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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X-Play Best of 2007 Awards

leo-j said:
Cod4 does not have the best graphics, all those ps3 games on the list top it graphicly and in animation...

besides uncharted nothin on ps3 has better graphics then call of duty 4

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endurance said:
leo-j said:
Cod4 does not have the best graphics, all those ps3 games on the list top it graphicly and in animation...

besides uncharted nothin on ps3 has better graphics then call of duty 4

 I'm going to dissagree with you and say that Ratchet and Clank had vastly superior graphics AND art style, higher detailed textures, much richer color, hell I think Heavenly sword has better graphics personally. COD was ok.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Go MLB Power Pros.

 My choices from that list:

Game of the Year * Super Mario Galaxy (Creative, brings me back to Mario 64 days, it's pretty much perfect)

Most Original Game
* Portal (It was based off Narbacular Drop, the Portal creators' original game, but I mean, it still hadn't been done or released to the mainstream until Valve picked them up and threw Portal into the Orange Box.  Zack and Wiki came close...)

Best Gameplay Innovation
* Mass Effect (conversation system) (Making choices in RPGs is old news, but the new system with nearly real-time conversations, and changing up the actual dialogue from the text is refreshing, I hope more games build off this.)

Best Multiplayer Game
* Team Fortress 2 (A game 8 years in the making, and it's well-rounded, extremely fun, easy to pick up but you get better as you go, it's nearly perfect.)

Best Action/Adventure Game
* Super Mario Galaxy (I mean...if it gets GOTY, I'd expect it to be the top of the list for its genre as well...)

Best Sports Game
* Forza Motorsport 2 (I haven't played any of the games on this list except for yeah...)

Best Shooter
* BioShock (It was definitely a great game, second on the list of GOTY for me.)

Best Role Playing Game
* Mass Effect (Seems obvious to me...Bioware makes the best RPGs.)

Best New Character
* Weighted Companion Cube (Portal) ( will never stab you.)

Best Art Direction
* Super Mario Galaxy (The space setting gives them unlimited creativity and it rocks.)

Best Animation
* Heavenly Sword (I kinda just picked one here...I know they did a ton of work with motion capture and facial animations, and I liked what I saw.)

Best Writing/Story
* Mass Effect (Huge, epic game...they put a ton of work into making a world just as believable as the Star Wars universe, only this time there's no limitations, as well as no ewoks.)

Best Original Soundtrack
* Super Mario Galaxy (Can't beat the classics mixed with the new, with the great orchestral recordings.  Mass Effect's score sounded good from what I heard, but I'm guessing it's not really groundbreaking as far as soundtracks go.)

Best Sound Design
* BioShock (not really an expert on judging "Sound Design", but the voice acting and atmosphere was great)

Best Downloadable Content
* The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles (XBL) (Didn't own any of these, but I had played the Elder Scrolls expansion, and it was a good expansion from what I saw)

Best Strategy Game
* Supreme Commander (It's a sweeet game.  I like Company of Heroes, but Supreme Commander has sucked more time out of me.)

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )


Heavenly sword looks better graphicly(and art style) than cod4. So does ratchet easily, and uncharted easily.


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leo-j said:

Heavenly sword looks better graphicly(and art style) than cod4. So does ratchet easily, and uncharted easily.

Maybe it is just the fact that I really like CoD that I feel a need to defend it, but opinion=/=fact. EDIT: sorry, I should explain that I am talking about the art style.  I don't know which one is superior from a technical standpoint

To keep with the topic, other than the best innovation category, I pretty much agree with the list. MP3 perhaps could have been in the best adventure, but not so much for the best shooter category.


When do their pics air?

There best gameplay innovation shit is a joke haha.

The only innovative game is Mass effect dialog. The rest definetly have been done before

Pretty nice list, I don't have opinions on many of the pics away from the PS3 titles since I haven't played them. I definitely like seeing R&C there as well as Super Stardust HD(great pick up and play game). I STILL haven't got my hands on COD4, been away from my PS3 for a month.... :( WAH!!!