it as it reachs ever closer It's something that needs to be celebrated, HD consoles getting the marketshare they deserve.

Hahahaha well, then wait until December 31st to create the thread of it actually happening. I mean, if it stays like that at the end of the year. 

And HD consoles have the marketshare they deserve.They don't deserve more than they have

But yeah, when you know the war is lost, every small victory is worth celebrating...I guess.

huaxiong90 said:
thx1139 said:
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Forza Motorsport 3 (X360)
47 9,391 1,472,324

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
127 9,096 1,112,354

I'm sorry but this has to be shown!

People need to stop doubting GT5, seriously!

Excellent spot, Darth.

A point well worth making. ;)

yeah.. I have another one... more people bought GT5P than pre-ordered GT5.

PS3 fans still assuming that all the people that bought GT5P will buy a new PS3 for GT5?

If there's an LE bundle, it's not that farfetched. I think Reach and FFXIII (granted, that was the series' entry into this generation) proved this.

I think Reach proves my point about hardware boosts.  Launch week looks like about 120K hardware bump.  Nice but nothing that says that 360 sales have been given a permanent boost of even 10%.  I expect similiar from GT5.  Few extra 100K and that will be it.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.