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Forums - Sales Discussion - Heavy Rain shifts 1.5m units worldwide

I hope it's going to be nominated for an Oscar or someting! >.>

It deserves a lot of praise.

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Heavy Rain threads are always so damn epic.

OT - congrats to the game and it's developers. Totally deserved.






Love how this thread turned into a giant mural of the Madison Paige actress!

*** TO ALL CANADIANS THAT HAVE NOT YET PICKED UP HEAVY RAIN....its on sale at Wal-Mart for $29.99 as its stated on the flyer.

Disregard if its labeled like $59.99 in the store because Wal-Mart employees are lazy to change the price tag (or some are just anti-PS3 workers and dont want PS3 games to sell lol jk).

I picked up a copy on Friday (as thats the day the sale starts) but before i could i wanted to confirm with the workers that it was selling for $29.99 as it stated in the flyer.  The response i got was "Do you mean Red Dead Redemption???" ...after telling and explaining about the flyer, they took the price scanner gun and checked the game and I was correct.  It would've been helpful/easier if Wal-mart employees actually carried the current flyers or know of where one is when needed.  I find it really sad/pathetic  when retail employees know less then the flyers.

I guess it could be partially my fault for thinking highly enough of Walmart employees that I wouldnt need to bring my own copy of the flyer in to show them since they should have a copy near them.

CGI-Quality said:
Porcupine_I said:

we always knew it had legs!!!

Indeed it does!


Anyway COngrant Heavy Rain!! Well Deserved!!!

BTW Any Australian's who still have yet to pick up Heavy Rain, It's $50 at Target and some other retailers. It's now at Platnium Price! Go pick it UP!!!

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And this game still at full price in North America!! I already bought my copy, but unfortunately i still not played yet. Now im look for the Demon's Souls platinum trophy.

Congrats to the PS3 gamers. I'm glad that a different game, a bet, has sold so well. Good job Quantic Dreams, and good job Sony.

Congrats to QD and Sony. I cant Wait to get this game, yes i haven't got it yet. Waiting for the move edition.

CGI-Quality said:
haxxiy said:

Heavy Rain threads are always so damn epic.

OT - congrats to the game and it's developers. Totally deserved.

I'm too modest. Tell me, why would that be?

Questions only by PM to be answered at the end of the year






hasanwhy said:


Whoa, easy. There is an official Guild Wars 2 thread after all.

Highfives to Quantic Dream, Sony and everybody who bought the game. :D