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OMG i've missed the opportunity to post this...


(edit to put link as imbed didn't work)


Well dammit

I wanted to post!

Well, sorry I was gone. I was finishing my summer project (still not done with it) and whenever I play mafia, I waste lots of time. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Go to sleep people !


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Zeus (SciFiBoy/Final-Fan2.0) was restless. With Poseidon and Hades dead, the burden on his shoulders kept getting worse by the minute. The surprising betrayal by Morpheus was the least thing he had expected. The king of Olympus decided to search around the City of Olympia. With gods falling every passing day, he knew that he had to be more involved.

As Zeus browsed his surrounding, he looked up to view his glorious Mountain. Stretching as far as the sky, a thriving Olympus meant a world of peace and prosperity for all. With every passing day, the halls of Olympus grew quieter and fear spread through the hearts of the gods.

As he began to wonder what would happen to the balance of power if he died, he was cought off-guard. A crushing blow struck Zeus, sending him crashing down the summit of the mountain. Zeus managed to regain his balance, and began charging up his thunderbolt attack, only to be struck from behind once again. 

Zeus felt blood gushing down his face. He had never felt this vulnerable. He managed to catch a glimpse of his attacker as he was getting ready to strike for the third time. 

"I must give my brethren a fighting chance !" Zeus managed to pull off a thunderbolt attack which sent his attacker crashing down into the Aegean sea, but it could not prevent a third, fatal blow hitting him.

A dying Zeus who knew exactly his attacker was, and where he would go called out for his fellow Gods. As they came rushing down to him, Zeus closed his eyes and let out a large burst of energy, destroying the very foundations of Olympus itself.

The very mountain started crashing down, killing all those who were trapped inside. Olympus was no more....and the end is near.

As most gods were devastated by the loss of their leader, a figure hiding in the shadows finally let out a smile, for the first time in years.


So Sabby turns out to be mafia pyschatrist...

And People were all over me for my theory that they can recruit the SK, too.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

oh well there goes my theory that saby was the last mafia ^^

and an other Vigilante? that would account for the annihilated (especially from zeus.... that means there was a second killer with me on Nen (though not hephaestos), but I guess he sent his PM fist?  I did wait a while to send it, double checking on Nen and pondering whether to modkill FF myself for the game's balance...), but damn 6 killers.... I never had any chance as a lone SK :x (at least the other one could recruit a team). So:

Kratos = Massacred

Morpheus = Butchered

Zeus = Annihilated

Patapon = didn't have a chance to kill so nothing.

Fate = other (because indirect ability)

When I was SK round 17, I had to kill to become evil ryu.... I'm guessing morpheus had a similar role as we saw a "butchered".... BUT we only saw it once... and Vett's kill was "other", which would mean he's dead from an ability of morpheus... so it becomes obvious, there are 2 cultists from recruitment, and possibly an other from the start.


I'll say it directly, I wasn't recruited last night either...but saby puting the shine on me, saying he followed hat to my place, to make it look like I was "unrecruitable", probably means he was frustrated at failing to recruit me too and wanted me dead by lynch, his last resort to not lose me to the town since he was gonna die.... this would mean the buss driver is not mafia.... and we have a solution for that... the cult.

Can an SK be recruited by a cult? i'd assume it's like for the mafia, so they would want to buss me arround, preventing me from being recruited by others.... waiting for me to be lynched for the town.

I'm guessing also that Hat's recruit option would disapear when he becomes cult? would be a bit too easy for them if they could recruit 2 a night no?


But dang... FF said he wasn't the cop yesterday, didn't share any info... and turns out as a cop (again)... that sux.


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errrr... so, really, no one posting?

this is gonna be one long day :x