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Forums - General Discussion - Communism Vs. Capitalism

steven787 said:
Rab said:
Democratic Communism:

Democratic communism is a socio-economic system with communism as the economic basis and democracy as the governing principle. This entails that the means of production would be controlled and owned by the entire population and that political power would be in the hands of the people, whether through democracy that is representative or direct.

We often think Communism as always run like the Soviet totalitarian government, but in fact it can be a democracy, these have occurred particularly in South America but in recent times the US has stamped them out

The US government and other western governments and Corporate business would find Democratic Communism to be a real threat and challenge as it's a stable fair system of government that works outside the capitalist system of ownership which all western governments have based their societies on, such a challenge is not easily tolerated by the wealthy of the world, it would undermine their power over us the people


This video is kind of related to the topic. The Worlds Rich controlling all the worlds population and resources through our own greed and fears, this will result eventually where a few will rule the many for ever

Socialism in the US is unpopular for several reasons.

1. People who live here choose to, and choose to because they believe they can do better in a profit motivated system.

2. US citizens may not have the highest median income world-wide but they have the highest 2nd quartile. This means that the 2nd quartile lives better than in any other country, while the 1st quartile is poorer in some respects they still are pretty split (see #1).

3. People above the median income (the 3rd and 4th quartiles) are the ones who run the country. The US gov't, the States, and municipalities are very big, pretty much anyone from the top half can get a position in gov't if they wanted to. They don't want to because of the profit motivator. The poorer half can get jobs in government pretty easily; actually Police, Military, Education, Public Health are all desparate for workers.

Revolutions (peaceful or violent) only happen when the richer half of society is still opressed by a separate political class. In Russia and China, the only major Communist revolutionary instances, happened with considerable outside influence and world war in countries with almost no middle class.

If you are a true socialist in the US you could be branded a "pinko" or communist, openly saying you have socialist leanings could lead you into trouble in the US unlike many other democracies in the western world

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ssj12 said:
takeru51 said:
Unfortunately communism will never work. Human nature gets in the way. Somebody will always want more than someone else.

The trick is to have a socialized republic.

 well that will never happen in the USA. Damn politians. If only Ron Paul would win. 

You do know that Ron Paul is against anything resembling a socialized republic...

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

Rab said:
steven787 said:
Rab said:
Democratic Communism:

Democratic communism is a socio-economic system with communism as the economic basis and democracy as the governing principle. This entails that the means of production would be controlled and owned by the entire population and that political power would be in the hands of the people, whether through democracy that is representative or direct.

We often think Communism as always run like the Soviet totalitarian government, but in fact it can be a democracy, these have occurred particularly in South America but in recent times the US has stamped them out

The US government and other western governments and Corporate business would find Democratic Communism to be a real threat and challenge as it's a stable fair system of government that works outside the capitalist system of ownership which all western governments have based their societies on, such a challenge is not easily tolerated by the wealthy of the world, it would undermine their power over us the people


This video is kind of related to the topic. The Worlds Rich controlling all the worlds population and resources through our own greed and fears, this will result eventually where a few will rule the many for ever

Socialism in the US is unpopular for several reasons.

1. People who live here choose to, and choose to because they believe they can do better in a profit motivated system.

2. US citizens may not have the highest median income world-wide but they have the highest 2nd quartile. This means that the 2nd quartile lives better than in any other country, while the 1st quartile is poorer in some respects they still are pretty split (see #1).

3. People above the median income (the 3rd and 4th quartiles) are the ones who run the country. The US gov't, the States, and municipalities are very big, pretty much anyone from the top half can get a position in gov't if they wanted to. They don't want to because of the profit motivator. The poorer half can get jobs in government pretty easily; actually Police, Military, Education, Public Health are all desparate for workers.

Revolutions (peaceful or violent) only happen when the richer half of society is still opressed by a separate political class. In Russia and China, the only major Communist revolutionary instances, happened with considerable outside influence and world war in countries with almost no middle class.

If you are socialist in the US you could be branded a "pinko" or communist, openly saying you have socialist leanings could lead you into trouble in the US unlike any other democracy in the western world

Socialism in the US is linked to Communism because Americans think Revolutionary Socialism and generally don't like Socialist ideology.  The US is a two party country; being Socialist, Libertarian, Green, Nazi, Communist or any other party gets you a cockeyed glance from most people.  Independents or undecided voter are usually somewhere between Republican or Democrat, only a small portion consider themselves on the fringe.  The far left and right wing of each respective party tend to represent the more socialist/libertarian views anyway.

Pinko was last used in 1963, by a republican who had missed the whole end of Mccarthyism.  He was out of touch and didn't have an understanding of US politics. :)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Zucas said:

While with Communism in theory it sounds good, but has never been executed correctly do to most governments in general being pretty bad at carrying out anything.

It can be good in practice even in poor places like Cuba where the health system is arguably better for everyone than in the much more wealthy US


steven787 said:
Rab said:
steven787 said:
Rab said:
Democratic Communism:

Democratic communism is a socio-economic system with communism as the economic basis and democracy as the governing principle. This entails that the means of production would be controlled and owned by the entire population and that political power would be in the hands of the people, whether through democracy that is representative or direct.

We often think Communism as always run like the Soviet totalitarian government, but in fact it can be a democracy, these have occurred particularly in South America but in recent times the US has stamped them out

The US government and other western governments and Corporate business would find Democratic Communism to be a real threat and challenge as it's a stable fair system of government that works outside the capitalist system of ownership which all western governments have based their societies on, such a challenge is not easily tolerated by the wealthy of the world, it would undermine their power over us the people


This video is kind of related to the topic. The Worlds Rich controlling all the worlds population and resources through our own greed and fears, this will result eventually where a few will rule the many for ever

Socialism in the US is unpopular for several reasons.

1. People who live here choose to, and choose to because they believe they can do better in a profit motivated system.

2. US citizens may not have the highest median income world-wide but they have the highest 2nd quartile. This means that the 2nd quartile lives better than in any other country, while the 1st quartile is poorer in some respects they still are pretty split (see #1).

3. People above the median income (the 3rd and 4th quartiles) are the ones who run the country. The US gov't, the States, and municipalities are very big, pretty much anyone from the top half can get a position in gov't if they wanted to. They don't want to because of the profit motivator. The poorer half can get jobs in government pretty easily; actually Police, Military, Education, Public Health are all desparate for workers.

Revolutions (peaceful or violent) only happen when the richer half of society is still opressed by a separate political class. In Russia and China, the only major Communist revolutionary instances, happened with considerable outside influence and world war in countries with almost no middle class.

If you are socialist in the US you could be branded a "pinko" or communist, openly saying you have socialist leanings could lead you into trouble in the US unlike any other democracy in the western world

Socialism in the US is linked to Communism because Americans think Revolutionary Socialism and generally don't like Socialist ideology. The US is a two party country; being Socialist, Libertarian, Green, Nazi, Communist or any other party gets you a cockeyed glance from most people. Independents or undecided voter are usually somewhere between Republican or Democrat, only a small portion consider themselves on the fringe. The far left and right wing of each respective party tend to represent the more socialist/libertarian views anyway.

Pinko was last used in 1963, by a republican who had missed the whole end of Mccarthyism. He was out of touch and didn't have an understanding of US politics. :)

I was just agreeing with you anyway. It's a shame that socialist ideas in the US can't be easily talked about like you can in places like Australia and Europe. Such dialogue could open up the posiblities of fairer systems particularly for the middle class and poor

Around the Network
stof said:
I'm not touching this thread with a 20 metre pole!

I'm a Social Democrat

hey i have a 20 meter pole!

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
makingmusic476 said:
cAPSLOCK said:
Communism looks great on paper, and that's about the only time it looks even passable. I'm all for any kind of totalitarian government as long as I'm the one in charge.

I'm cool with that as long as I'm your top general. Then I'll lead a coup!

 Enjoy your stay in my rat infested prison for your back stabbing ways, comrade

If you want to know what life was like under communism read a book by Ayn Rand.

The worst part about communism? No videogames!

currently playing: Desktop Tower Defense (PC), Puzzle Quest (DS), Trauma Center New Blood (Wii), Guitar Hero III (Wii), Ghost Squad (Wii), Actraiser (SNES), Donkey Kong County (SNES), The Legend of Zelda (NES), Kirby's Adventure (NES)

will play next: Paper Mario (N64), Golden Axe II (Sega), NiGHTS (Wii)


Join the Ron Paul RLOVEution, support Ron Paul for president in the 2008 Republican presidential primary!

@Rab: I don't think we agree. It's not a shame to me. I would rather be poor but have the oppurtunity to be rich. Besides, I am poor but compared to communists I eat better, travel better, dress better, live in a nicer building, etc.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

FreeTalkLive rocks! said:
If you want to know what life was like under communism read a book by Ayn Rand.

The worst part about communism? No videogames!

I guess your alluding to Soviet style Communism there are others like Democratic Communism which would be different again


As for videogames not being in a communist economy that doesnt make sense except as a sterio type. Communism by it's very definition would mean that all things are available to all people including yes you guessed it videogames