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Forums - General Discussion - Lady GaGa to release new album with genre defining music queen/jpoplovernet/zebra.jpg


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Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Back to reality....Lady Gaga is nothing more than a gimmick. Period. She wont define any generation and she is definately not on the same level as Kurt Cabain, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, or Jimmy Hendrix (people who actually defined Generations because there music meant something and wasnt just a catchy beat with a digitally enhanced voice) 

Wrong. Lady Gaga does define a generation. She defines the digital generation. She is the highest selling digital artist of all time. She is the most liked person on Facebook. She is the most followed person on twitter. And she is the most watched person on Youtube.

Sorry, that's pretty damning evidence.

ps3_jrpg_gamer said: queen/jpoplovernet/zebra.jpg


Your ZebraQueen has evolved to NidoQueen!

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Back to reality....Lady Gaga is nothing more than a gimmick. Period. She wont define any generation and she is definately not on the same level as Kurt Cabain, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, or Jimmy Hendrix (people who actually defined Generations because there music meant something and wasnt just a catchy beat with a digitally enhanced voice) 

Wrong. Lady Gaga does define a generation. She defines the digital generation. She is the highest selling digital artist of all time. She is the most liked person on Facebook. She is the most followed person on twitter. And she is the most watched person on Youtube.

Sorry, that's pretty damning evidence.

yeh but every single thing you just said will change within the next 3 years....

Zebra  Queen is 9,000 better than Lady Gaga

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The Ghost of RubangB said:

Oh shit guys.  You heard it here first.  Laday Gaga IS the new Wet Wet Wet.  Her next album, whatever it is, will be the best ever, no matter what.  It's gonna be like Modern Warfare 2, and sell due to the success of its predecessor, even if it sucks and does nothing different.  But don't be fooled, somebody said it will change everything ever.

So it will.

Lady Gaga invented dance music, pop music, electro, and dressing like a crackwhore.  Next up she'll invent fat beats, singing, and music videos.  I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!!!

OMG, me neither, I hope she invent the Windows XP! LOL

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

perpride said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Back to reality....Lady Gaga is nothing more than a gimmick. Period. She wont define any generation and she is definately not on the same level as Kurt Cabain, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, or Jimmy Hendrix (people who actually defined Generations because there music meant something and wasnt just a catchy beat with a digitally enhanced voice) 

Wrong. Lady Gaga does define a generation. She defines the digital generation. She is the highest selling digital artist of all time. She is the most liked person on Facebook. She is the most followed person on twitter. And she is the most watched person on Youtube.

Sorry, that's pretty damning evidence.

yeh but every single thing you just said will change within the next 3 years...


Michael Jackson is the most liked person on facebook. Britney Spears is the most followed person on twitter. And recently, Justin Bieber's "Baby" overtook "Bad Romance" as the most watched video on youtube proving that millions of views on youtube mean NOTHING.

Kamal said:

If Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga had a fight who would win?

Lady Gaga. She has more testosterone. :O

The Ghost of RubangB said:
leo-j said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
leo-j said:

well the entire mainstream media, and her fans take her as serious as I do.. in fact so does:



Elton John

Yoko Ono

Grace Jones

Britney Spears


Last I czeched, she's a Grace Jones ripoff and Grace Jones knows it.  So when she asked Grace Jones to do a duet, she said hell no, because she doesn't work with no-talent hacks that are ripping off her own outfits from 20-30 years ago.  I think I posted the interview where Grace said that in one of your previous gushing-for-Gaga threads.

no talent hack? Yikes.. And well grace jones is one of her inspirations.. and she isn't ripping off anyone

show me a video of grace jones doing this same thing

and I'll call her a rip off.

Doing what?  Playing "Bad Romance" and "Alejandro" on American Idol?  No, you're right.  Grace Jones never did that.

What's original about that performance?  She starts out with the old hit, segues into the new single, takes her clothes off, dances around, and plays a little piano.  That's what... everybody else does.  I honestly can't think of why you chose that clip.  It's just a random performance like any other by her or any other big pop star.  If it was David Bowie he'd be doing the same shit, but he'd also play guitar and saxophone and maybe do some moonwalking or some mime.


What do you know by Grace Jones?  Favorite song or album or outfit or photo?

The whole... Gaga image... of avant-garde mostly naked in-your-face fashion... comes from Grace Jones.  And Gaga has catching up to do.



It's funny how you don't post any grace jones performances.. and compare her to gaga.. because you know it's a huge different between the two.. and gaga has worn mcqueen too.. because he choose her to advertise it.. Other than that.. I guess every artist including madonna is grace jones, and a grace jones wannabe none the less..


in fact why don't I compare..


She definately has some catching up to do/sarcasm.. and looks just like grace jones..

