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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

It's your willful ignorance of the missing puzzle piece that makes you wrong AND suspicious.


About posting so much:
I'm sorry if I'm bogging down the game folks. I understand you might see 140 new posts and be really turned off, but I promise that most of them are just a couple of lines. Like I said, I'll tone it down in the future because:

a) It is a strategy, and it won't work twice
b) people seem to really hate it. XD

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Vetteman94 said:

Well how should I have reacted to it?   Shrugged it off?   Then people would come back and say that I was avoiding the accusation made by him.    So I guess its a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation huh?

Do what I do, and ignore him until he steps forward with something resembling evidence.  It avoids creating even more of the verbal diarrhea we've been suffering through, and judging from the previous conversations it's not going to get you anywhere anyways.  Concentrate instead on finding scum, please.

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

are you quitting ? :/ do you want me to find a replacement or something ? (don wanna do're playing pretty well)

theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

hey don't leave you're about the only one i trust in this town

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@Vetteman: Why did you have to "assume" the Gods are the pro-towns? Shouldn't you know that already with your role PM?

Signature goes here!

Alright I've had a lot to catch up on; if I've missed anything bring it up again.

If the mafia keep blocking Hatmoza from curing Heph does that mean they are unable to kill in the same night? If this is the case absolutely keep Heph alive, if not I propose the following:

If Heph is genuine about his intention to become a vigilante there's absolutely no reason he can't start work right away, even before he's been officially converted. We shouldn't tell him who to kill but if he feels confident he can take out a mafia member during the night he should start right away. If he's not sure he can definitely kill a Mafia member he can choose not to kill anyone again.
If he keeps his word and only one/no dead townie(s) turns up tomorrow we let him live. If we see more than one night kill tomorrow we lynch Heph without remorse, whatever reasoning he gives.

Hatmoza: Question
What do you think should be done about Hephaestos? You're the one who made the SK hunt public after all.

Supermario has a history of behaving erratically in previous games and as such I have no solid fix if he's mafia or not. With that said I really have no use for people who act guilty even when they're not and I would be willing to vote to lynch him if other people feel the same way. If he's guilty this also gives us a more solid idea of noname.

People who quote 5 deep are worse than Hitler, stop doing it.

theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

Are you serious?   Is this how  you are going to act when someone questions your ideas? 

TruckOSaurus said:

@Vetteman: Why did you have to "assume" the Gods are the pro-towns? Shouldn't you know that already with your role PM?

I do assume that,   but I cant let my assummptions speak for everybody.  hence why I worded it the way i did

Vetteman94 said:
theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

Are you serious?   Is this how  you are going to act when someone questions your ideas? 

last game you killed the cop for the same reason

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)