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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Oh, and because I died to the bomb (which I still don't understand why, exactly since I retracted my vote and put it on someone else), me and truck never got a chance to plan. I was going to "recruit hat, block ST, call that I blocked ToS and wait to see what the reaction was.

Edit: meanwhile I would've had another cultist, and cult would have probably won. especially if dtewi and st did that godawful role claim like they did. rofl...stil don't know how they got away with that.

"I got a power that told me how many mafia were left" wow guys lolol

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GodOfWar_3ever said:

Does anyone think it was unbalanced still ? 

First off, thanks for hosting, and I mean that.  What follows are some critiques I have, but don't let that detract from the hard work you did and the fun that we had playing.

I still think the game was too imbalanced.  I see why it might look otherwise at a casual glance: both sides have big powers, so it's all good, right?  Unfortunately, the five-person mafia has the invaluable ability to coordinate their powers and work as a team, whereas the town can not do the same. 

We saw this at work in this game:  the mafia could (and did) use their powers in tandem in a way that we could not.  I have to congratulate Nikells and myself (mostly myself; 2/2 baby!   Although shouldn't dtewi's powers have stopped my healing from transferring to hatmoza?) for preventing three deaths: otherwise, the game would have ended much sooner than it did and the town never would have had a chance.  It's also blind luck Khuutra was killed off early, and while I congratulate us for seeking out Squilliam early on he could have done inestimable damage while the rest of the mafia continued to do the same on its end.  Squilliam was doubly-dangerous, since a cop-driven mislynch would likely have resulted in a dead cop the next day. Moreover, several of the town's ability's had limitations, while neither the mafia nor Kratos did.

I also think the number of scum was a bit too high in light of the powers they got.  We started with seven anti-towns out of twenty players, which sounds appropriate, but that number could (and did) grow because of the potential cultist.  Having the would-be cult leader have three bites at the apple each night made it fairly likely that he would succeed unless he got killed off early, and since he was pro-town until the point of his conversion he was less likely to get killed off early.  Having there be a deputy cult leader was a real drag too; to be honest, it seems borderline mean, since the bigger threat from the cult comes from the paranoia it breeds rather than its killing power.  And it did indeed breed some paranoia.

I also don't think the scum should be permitted to become a bomb, let alone a bomb which takes out two of the people who voted for him.  It seems excessive that the mafia already gets to have TWO night-kills: having one of Kratos' powers take out two of the people who voted for him is overkill, especially since he knew he was a bomb and could thus pass word on to his fellow mafia that they should not be the first or last person to vote for him.  It was, in essence, a way for the mafia to take down two townies at the cost of one of its own, which is not a bad bargain.  Even worse, unless one of our vigilantes stuck around we had no other way to remove the threat, and our vigilantes both had limitations on their kills.

To summarize, it seems to me that the only reason this game was as close as it was was blind luck.  I think future games should scale back the power roles, and they should keep in mind that being able to communicate and coordinate privately is one of the most powerful abilities a faction can have.  I mean it when I say that I enjoyed the game, but I still think we can take some lessons from it to improve future games as well.

theprof00 said:

Thank you. Had I stayed alive I know I would've been the MVP. Because that story dtewi and ST flew was horse shit.

Maybe, but to be honest, you made a ton of very basic mistakes throughout the game as well.  There's a reason Final-Fan took the time to write out that long spiel about your errors, and I'm willing to bet others might still have something to say.  Which is not to say that you didn't do some good things!

I'm sorry I doubted you noname (and by doubted I mean swore blind you were a cultist.)

I'm glad my trust in j0 wasn't unfounded though!

Nikells said:

I'm sorry I doubted you noname (and by doubted I mean swore blind you were a cultist.)

I'm glad my trust in j0 wasn't unfounded though!

'sall good!  And I owe a similar apology to hatmoza.  Besides, you were right about the "no-soul" part.

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Bwahahaha! >=D

Well, I can trace the source of your loss back to one source.


And my bus driver role.

Sm128 had the unfortunate habit of tracking Sabby who targeted me. But with me being a bus driver, I wasn't targeted.

In other words, it was through sheer luck that I won.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

I'll get my signup thread soon.

There will be 28-30 players, so it would really help for all of you to join.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

noname2200 said:
theprof00 said:

Thank you. Had I stayed alive I know I would've been the MVP. Because that story dtewi and ST flew was horse shit.

Maybe, but to be honest, you made a ton of very basic mistakes throughout the game as well.  There's a reason Final-Fan took the time to write out that long spiel about your errors, and I'm willing to bet others might still have something to say.  Which is not to say that you didn't do some good things!

Oh I don't mean to say that I played the best. I played like a total n00b, gow3ever is right.

What I mean is that if I were still on, I would have called dtewi and st out on that horrendous roleclaiming, had them wiped out and had the remaining town as cult. 

I completely agree with you about the mafia bomb thing. Additionally, it doesn't make sense for a first-voter bomb either. The whole point of a bomb is to get someone that hammers them. Making the target the first voter is basically a mafia kill through and through, because there is a chance that a mafia vote could be the last vote if no other protown votes afterwards.

dtewi said:

I'll get my signup thread soon.

There will be 28-30 players, so it would really help for all of you to join.

start soon, I'm itchin' to play

@dtewi: No cults please!

Signature goes here!