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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

theprof00 said:

dtewi we can double lynch today right?

How does that work?

I'm up for voting Heph, but I'm also very interested in S-T who seems to be for keeping heph alive and making a mafia out of anyone that votes heph.

I'm morally opposed to a double lynch.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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dtewi said:
theprof00 said:

dtewi we can double lynch today right?

How does that work?

I'm up for voting Heph, but I'm also very interested in S-T who seems to be for keeping heph alive and making a mafia out of anyone that votes heph.

I'm morally opposed to a double lynch.

ok, well then, why not target just S-T. We can risk heph tonight since Hat is going to try to get him, but ST is very suspicious. I'm not going to vote heph if I can't get ST as well.

Also, maybe Heph is keeping his side of the bargain, and purposely didn't kill last night.

There's a lot of variability here..

nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

There's something that does add up though, why would the mafia block AND kill Final-Fan?!?

Yeah this doesnt make alot of sense.....unless Aphrodite isnt with the titans

i mean she is on the gods side no ?

Besides like you said why was FF targeted by her if they wanted to kill him?

I think the answer to this lies in the last game.  Recall that Khuutra was in the mafia that game too, and that he died on the first night at Final-Fan's hands.  Khuutra seems to fear Final-Fan, and likely didn't want a repeat of the last game, where they killed each other, so he took the better-safe-than-sorry route.  The other possibility is that they knew he was a cop and feared there was a deputy, but if that's true they're better at reading the tea leaves than I am.

theprof00 said:

He's not. He was the first one to vote squilliam even before I made the call to lynch Squill.

There's no way he would randomly pick his own teammate to vote for.

Noname is trying to protect us.

I appreciate the thought, and for what it's worth you're correct, but if I was mafia picking lynching my own teammate to establish my own bona fides would be a plausible, and even fairly common, tactic:  stefl actually did just that last game, and he rode that fact to success.  Mind you, he also messed up several times afterwards, and would have been lynched under other circumstances, so keep an eye on me as you would anyone else: best to always be wary.

dtewi said:

VOTE: Hephaestos

If hatmoza is going to keep being role-blocked, then we can't cure Heph.

And we can't have a serial killer on the loose.

Killing Hephaestos before he's cured prevents us from ever verifying hatmoza's story.  Let hephaestos live so that hatmoza gets his chance today to find and lynch Aphrodite, which has the added benefit of killing off a mafia.  If it doesn't work out, we can do a double-lynch tomorrow instead, thus neutralizing hephaestos.  And hephaestos is unlikely to kill tonight, since hatmoza might turn him into a townie, and murdering someone now is guaranteed to get hephaestos killed.  He knows this, so he'll stay his hand.

If we kill ST, then we still have an SK and some scum roaming about. That means that two people die tonight.

Getting Heph means only one person dies tonight.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Now this part of the day 2 start text makes a lot more sense:

Hermes (Final-Fan) who hadn't completed his task set by Zeus knew he was in trouble, as he exited the bedchamber,

Final-Fan was targetted by the Mafia Prostitute Aphrodite too.

@hatmoza: How did you get Aphrodite's name?

There's something that does add up though, why would the mafia block AND kill Final-Fan?!?

Yeah this doesnt make alot of sense.....unless Aphrodite isnt with the titans

i mean she is on the gods side no ?

Besides like you said why was FF targeted by her if they wanted to kill him?

Could hat be lying, and heph wasn't the SK? In which case, a claim of SK by heph would make sense (especially if they have a recruiter.)

SK wouldn't come out and say anything if heph claimed because SK wants to be the sole survivor right?

what do?

Intersing........your right........maybe someone is lying, but not hatmoza

Another posiblity is that Hep prevented hatmoza from locating the SK by calimg to be him

Hep being mafia (maybe the recruiter himself) can targetd the other two (ToS & Nikells) and recruit the SK

and after last night maybe he already did.

That's one hell of a plan and its scary if the mafia are this smart

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dtewi said:

If we kill ST, then we still have an SK and some scum roaming about. That means that two people die tonight.

Getting Heph means only one person dies tonight.

There are two other unexplained deaths that night though, so that's not exactly guaranteed either way.


Also, it should be obvious, but if Aphrodite is a pro-town player, please step forth and explain what you did last night.  And if anyone else was role-blocked last night, please step forth as well.

I still remain suspicious of both TheRepublic and Sabby after yesterday, they seemed to be very selective in there memories and Sabby's FoS came far too close to my challenge to TheRepublic for my liking.

anyone else found either of them suspicious?

or anyone else for that matter?

I think lynching Heph doesnt make much sense, if we can get Hatmoza to convert him then that is probably a good thing, though it is entirely possible of course that Hatmoza is the mafia converter not a town one, idk.

anyway, im gonna do some more reading when im more awake, for some reason my brain doesnt want to fully wake up yet, lol

noname2200 said:
nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

There's something that does add up though, why would the mafia block AND kill Final-Fan?!?

Yeah this doesnt make alot of sense.....unless Aphrodite isnt with the titans

i mean she is on the gods side no ?

Besides like you said why was FF targeted by her if they wanted to kill him?

I think the answer to this lies in the last game.  Recall that Khuutra was in the mafia that game too, and that he died on the first night at Final-Fan's hands.  Khuutra seems to fear Final-Fan, and likely didn't want a repeat of the last game, where they killed each other, so he took the better-safe-than-sorry route.  The other possibility is that they knew he was a cop and feared there was a deputy, but if that's true they're better at reading the tea leaves than I am.

theprof00 said:

He's not. He was the first one to vote squilliam even before I made the call to lynch Squill.

There's no way he would randomly pick his own teammate to vote for.

Noname is trying to protect us.

I appreciate the thought, and for what it's worth you're correct, but if I was mafia picking lynching my own teammate to establish my own bona fides would be a plausible, and even fairly common, tactic:  stefl actually did just that last game, and he rode that fact to success.  Mind you, he also messed up several times afterwards, and would have been lynched under other circumstances, so keep an eye on me as you would anyone else: best to always be wary.

dtewi said:

VOTE: Hephaestos

If hatmoza is going to keep being role-blocked, then we can't cure Heph.

And we can't have a serial killer on the loose.

Killing Hephaestos before he's cured prevents us from ever verifying hatmoza's story.  Let hephaestos live so that hatmoza gets his chance today to find and lynch Aphrodite, which has the added benefit of killing off a mafia.  If it doesn't work out, we can do a double-lynch tomorrow instead, thus neutralizing hephaestos.  And hephaestos is unlikely to kill tonight, since hatmoza might turn him into a townie, and murdering someone now is guaranteed to get hephaestos killed.  He knows this, so he'll stay his hand.

It is impossible for Heph to turn over. The scum won't stop roleblocking hatmoza ever.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

noname2200 said:
nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

There's something that does add up though, why would the mafia block AND kill Final-Fan?!?

Yeah this doesnt make alot of sense.....unless Aphrodite isnt with the titans

i mean she is on the gods side no ?

Besides like you said why was FF targeted by her if they wanted to kill him?

I think the answer to this lies in the last game.  Recall that Khuutra was in the mafia that game too, and that he died on the first night at Final-Fan's hands.  Khuutra seems to fear Final-Fan, and likely didn't want a repeat of the last game, where they killed each other, so he took the better-safe-than-sorry route.  The other possibility is that they knew he was a cop and feared there was a deputy, but if that's true they're better at reading the tea leaves than I am.

theprof00 said:

He's not. He was the first one to vote squilliam even before I made the call to lynch Squill.

There's no way he would randomly pick his own teammate to vote for.

Noname is trying to protect us.

I appreciate the thought, and for what it's worth you're correct, but if I was mafia picking lynching my own teammate to establish my own bona fides would be a plausible, and even fairly common, tactic:  stefl actually did just that last game, and he rode that fact to success.  Mind you, he also messed up several times afterwards, and would have been lynched under other circumstances, so keep an eye on me as you would anyone else: best to always be wary.

dtewi said:

VOTE: Hephaestos

If hatmoza is going to keep being role-blocked, then we can't cure Heph.

And we can't have a serial killer on the loose.

Killing Hephaestos before he's cured prevents us from ever verifying hatmoza's story.  Let hephaestos live so that hatmoza gets his chance today to find and lynch Aphrodite, which has the added benefit of killing off a mafia.  If it doesn't work out, we can do a double-lynch tomorrow instead, thus neutralizing hephaestos.  And hephaestos is unlikely to kill tonight, since hatmoza might turn him into a townie, and murdering someone now is guaranteed to get hephaestos killed.  He knows this, so he'll stay his hand.

except that you were the first to vote for him. Why not randomly pick someone else who wasn't talking as much like sabby or heph... No. It doesn't make sense.