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M.U.G.E.N said:
Slimebeast said:

It's my honest opinion. Except Sorcery. Sorcery seems to be a quality game but it's also small and insignificant. (btw for clarification, I mean the Move-only titles, not Move supported games like Socom, GT5 and Killzone). Can u rank the Move lineup? Name your top 5 or something and we can analise their quality and hype.

To try to increase my credibility a little, I'm a guy who consistently says that Sony will finish this gen ahead of Microsoft and that the PS3 exclusive library is better than Xbox 360 despite me being a big Xbox and Microsoft fanboy.

Face palm!

shovelware? REALLY? You're joking right? I mean you casually ignore games like Socom 4, Echochrome 2, Sorcery (which is btw a full fledged game, I don't understand where you get this small and insignificant  from), The Fight, Heroes on the Move, Time Crisis etc. Compared to the competitions launch line up this is way way way better in turms of quality and heck even quantity.

I can't for the life of me understand why you would use the 'me too' argument against move but not for kinect? it's motion control that came after wii and Eyetoy.

Again why do you think it's FORCED? It's a good hw that works vs kinect that still has a lot to prove for itself. So the ofrced one here is Kinect if we follow your logic.

ANd btw let's not talk about how many copes Sorcery will move (which btw I will quote you on it) will move way way way more copies than that...I will even place a bet with you for it...but given how much crow you ate with HR I suggest you don't take the bet

And also saying "I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas." doesn't really make it the truth...just like how saying 'maybe' sony found out about MS and brought out the Move. Because lets face it, one is working great, the other still has many problems to iron out. So if anything MS hand was forced, doesn't matter HOW you try to spin it. Kinect was forced and even had to drop the chip and the sw has many issues according to previews such as notciebale lag.

Let's face it here, Move is getting very nice support from 1st party and 3rd party. Kinect line up is fileld with shovelware with lil to no veriety imo...very little support for the hardcore too. Will it sell? yep...will Move be a failure? No way in hell

Socem and those hardcore games that support Move controls along with normal controls, I didn't mean them when I said shovelware. I meant the games that need Move and I clarified it.

"The Fight" is garbage, it got horrible hands-on impressions. "Time Crisis Move", I can't imagine gamers paying for that one when they already have games like Uncharted and God of War 3. "Heroes on the Move, I haven't checked that out thoroughly but I will in a sec.

You are missing the point. It doesn't matter that Kinect has some technical issues such as lag. Wii had them too in the beginning but it didn't prevent them from selling to casuals.

When people have tried Kinect they walk away with a smile on their face, while comments from people who experienced Move usually are "it was kinda neat".

Sorcery is a quality title and even some people on this forum will appreciate it. But don't come tell me it's an important game. No disrespect to Harry Potter but Sorcery is kinda like Harry Potter.

You are right, I'm very cautious about bets after my Heavy Rain bet.