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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Now this part of the day 2 start text makes a lot more sense:

Hermes (Final-Fan) who hadn't completed his task set by Zeus knew he was in trouble, as he exited the bedchamber,

Final-Fan was targetted by the Mafia Prostitute Aphrodite too.

@hatmoza: How did you get Aphrodite's name?

There's something that does add up though, why would the mafia block AND kill Final-Fan?!?

Yeah this doesnt make alot of sense.....unless Aphrodite isnt with the titans

i mean she is on the gods side no ?

Besides like you said why was FF targeted by her if they wanted to kill him?

Could hat be lying, and heph wasn't the SK? In which case, a claim of SK by heph would make sense (especially if they have a recruiter.)

SK wouldn't come out and say anything if heph claimed because SK wants to be the sole survivor right?

what do?

Intersing........your right........maybe someone is lying, but not hatmoza

Another posiblity is that Hep prevented hatmoza from locating the SK by calimg to be him

Hep being mafia (maybe the recruiter himself) can targetd the other two (ToS & Nikells) and recruit the SK

and after last night maybe he already did.

That's one hell of a plan and its scary if the mafia are this smart

:P It's what I would've done if I were mafia.

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nen-suer said:

Intersing........your right........maybe someone is lying, but not hatmoza

Another posiblity is that Hep prevented hatmoza from locating the SK by calimg to be him

Hep being mafia (maybe the recruiter himself) can targetd the other two (ToS & Nikells) and recruit the SK

and after last night maybe he already did.

That's one hell of a plan and its scary if the mafia are this smart

It's possible, but not really plausible:  hephaestos did indeed leave a large post on day one in which he dropped several out-of-place Street Fighter quotes, which supports his story that he was trying to get hatmoza to find him.  I was actually struck by that post, since it seemed so odd, but I didn't recognize the quotes for what they were, but then again they weren't aimed at me.

I'm inclined to believe hephaestos' story at this point, although it is funny that he twice drew the serial killer when there was a psychiatrist around.

noname2200 said:
dtewi said:

If we kill ST, then we still have an SK and some scum roaming about. That means that two people die tonight.

Getting Heph means only one person dies tonight.

There are two other unexplained deaths that night though, so that's not exactly guaranteed either way.


Also, it should be obvious, but if Aphrodite is a pro-town player, please step forth and explain what you did last night.  And if anyone else was role-blocked last night, please step forth as well.


Noname, stop calling for roleclaims, you need to stop. We don't need it,and it's not fun.

dtewi said:

It is impossible for Heph to turn over. The scum won't stop roleblocking hatmoza ever.

Then our, and especially hatmoza's, job is simple:  find Aphrodite today.  We have several days to do so, and several players who haven't even posted yet: let's not throw in the towel this soon.

SciFiBoy2.0 said:

I still remain suspicious of both TheRepublic and Sabby after yesterday, they seemed to be very selective in there memories and Sabby's FoS came far too close to my challenge to TheRepublic for my liking.

anyone else found either of them suspicious?

or anyone else for that matter?

I think lynching Heph doesnt make much sense, if we can get Hatmoza to convert him then that is probably a good thing, though it is entirely possible of course that Hatmoza is the mafia converter not a town one, idk.

anyway, im gonna do some more reading when im more awake, for some reason my brain doesnt want to fully wake up yet, lol

I suspected them too (still do)

Sabby  keeping a low profile and not posting crazy talk means is 99.9% scum

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nen-suer said:
SciFiBoy2.0 said:

I still remain suspicious of both TheRepublic and Sabby after yesterday, they seemed to be very selective in there memories and Sabby's FoS came far too close to my challenge to TheRepublic for my liking.

anyone else found either of them suspicious?

or anyone else for that matter?

I think lynching Heph doesnt make much sense, if we can get Hatmoza to convert him then that is probably a good thing, though it is entirely possible of course that Hatmoza is the mafia converter not a town one, idk.

anyway, im gonna do some more reading when im more awake, for some reason my brain doesnt want to fully wake up yet, lol

I suspected them too (still do)

Sabby  keeping a low profile and not posting crazy talk means is 99.9% scum

true, he does tend to be one of the more active players, TheRepublic as I recal is normally more active than he has been aswel.

theprof00 said:


Noname, stop calling for roleclaims, you need to stop. We don't need it,and it's not fun.

The objection to the mass name-claim was that it wouldn't be fun, and I now accept that.  But asking a specific person to step forward when we need their information to verify/disprove someone else's claim?  I don't see the harm in that: if anything, it encourages the liars to step their game up: nobody's going to repeat Squilliam's error of not reading that the cop was blocked the previous night, so their story won't fall apart as quickly as his did.

Do the rest of you disagree?

noname2200 said:
nen-suer said:

Intersing........your right........maybe someone is lying, but not hatmoza

Another posiblity is that Hep prevented hatmoza from locating the SK by calimg to be him

Hep being mafia (maybe the recruiter himself) can targetd the other two (ToS & Nikells) and recruit the SK

and after last night maybe he already did.

That's one hell of a plan and its scary if the mafia are this smart

It's possible, but not really plausible:  hephaestos did indeed leave a large post on day one in which he dropped several out-of-place Street Fighter quotes, which supports his story that he was trying to get hatmoza to find him.  I was actually struck by that post, since it seemed so odd, but I didn't recognize the quotes for what they were, but then again they weren't aimed at me.

I'm inclined to believe hephaestos' story at this point, although it is funny that he twice drew the serial killer when there was a psychiatrist around.

yeah it's a kink in the story. You're right they probably aren't smart enough to plan all that.


Anyway, can I ask you about silver-tiger again? I'd really like another opinion. He specifically said that anyone who targets heph is a mafia. And heph IS a liability. Plus, ST could be Aphrodite, which would allow hat to get heph.

Noname, stop trying to get people to admit their roles. You've done it to half a dozen people.

It's scummy.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

And a prostitute isn't pro-town. It's another name for a mafia roleblocker.

And why in the world would a pro-town roleblocker try to prevent hatmoza from getting a vigilante?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you