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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New 360 4Gs Can't Play Reach's Co-Op

Cthulhu said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I think the people most bothered by this... don't have a 360.

If it was multiplayer all together that would be a huge problem. But just the campaign? I could care less.

Dont get defensive. And yes maybe you dont care, others do

I surely dont care, I was reading the thread as I'm reading the morning news everyday..But I had to reply to your defensive comment. You work for MS or something?

Now that was defensive, Puggsly was simplying pointing out that many of the people posting including the OP don't own 360's.  But back to the issue at hand MS has stated they are wokring on a fix which makes me think the issue is having the 4GB memory identified as an authorized HDD, which is really just a certification fix on LIVE's end.  Will see soon enough if that is the case, if they get a patch out quickly.

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Why is it that Leo-J and BHR only post negative news in the 360 sections?

scat398 said:
Cthulhu said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I think the people most bothered by this... don't have a 360.

If it was multiplayer all together that would be a huge problem. But just the campaign? I could care less.

Dont get defensive. And yes maybe you dont care, others do

I surely dont care, I was reading the thread as I'm reading the morning news everyday..But I had to reply to your defensive comment. You work for MS or something?

Now that was defensive, Puggsly was simplying pointing out that many of the people posting including the OP don't own 360's.  But back to the issue at hand MS has stated they are wokring on a fix which makes me think the issue is having the 4GB memory identified as an authorized HDD, which is really just a certification fix on LIVE's end.  Will see soon enough if that is the case, if they get a patch out quickly.

Interesting theory.  I wonder why they wouldn't have the 4GB so authorized?  Anyway, if that's it then it should be sorted pretty quickly I'd have though.

4GB does seem enough to cache some assets or whatever the engine wants to do for coop.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Lafiel said:
Acevil said:

I couldn't imagine a car without Air Conditioning and Automatic Transmission in this day and age even for the crappiest new car in western society. 

(if that was the joke, I am sorry for not being that much of car guy to understand it)

uhh.. cars with AT are like driving bumper cars at the fair to me - _real cars_ have MT

and AC isn't really needed here in central europe

Umm...not so much for north america.

MT is great for sports cars and GT cars, but no one here wants to be stuck on a highway in stop and go traffic with a manual.

For example, I have 2 cars.

This one:

And this one (actual photo of my car):

Can you guess which one is manual and which one is auto? :)

scat398 said:
Cthulhu said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I think the people most bothered by this... don't have a 360.

If it was multiplayer all together that would be a huge problem. But just the campaign? I could care less.

Dont get defensive. And yes maybe you dont care, others do

I surely dont care, I was reading the thread as I'm reading the morning news everyday..But I had to reply to your defensive comment. You work for MS or something?

Now that was defensive, Puggsly was simplying pointing out that many of the people posting including the OP don't own 360's.  But back to the issue at hand MS has stated they are wokring on a fix which makes me think the issue is having the 4GB memory identified as an authorized HDD, which is really just a certification fix on LIVE's end.  Will see soon enough if that is the case, if they get a patch out quickly.

This. Before the 4gb slim there wasn't enough space unless you had a HD. Small update in halo games or on OS will solve this.

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Jordahn said:
disolitude said:

lol...kinda funny. ITs cheaper to buy the fat 360 than HD for the slim...

But don't buy a base model car and then complain its missing air conditioning and automatic transmission right? :)

Yes, but when you buy a game as the same price as anyone else, you should be able to utilize all the features without having to pay extra.  Paying extra should provide you with what others are not paying for.  Since the offline coop option is in the game, all systems should be able to access the option.  In regards to your "base model" example, a more appropriate option would be to have a cheaper Reach version without offline coop (get what you pay for).  Another option would to have a disclaimer on the game requiring a HDD of sufficient space to inform the consumer.

All I see you do is bash the 360. Do you even own the console?

And in my analogy, the 360 is the "base model", not Reach... The gasoline would be Halo reach, which costs the same, no matter which model car you have.

What ever happend to the idea that everyone who was interested in Halo already had a console (more than likely a 360 fat model)?



"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




It's not a bug, it's a feature! Hardcore gamers are supposed to shell out more money to MS for playing! 360 4G is for miser casuals!!!   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

If I had Xbox Live Gold and only 4gb of memory, I'd hang myself.

--other reasons I'd hang myself:

  • No bacon on my bacon double cheeseburger
  • Dead battery in my Wii remote
  • autoerotic asphyxiation
  • Bath water too cold
  • Bath water too hot
  • If Shrek 5 is released
  • Wesslewoggle stops using drugs
  • Mass Effect 2 comes to the PS3
  • George Clooney portrays Batman again

It's not as big a deal as it will be made out to be.  I think that as long as online multi-player is still intact, the actual gamers won't complain too much.

People are really jumping the gun here.  Microsoft has already stated they are trying to fix the problem, meaning that they did not do this on purpose.  Wait and see if MS alleviate the problem before you start claiming that MS is just trying to make you buy a hard drive.