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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS Move will fail

what the eff happened here?

the thread went into Oblivion..... literally

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JerzeeBalla said:
Killiana1a said:

Sony showed up last and thought, "What a bunch of losers, I would rather be at home hanging out with my emo hipster friends listening to obscure music from a Tarantino movie and playing games no one else plays." 

Is that how you view Sony fans? Cause that is sad if so.

That metaphor actually sounds kinda cool.

I personally think Sony saw a gap in the market, we can bring in a Wii like controller and get some Wii users to upgrade NOW, Why you might ask? Because next Nintendo will bring out a Wii HD with wiimote, and then why would you consider moving to a PS3/Xbox (unless there is a specific game). The opportunity would be lost.

My first console this generation was a Wii, I was excited by the idea of a responsive controller that would mimic my every move (like the idea of playing Tennis and the controller really having an impact), only to find that the controller was effectively cheating (flick of the wrist and it does the same). Not only that the graphics/games are subpar to the AAA games of the current HD twins. Now i moved up to the PS3/Xbox. But think about all those other possible users who might also want to upgrade. Sony wanted to get in before the Wii 1.5/2, so then there is at least an excuse to get people to upgrade (however small that group might be).

As far as sales go, I think Kinect will definately sell more initially, only because of the total PR rubbish that MS has sprouted, right from the 2009 E3 show.  People (general users) are still saying it will work with eye movement, finger movement, Minority report style movement, which it wont, but the general public dont generally read forums and understand this just isnt possible... the general public are not as tech savy as the rest of us.

Move will be a slow burner and i think will do OK, certainly with those that already have the console, it might convince people to upgrade from the Wii, but i dont expect massive numbers.

Games wise, well Move has the better range of games for the controller, while Kinect only has two games of note, Kinectimals (which does look nice) and Dance Central. Neither are revolutionary (though both look great which is important), but will help sell the console, while the rest is pretty poor from a core gaming point of view (imho). Also i doubt very much that Kinect (in this product release) will be able to do any games for the hardcore gamer.

You also have to consider just because it sells, what happens people buy one or two games, consider it rubbish and doesnt buy any more. Its still a success right because they sold a console? Or is it about the amount of Move/Kinect title sales that matter? or is it how many 3rd parties support it?

So I guess the OP said move will fail, but actually there are a number of levels of failure depending on your point of view. We can wait and see until one sells more than the other, but if thats how you judge failure, then personally i think that is wrong.

On a final note (sorry this is so long :) The comment by one user (sorry cannot recall the name), that if Move sales dont set the world alight would affect 3rd parties, I actually dont think it will. If moves sells in the low millions, but implementing it in your game and only takes a few weeks, seriously, I would implement it, because it might mean a few tens of thousands maybe even 100,000 more sales (who knows). Is 5 weeks work to add support that much effort (and it will be less once you have learnt the libraries from your first implementation). While Kinect is going to be alot harder for 3rd parties to add in a normal game you might be developing.

M.U.G.E.N said:
Slimebeast said:

It's my honest opinion. Except Sorcery. Sorcery seems to be a quality game but it's also small and insignificant. (btw for clarification, I mean the Move-only titles, not Move supported games like Socom, GT5 and Killzone). Can u rank the Move lineup? Name your top 5 or something and we can analise their quality and hype.

To try to increase my credibility a little, I'm a guy who consistently says that Sony will finish this gen ahead of Microsoft and that the PS3 exclusive library is better than Xbox 360 despite me being a big Xbox and Microsoft fanboy.

Face palm!

shovelware? REALLY? You're joking right? I mean you casually ignore games like Socom 4, Echochrome 2, Sorcery (which is btw a full fledged game, I don't understand where you get this small and insignificant  from), The Fight, Heroes on the Move, Time Crisis etc. Compared to the competitions launch line up this is way way way better in turms of quality and heck even quantity.

I can't for the life of me understand why you would use the 'me too' argument against move but not for kinect? it's motion control that came after wii and Eyetoy.

Again why do you think it's FORCED? It's a good hw that works vs kinect that still has a lot to prove for itself. So the ofrced one here is Kinect if we follow your logic.

ANd btw let's not talk about how many copes Sorcery will move (which btw I will quote you on it) will move way way way more copies than that...I will even place a bet with you for it...but given how much crow you ate with HR I suggest you don't take the bet

And also saying "I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas." doesn't really make it the truth...just like how saying 'maybe' sony found out about MS and brought out the Move. Because lets face it, one is working great, the other still has many problems to iron out. So if anything MS hand was forced, doesn't matter HOW you try to spin it. Kinect was forced and even had to drop the chip and the sw has many issues according to previews such as notciebale lag.

Let's face it here, Move is getting very nice support from 1st party and 3rd party. Kinect line up is fileld with shovelware with lil to no veriety imo...very little support for the hardcore too. Will it sell? yep...will Move be a failure? No way in hell

Socem and those hardcore games that support Move controls along with normal controls, I didn't mean them when I said shovelware. I meant the games that need Move and I clarified it.

"The Fight" is garbage, it got horrible hands-on impressions. "Time Crisis Move", I can't imagine gamers paying for that one when they already have games like Uncharted and God of War 3. "Heroes on the Move, I haven't checked that out thoroughly but I will in a sec.

You are missing the point. It doesn't matter that Kinect has some technical issues such as lag. Wii had them too in the beginning but it didn't prevent them from selling to casuals.

When people have tried Kinect they walk away with a smile on their face, while comments from people who experienced Move usually are "it was kinda neat".

Sorcery is a quality title and even some people on this forum will appreciate it. But don't come tell me it's an important game. No disrespect to Harry Potter but Sorcery is kinda like Harry Potter.

You are right, I'm very cautious about bets after my Heavy Rain bet.

CGI-Quality said:
Slimebeast said:

Desperate doesn't necessaily mean a rushed product. I never said that. I know that Move is accurate, has almost no lag and it does it's thing, but the whole project feels so forced and halfhearted. It feels so "me too". I honestly believe that Sony didn't want to get dragged into a motion control war but they felt forced to. Sony themselves don't believe in Move. 

The Move software lineup is large but, and I mean no disrespect here, it's all a bunch of shovelware. I see no enthusiasm among Sony fans over any Move title (except maybe a tiny little bit for that Sorcery game, but we're talking about a game that will move 250K copies, if even that).

I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas. It's just obvious reading comments from console fans, when you read between the lines. Deep within us we all (the majority) know that Kinect will be a success while we're very sceptical about Move.

Man, where to begin........

a. Move games are shovelware? Killzone 3, HEAVY RAIN, Socom? Shovelware, really?

b. Sony doesn't believe in Move? I'm guessing they sent you a telegram with such info on it.

c. The "majority" of fans don't know didly. If that were the case, ALAN WAKE would be sitting comfortably above HEAVY RAIN in sales and reviews.

d. As people have been saying, it's all speculation at this point, but you took the cake.

a. I meant Move-only games. Not hardcore games with Move support. Obviously KZ3 and HR are superb games but we don't know yet if Move controls will augment the experience. It could also feel tacked on.

b. Dont u get that feeling? I get a strong feeling Sony don't believe Move will sell much. Their whole presentation of Move from the beginning has felt so uninspired. Plus like Pristine said a couple of posts above, Move will be picked by a few already-fans of Sony, but won't attract any casuals as it's too late in the gen to do Wii motion controls only with HD graphics.

c. Good point.

d. What do you mean I took the cake? I don't see a cake.

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I dont see how it is a negative if a game has been made to fully support move or is a game from scratch to work on move, certainly in the case of KZ3 or Socom. Its not like they have just tacked it on as a mini game, its how you can control the game fully with it.  I think that is the thing that you are missing Slime.

To me that is just like "this is a move released game". While something like the Harry Potter Kinect, is an extra mini game addon which is exactly what you are on about Slime. A game that doesnt fully support the control method. So i have to say i am very confused at your ramblings :)

CGI-Quality said:
Slimebeast said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Slimebeast said:

It's my honest opinion. Except Sorcery. Sorcery seems to be a quality game but it's also small and insignificant. (btw for clarification, I mean the Move-only titles, not Move supported games like Socom, GT5 and Killzone). Can u rank the Move lineup? Name your top 5 or something and we can analise their quality and hype.

To try to increase my credibility a little, I'm a guy who consistently says that Sony will finish this gen ahead of Microsoft and that the PS3 exclusive library is better than Xbox 360 despite me being a big Xbox and Microsoft fanboy.

Face palm!

shovelware? REALLY? You're joking right? I mean you casually ignore games like Socom 4, Echochrome 2, Sorcery (which is btw a full fledged game, I don't understand where you get this small and insignificant  from), The Fight, Heroes on the Move, Time Crisis etc. Compared to the competitions launch line up this is way way way better in turms of quality and heck even quantity.

I can't for the life of me understand why you would use the 'me too' argument against move but not for kinect? it's motion control that came after wii and Eyetoy.

Again why do you think it's FORCED? It's a good hw that works vs kinect that still has a lot to prove for itself. So the ofrced one here is Kinect if we follow your logic.

ANd btw let's not talk about how many copes Sorcery will move (which btw I will quote you on it) will move way way way more copies than that...I will even place a bet with you for it...but given how much crow you ate with HR I suggest you don't take the bet

And also saying "I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas." doesn't really make it the truth...just like how saying 'maybe' sony found out about MS and brought out the Move. Because lets face it, one is working great, the other still has many problems to iron out. So if anything MS hand was forced, doesn't matter HOW you try to spin it. Kinect was forced and even had to drop the chip and the sw has many issues according to previews such as notciebale lag.

Let's face it here, Move is getting very nice support from 1st party and 3rd party. Kinect line up is fileld with shovelware with lil to no veriety imo...very little support for the hardcore too. Will it sell? yep...will Move be a failure? No way in hell

Socem and those hardcore games that support Move controls along with normal controls, I didn't mean them when I said shovelware. I meant the games that need Move and I clarified it.

"The Fight" is garbage, it got horrible hands-on impressions. "Time Crisis Move", I can't imagine gamers paying for that one when they already have games like Uncharted and God of War 3. "Heroes on the Move, I haven't checked that out thoroughly but I will in a sec.

You are missing the point. It doesn't matter that Kinect has some technical issues such as lag. Wii had them too in the beginning but it didn't prevent them from selling to casuals.

When people have tried Kinect they walk away with a smile on their face, while comments from people who experienced Move usually are "it was kinda neat".

Sorcery is a quality title and even some people on this forum will appreciate it. But don't come tell me it's an important game. No disrespect to Harry Potter but Sorcery is kinda like Harry Potter.

You are right, I'm very cautious about bets after my Heavy Rain bet.

Would you please link us to those claims about The Fight? And since you've yet to use it, I'm not sure how you could peg it as "garbage". Kinect has been getting some pretty awful previews too, is it garbage?

I think this is your lowest slimebeast. I've seen some pretty ridiculous posts from you in the past, but I'm truly shocked right now.

@slimbeast: here is your answer to The Fight and keep in mind this is the 60% build

Socom was made ground up with Move in mind...that is all

and lol what? I know you're a bit desperate to prove your point here slimbeast but come ONNNN! kinect people walk away with smiles but Move users don't? Have you even seen any hands on previews or user feedback lately? GDC was a while ago mate...reactions ahev changed a lot by GC

ugh don't come to tell you what exactly? that one of the most talked about games at E3 is not big? one of the games whose previews had nothing but praise is not big? jsut becaue it has a guy with a stick it's  like harry potter? do all of us a favor and go check gameplay of HP for Kienct vs Sorcery for just can't be taken seriously now

again if you are so confident it's a small game and won't sell more than 250k..let's bet on it! :) walk the walk or are you just talk

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CGI-Quality said:
Slimebeast said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Slimebeast said:

It's my honest opinion. Except Sorcery. Sorcery seems to be a quality game but it's also small and insignificant. (btw for clarification, I mean the Move-only titles, not Move supported games like Socom, GT5 and Killzone). Can u rank the Move lineup? Name your top 5 or something and we can analise their quality and hype.

To try to increase my credibility a little, I'm a guy who consistently says that Sony will finish this gen ahead of Microsoft and that the PS3 exclusive library is better than Xbox 360 despite me being a big Xbox and Microsoft fanboy.

Face palm!

shovelware? REALLY? You're joking right? I mean you casually ignore games like Socom 4, Echochrome 2, Sorcery (which is btw a full fledged game, I don't understand where you get this small and insignificant  from), The Fight, Heroes on the Move, Time Crisis etc. Compared to the competitions launch line up this is way way way better in turms of quality and heck even quantity.

I can't for the life of me understand why you would use the 'me too' argument against move but not for kinect? it's motion control that came after wii and Eyetoy.

Again why do you think it's FORCED? It's a good hw that works vs kinect that still has a lot to prove for itself. So the ofrced one here is Kinect if we follow your logic.

ANd btw let's not talk about how many copes Sorcery will move (which btw I will quote you on it) will move way way way more copies than that...I will even place a bet with you for it...but given how much crow you ate with HR I suggest you don't take the bet

And also saying "I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas." doesn't really make it the truth...just like how saying 'maybe' sony found out about MS and brought out the Move. Because lets face it, one is working great, the other still has many problems to iron out. So if anything MS hand was forced, doesn't matter HOW you try to spin it. Kinect was forced and even had to drop the chip and the sw has many issues according to previews such as notciebale lag.

Let's face it here, Move is getting very nice support from 1st party and 3rd party. Kinect line up is fileld with shovelware with lil to no veriety imo...very little support for the hardcore too. Will it sell? yep...will Move be a failure? No way in hell

Socem and those hardcore games that support Move controls along with normal controls, I didn't mean them when I said shovelware. I meant the games that need Move and I clarified it.

"The Fight" is garbage, it got horrible hands-on impressions. "Time Crisis Move", I can't imagine gamers paying for that one when they already have games like Uncharted and God of War 3. "Heroes on the Move, I haven't checked that out thoroughly but I will in a sec.

You are missing the point. It doesn't matter that Kinect has some technical issues such as lag. Wii had them too in the beginning but it didn't prevent them from selling to casuals.

When people have tried Kinect they walk away with a smile on their face, while comments from people who experienced Move usually are "it was kinda neat".

Sorcery is a quality title and even some people on this forum will appreciate it. But don't come tell me it's an important game. No disrespect to Harry Potter but Sorcery is kinda like Harry Potter.

You are right, I'm very cautious about bets after my Heavy Rain bet.

Would you please link us to those claims about The Fight? And since you've yet to use it, I'm not sure how you could peg it as "garbage". Kinect has been getting some pretty awful previews too, is it garbage?

I think this is your lowest slimebeast. I've seen some pretty ridiculous posts from you in the past, but I'm truly shocked right now.

The first hands-on preview of The Fight that came up on Google:

"Like all of the games that we played during this Beta event, The Fight: Lights Out isn't the finished article, but it's hard to see just how they can improve the game apart from starting from scratch. Move will have a great boxing game one day, but this isn’t going to be it."

Kinect has had some so and so previews, yes I know, but obviously that will happen when it's such a non-hardcore device. But that's not the point. It doesn't matter if we, hardcore gamers, prefer classic controllers over motion controls, or that we feel stupid jumping in front of a dance game. The point is casuals will love Kinect and that's what I mean when I say that we all know this deep within us.

This is my lowest? It must be pretty damn low then.

Sorry but I didn't know this was controversial. I honestly thought most gamers including Sony fans weren't enthusiastic about Move.

MakeAmazing said:

I dont see how it is a negative if a game has been made to fully support move or is a game from scratch to work on move, certainly in the case of KZ3 or Socom. Its not like they have just tacked it on as a mini game, its how you can control the game fully with it.  I think that is the thing that you are missing Slime.

To me that is just like "this is a move released game". While something like the Harry Potter Kinect, is an extra mini game addon which is exactly what you are on about Slime. A game that doesnt fully support the control method. So i have to say i am very confused at your ramblings :)

I didn't say Move support for hardcore games is negative. I was just clarifying that when I said "shovelware" I meant the Move exclusive lineup (minus Sorcery).

Again, my argument is that the success of neither the Move or Kinect will depend on hardcore gamers. So it simply doesn't matter if Socum and KZ3 gets nice Move support because I don't belive that's enough for the hardcore gamers to buy Move in large numbers.

I didn't know there was a Harry Potter game for Kinect. I just used the analogy to show that Sorcery, while being a nice looking game, isn't an important title. Think of it as say... 3D Dot Heroes or Lil King's Story. A nice little game but hardly has any significance for hardware sales.

I know what you are trying to say, but i think thats the wrong way to look at it personally. You need to take Move as a whole, what works with it and what doesnt, what is only a mini game, what is full support. So to exclude Socom and KZ3, LP2, RE Gold because they are not move only is folly.

The fighting game actually looks pretty good, and the video i saw the other day, it seemed pretty accurate/fast.

Yes the other games are not my cup of tea, but why spend 1 year making a total hardcore game that will be move only, that would be a mistake, while making a AAA game support Move is a much better business decision and will make the current owners of the PS3 happier about buying Move.

While Kinect at the moment is ignoring the current user base and going straight for casual users, either thats a mistake from MS, they dont care, or they just cant figure out how to get it into a core AAA game.

The harry potter game is using a normal controller and has (as far as i understand it) a level/area that uses kinect so its not the whole game (again as far as i know)... though its not a pretty sight at the moment- - note the sound is very quiet on it.