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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Nikells said:
theprof00 said:

also, I'm sure that anyone who is pro-town is trying to extend the time limit. Mafia want this day to go through without a lynch.

Or they could just be trying to look like they're pro-town.

That's yomi2000 or something.

That was why I said it. It's a trigger. At this point, mafia don't know whether it's safe to extend or not. They don't know what people are thinking. If information comes out saying that pro-town should extend, they will move to extend. It won't be definitive, but more and more we'll get an overlap in these lists we're making.

Same goes for voting one person today. mafia could still vote for one of their own, but there is a difference that I will explain later.

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Now that I've answered Nikells' question about Vetteman, I realize that there's no way he's getting lynched today... so let's just remember that for tomorrow then.

About Squilliam, I'm willing to believe he doesn't remember much of his previous Mafia game but when he asks :

"Ok, so its night now. So what happens at night?"

That seems very fishy to me, you don't forget what happens at night if you've played at least one game and since this is a themed game Squilliam most probably has a night action, so just by reading his PM he would have known about what happens at night. It looks like he was trying to play dumb to stay off our radar.

Vote: Squilliam

Signature goes here!

Vote Count

11 out of 16 players have voted


6 votes Squilliam (L-3)

noname, sm128, theprof00, Nikells, SciFiBoy(2.0), TruckOSaurus

vote Nikells (L-8)


 1 vote TruckOSaurus (L-8)


1 vote SciFiBoy (L-8)


1 vote No Lynch (L-8)


1 vote Dtewi (L-8)


supermario128 said:

Do we really need to vote to extend the day? I find it kind of silly, just extend it.

Also, add Dtewi to my suspicious list. Now I'm off to work...

when you get back, can I know, why dtewi?

anyone else that is considering dtewi, for lynching on a DIFFERENT day (because we will not lynch him today), tell me why?

this is good, make sure we give squill enough time to prepare a statement.

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Mafia Round 19 - God of War Edition


Lynched Murdered Massacred Butchered Other

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Identity Role
Silver-Tiger  No Lynch              
TruckOSaurus  No Lynch  Vetteman            
Vetteman94  -  Nikells             
c03n3nj0  No Lynch              
Noname2200  -  Squilliam            
Hephaestos  -  Dtewi            
Khuutra  -           Kronos Mafia Godfather
Nikells  -  Squilliam            
Patapon  -           Poseidon Day-time Vigilante
theRepublic  -   SciFiBoy            
Final-Fan  No Lynch           Hermes Cop
Supermario128  No Lynch  Squillaim            
SciFiBoy  No Lynch              
Nen-suer  No Lynch  TruckOSaurus            
Sabby_e17  -              
Hatmoza  -               
dtewi  No Lynch              
Squilliam  No Lynch  No Lynch            
theprof00  No Lynch  Squilliam            
Kantor  No Lynch           Apollo Lie Detector/Guide

Back-up post incase VGC 3.0 decides to screw me over AGAIN and make me re-do the table again....

c03n3nj0 said:

1. TruckOSaurus

2. j0

3. nen-suer

4. Nikells

5. Silver-Tiger

6. SciFiBoy

7. Supermario128 (edited in - I say it counts as a vote) 

8. noname2200


Rules Questions for GodOfWar:  If time elapses without anyone being hammered, does that result in a No Lynch, or in the person(s) with a majority getting lynched?  Also, hammering: does it apply, or does retracting a vote cancel the lynch?

One thing is bothering about Hep scenario, if he is targeted by Athena & the mafia "recruiter" whats the result?

Unvote: ToS

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nen-suer said:

One thing is bothering about Hep scenario, if he is targeted by Athena & the mafia "recruiter" whats the result?

Unvote: ToS

it wouldn't matter, because if they have a recruiter, then they certainly have a blocker.

In which case thye know who to block and we don't

Nikells said:
theprof00 said:

also, I'm sure that anyone who is pro-town is trying to extend the time limit. Mafia want this day to go through without a lynch.

Or they could just be trying to look like they're pro-town.

That's yomi2000 or something.

You're both wrong, if no mafia member is suspected the mafia will push the idea of day lynching

extending time may work well for them to get the town to lynch one of the suspects

(again if no one of them is in that list)

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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