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*** TO ALL CANADIANS THAT HAVE NOT YET PICKED UP HEAVY RAIN....its on sale at Wal-Mart for $29.99 as its stated on the flyer.

Disregard if its labeled like $59.99 in the store because Wal-Mart employees are lazy to change the price tag (or some are just anti-PS3 workers and dont want PS3 games to sell lol jk).

I picked up a copy on Friday (as thats the day the sale starts) but before i could i wanted to confirm with the workers that it was selling for $29.99 as it stated in the flyer.  The response i got was "Do you mean Red Dead Redemption???" ...after telling and explaining about the flyer, they took the price scanner gun and checked the game and I was correct.  It would've been helpful/easier if Wal-mart employees actually carried the current flyers or know of where one is when needed.  I find it really sad/pathetic  when retail employees know less then the flyers.

I guess it could be partially my fault for thinking highly enough of Walmart employees that I wouldnt need to bring my own copy of the flyer in to show them since they should have a copy near them.