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Forums - Sales Discussion - Are you happy with the way VGC tracks Move sales ?


Are you happy with the way VGC tracks Move sales ?

No. They should track total # of units sold. 53 32.92%
Yes ! Its fine. 78 48.45%
Include the real number sold in brackets ! 30 18.63%
ioi said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
ioi said:

This isn't really open to debate.

We are not going to be "tracking" Move since we don't track any other peripheral publically on the site. What we will be doing is offering periodic updates on Move and Kinect penetration.

How often can we expect sales numbers ? 


Fine. At significant dates, say quarters or halves, or years, whichever's viable and significant, you could include also launch and time aligned comparison charts amongst Move, Kinect, WM Plus and Balance Board, to get a quite immediate idea of the respective sales curves... Although since Ninty started bundling WM Plus with Wii almost everywhere, the comparison with it is less significant, before that happened the earlier launched and widely appealing Balance Board surely ruled, both launch and time aligned.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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Ok, unless you made exactly the same complaints when exactly the same thing happened to the Balance Board, and Wii Motion , then you do not have the right to complain now

ioi said:
VXIII said:

Follow that method in tracking consoles and look what happens , there'd be huge differences especially for the 360 , It's only the userbase that matters after all right ? ;)

Don't get me wrong people, I'm fine with it as long as we'll get the various skus numbers.

Follow what method in tracking consoles? If somebody were to go out and buy 3 cameras and 10 Move controllers it would class as 3 units of Move hardware. If they bought 5 cameras and 4 controllers it classes as 4 units of Move hardware.

It really isn't that difficult and isn't analagous at all to somebody buying, for example, a 360 then a 360 S. If a person wishes to buy multiple pieces of Move hardware then they would all count in just the same way. All we are saying is that somebody buying 4 controllers and 1 camera classes as one pieces of Move hardware not four in much the same way that someone buying a Wii and 4 controllers counts as one unit of Wii hardware or somebody buying a Kinect camera would class as one unit of Kinect hardware. I can't see how anybody would think it a reasonable comparison to count individual controllers for Move?

But then suppose that I buy a new PS3 becuase of YLOD. I suppose that developers/companies/you would still be interested in userbase in that case as I would only be able to buy 1 game but not 2. Argument has been posted before with quite significant frequency in relation to hardware malfunction.

GodOfWar_3ever said:

I'm not unhappy with Move fact, I couldn't care less for it.

if that were the case, this thread wouldn't exist, or would be posted by someone else. Someone who couldn't care less might reply to a thread like this, but certainly not make the thread. Some people obviously don't like the way sales are tracked because they wish to flaunt move sales in the future, and this method obviously makes that a lot more difficult.

Fufinu said:
ioi said:
VXIII said:


But then suppose that I buy a new PS3 becuase of YLOD. I suppose that developers/companies/you would still be interested in userbase in that case as I would only be able to buy 1 game but not 2. Argument has been posted before with quite significant frequency in relation to hardware malfunction.


Twisted logic there.


PS3s replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

PSeyes replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional PS3 controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional Move controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz


Sounds pretty consistent and sensible to me. What exactly was your problem again?

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scottie said:
Fufinu said:
ioi said:
VXIII said:


But then suppose that I buy a new PS3 becuase of YLOD. I suppose that developers/companies/you would still be interested in userbase in that case as I would only be able to buy 1 game but not 2. Argument has been posted before with quite significant frequency in relation to hardware malfunction.


Twisted logic there.


PS3s replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

PSeyes replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional PS3 controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional Move controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz


Sounds pretty consistent and sensible to me. What exactly was your problem again?

Discussion centered around the idea that userbase is what matters for Move. Definitely not so for consoles. Pretty simple logic here.

No. I prefer to see total numbers. 

I think the tracking of PSeye move controler is a great way to estimate the sales.

And they accounted 25% for PSEye owners that buy a controler.... this on the other hand might be a bit low in the first week, as someone who did buy the PSEye may be more inclined to try the novelty that is move on release.

However in the long run, it should be even less than 25%, some people will buy 4 controlers to play with friends (heck I had 7 PS1 controlers and 2 multitaps).


On the other hand, if you reallywant an estimate number, you can also track the sports champion sales... as it'd be a bit idiotic to buy move and not this, which is the current main attraction for it. (for info, wii sports was above 50% penetration in japan where it sold separately... with the lack of content for the move, you should assume SChamp is at least at 90% penetration in the first weeks).


Fufinu said:
scottie said:
Fufinu said:
ioi said:
VXIII said:



Twisted logic there.


PS3s replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

PSeyes replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional PS3 controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional Move controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz


Sounds pretty consistent and sensible to me. What exactly was your problem again?

Discussion centered around the idea that userbase is what matters for Move. Definitely not so for consoles. Pretty simple logic here.

Wait, why does userbase not matter for consoles?

kowenicki said:
scottie said:
Fufinu said:
ioi said:
VXIII said:


But then suppose that I buy a new PS3 becuase of YLOD. I suppose that developers/companies/you would still be interested in userbase in that case as I would only be able to buy 1 game but not 2. Argument has been posted before with quite significant frequency in relation to hardware malfunction.


Twisted logic there.


PS3s replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

PSeyes replaced due to out of warranty failures still count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional PS3 controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz

Additional Move controllers bought do NOT count as a sale according to VGChartz


Sounds pretty consistent and sensible to me. What exactly was your problem again?

I wonder if the answer has anything to do with the 360, RROD and the gap of 5.5m 

call me a cynic...

LOL XD , good one



Now after you mentioned the  "active userbase"  thing , it actually makes more sense .