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Forums - General Discussion - Do you honestly believe Obama has a chance in 2012?

Nik24 said:
oldschoolfool said:
Nik24 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
fastyxx said:

It's really not worth my time, as it's not about trying to change someone's mind.  It ain't happening in either direction.  We'll see, as we usually do, in about 10-20 years who was right.  When the sheep run back to "safety" 2.5 years from now (and to a lesser extent this fall) and go back to Bush-style policies - which is exactly what Boehner is promoting - and everything cycles back to what started all this mess in the first place, I hope you all enjoy it immensely.  

Health care was a ticking time bomb in this country.  Now costs will be up slightly, but virtually everyone will get health care - - and the end result of it isn't a complete meltdown for the small businesses and working/middle classes the way we were headed.   I'm sorry, but you can't put a price on taking care of your citizens.   We're willing to spend trillions to protect 4,000 people from dying in an attack but we're not willing to spend the same to help millions stay healthy and safe and productive?  Ridiculous.  Mafoo- you're quick to cite the CBO when you feel lie it will help, but never when they say the opposite.  Read the fine print.  Compare the original CBO report six weeks before the bill passed to the one that actually passed after the moderate/right concessions were made to get the last few votes.  It doesn't go far ENOUGH to really hit the cost points.  (And by the way, I assume you are in favor of ending the Bush tax cuts if you care what the CBO has to say about things so much.)

If he does nothing else in his presidency, he has changed the way we view and understand health care, and in a way that we will look back at the way we were doing things in 2005 and think we were insane.  It may not be in the exact form that passed, but it will be different and caused from this first step.  And it's historic and something to be proud of.

Again, I already know your responses, and I really don't care, and I don't plan to come back and read the demands that the poor kid with cancer is plum out of luck because the wealthy guy with the sweet hookup has to pay an extra $50 a month.  That the girl in my class who died of organ failure in the waiting room while the private hospital squabbled over her unemployed parents' lack of insurance was just screwed because her parents didn't want her to live enough.  If they did, they would have just wished themselves CEO of Apple or something.  That my friend who is unemployed after cutbacks and goes out and looks for suitable work every day should just kill herself and stop being a drain on society.  My next door neighbor did that when I was little.  Didn't work out so well for his kids.  Can the government solve all these issues alone?  No.  We all pitch in directly as well.  But without that net, it'll be chaos.  

I'll stand by my original point.  He's less than 20 months into a 48 month term, inheriting perhaps one of the 5 worst situations for an incoming president in our history.  He's facing a completely oppositional party and made the mistake of believing that they did want to compromise on some points, and he has a gutless bunch of moderate "dems" in the middle that want only to keep their jobs.   And the item that he spent almost the entire first year on can not in any way be fairly judged for ten years.  There's no way to judge his presidency as "worst" or "best" or "average" or anything at this point.  We can barely now really get a grasp on the Bush years.  We'll need another decade or so.  Hell, we're just now getting a handle on Clinton/Bush I/ Reagan.  Don't confuse disagreement with policy with some sort of miraculous ability to see outcomes that no one can see, particularly on the economy, which is the definition of unknowable, even by the most brilliant economists.   

Obama care will kill tens of millions of people over the next 100 years. I care to much for people to let that happen.

Look at it this way. The advancements in science that have been made in the US over the last 100 years, and not in other countries, is because of our healthcare system. If 100 years ago, we had the same healthcare that Obama wants to put into place. Tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people would not be alive today, that are.

In 100 years from now if we keep Obama's healthcare system in place, we will do to the world, what we would have done to the world if we had stifled medical science 100 years ago.

Sure, some people live, but the cure for cancer, AIDS, Auto Immune Deficiencies, Parkinson's, and every other thing we can cure will be cured decades later because of it. The people who die in the mean time are on your hands. Not mine.

To think I want the system I want because I somehow don't care about people, is fucked up.

lol, this comment alone disqualifies you from having a serious political discussion.

Like fastyxx said, it is way to early to judge a presidency which barely finished its second year.

I want to reiterate again that President Obama passed some of the most substanstial and influential

laws in the first 20 months. ALL previous presidents failed in their endavour to pass a new health care and he did

it despite facing a deeply hostile and radical Republican party. The US has the most expensive and ineffective health

care in the world and even Republian presidents saw the need for a change.


Furthermore, he passed a law, finally delivering an overhaul of the financial institutions which caused the financial crisis.

Again, the Republican party opposed it. Why? How can one justify this? So far they managed to stall a climate bill

which is another CRUCIAL piece of law! The oil crisis in the gulf proofed how important it is to finally focus on

alternative sources of energy.


And to people arguing that the president spends too much money, what is the alternative?

During the Clinton years the US finally had a budget surplus but Bush managed to get us into two wars

and even during a favourable economic situation the budget- deficit had become huge.

The bailout was sadly necessary and with the law mentioned above, he tried to ensure that

something like this crisis would not happen again.


I'm amazed how people can even listen to Fox news and their ridiculous reports.

Every sane person, regardless of one's political affiliation, has to realize how dangerous and

redical these people are. I suggest you watch The Daily Show in order to get a feeling of their insanity.

Or even better, you coud actually try to understand the issues at hand and inform yourself about the political process

in this country.

Fox news is number one for a reason. Obama's not radical. Obama care is going to make health care more expensive. Forcing business's to offer health care is going to do nothing but raise price's on everything. Think of it as a tax,that's passed on to the cosumer. What climate bill? Cap and trade,which again is nothing more than an enviromental tax. See the pattern,I'm getting at tax,tax,tax. bailing out everybody is not the answer. The so-called stimulis bill did nothing. There is still,no real sign of economic recovery in sight. Unemployment is still very high. Small business's still aren't highering anybody. If the economy turns around,then yes obama will be re-elected,but the so-called blame the republicans strategy,can only get him so far.

How do you know that the stimulus bill did nothing? I'm pretty sure we would be fare worse off without it. Again, there was no alternative. Few people realize how dangerous this period was. The WHOLE economy would have fallen apart. Unemployment would be much higher. Just think of GM. Thousands of people would have lost their jobs, banks would have stopped lending money which would have led to many bankruptcies among small businesses.  You can go on and on, but you do see a pattern here, right?  Please tell me how many taxes has he increased so far? How do you plan on decreasing the budget deficit? The climate bill would create many new jobs in a so-called "greener" industry. How is it a bad idea to cut back on emissions? One just has to watch the world news right now to get an idea of what future holds for us if we do not start to cut back on emissions. We do need new sources of energy. It will take some decades but we HAVE to start now in order to ensure a certain independency from fossil energy.

unemployment is still close to . Am I supposed to to be thankful,that it's not at ,30,@. Let's get real here. People are still struggling to get bye and the economy is still slow to recover. Even with the GM bailout,thousands of people still have lost there jobs. Read the healthcare bill and you will see all the tax increases that are coming down the line. There also talking about letting the bush tax cuts expire. He also increased taxes for the teacher's bailout,I mean payout. What greener industury? do you really believe that? Again,if the economy recover's and unemployment is cut in half,then he will get re-elected. That's the main thing.

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Nik24 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Obama care will kill tens of millions of people over the next 100 years. I care to much for people to let that happen.

Look at it this way. The advancements in science that have been made in the US over the last 100 years, and not in other countries, is because of our healthcare system. If 100 years ago, we had the same healthcare that Obama wants to put into place. Tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people would not be alive today, that are.

In 100 years from now if we keep Obama's healthcare system in place, we will do to the world, what we would have done to the world if we had stifled medical science 100 years ago.

Sure, some people live, but the cure for cancer, AIDS, Auto Immune Deficiencies, Parkinson's, and every other thing we can cure will be cured decades later because of it. The people who die in the mean time are on your hands. Not mine.

To think I want the system I want because I somehow don't care about people, is fucked up.

lol, this comment alone disqualifies you from having a serious political discussion.

Like fastyxx said, it is way to early to judge a presidency which barely finished its second year.

I want to reiterate again that President Obama passed some of the most substanstial and influential

laws in the first 20 months. ALL previous presidents failed in their endavour to pass a new health care and he did

it despite facing a deeply hostile and radical Republican party. The US has the most expensive and ineffective health

care in the world and even Republian presidents saw the need for a change.


Furthermore, he passed a law, finally delivering an overhaul of the financial institutions which caused the financial crisis.

Again, the Republican party opposed it. Why? How can one justify this? So far they managed to stall a climate bill

which is another CRUCIAL piece of law! The oil crisis in the gulf proofed how important it is to finally focus on

alternative sources of energy.


And to people arguing that the president spends too much money, what is the alternative?

During the Clinton years the US finally had a budget surplus but Bush managed to get us into two wars

and even during a favourable economic situation the budget- deficit had become huge.

The bailout was sadly necessary and with the law mentioned above, he tried to ensure that

something like this crisis would not happen again.


I'm amazed how people can even listen to Fox news and their ridiculous reports.

Every sane person, regardless of one's political affiliation, has to realize how dangerous and

redical these people are. I suggest you watch The Daily Show in order to get a feeling of their insanity.

Or even better, you coud actually try to understand the issues at hand and inform yourself about the political process

in this country.

The last president with a super majority passed far more bills then this one. 

The greatest healthcare in the world, is in the US. There is no better quality of care anywhere. Period. The only issue with care in the US, is access. We have chosen to reduce the quality of our care to increase the access to it.

We have also chosen to reduce profit. Every major breakthrough in the last 50 years in medicine, was done in the pursuit of profit. To assume you can remove that from the equation, and have no effect on the outcome, is to not understand how the world works.

Obama passes a healthcare plan that most Americans don't want (and is unconstitutional). Why is that a good thing? He is elected to represent us, not to go against our will because he thinks he knows better, when he has not been right about most anything yet.

I am done. It's pointless. I will just move the hell out of here, and let you all deal with it.

fastyxx said:

  That my friend who is unemployed after cutbacks and goes out and looks for suitable work every day should just kill herself and stop being a drain on society. 

And that brings me to my story:

Check out this reply by RGB:


I did land a part-time janitor's position that stopped due to back issues, that now are a problem with a leg that is pain all the time.  I can barely stand now.  My health care is the emergency room or a clinic where you need to make appointments weeks iin advance.

Anyhow, here is a question: what should happen to the losers in life?

richardhutnik said:

Anyhow, here is a question: what should happen to the losers in life?

It's not about what should happen to them. It's about what should the government do about it. In a free country, the government should do nothing. When you're free, you're free to lose as well.

In my perfect world, The government would do nothing, but in doing nothing, they take so very little from the individual. Taxes should be 1/5 what they are today, or even less. This would allow the economic engine to thrive, and you would have a job.

It would also leave more money in the pockets of the people who wish to help. I for example, donate a lot. If I had more, I would donate more. The loser would be taken care of by the people.

60 years ago, you could have gone to a catholic hospital and gotten taken care of for free. That does not happen anymore, thanks to the government.

I have 14 acres of land, and the upkeep on this place is some work. I also have a large barn with electricity and running water. If someone wanted to live in it, and take care of the place for 10-20 hours a week, and all I had to do was feed them and let them sleep in the barn, that would be awesome. They would have 20-30 hours a week to work somewhere else for money.

Thanks to the government, that's illegal too.

I have an older friend that used to do that. He traveled the entire country when he was young, by just being a farm hand and sleeping in barns. You can't do that today.

Removing the government from being so ingrained in our lives, not only removes the safety net, but it also removes the roadblocks that used to not exist, that allow us to help those who need it.

TheRealMafoo said:
Nik24 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Obama care will kill tens of millions of people over the next 100 years. I care to much for people to let that happen.

Look at it this way. The advancements in science that have been made in the US over the last 100 years, and not in other countries, is because of our healthcare system. If 100 years ago, we had the same healthcare that Obama wants to put into place. Tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people would not be alive today, that are.

In 100 years from now if we keep Obama's healthcare system in place, we will do to the world, what we would have done to the world if we had stifled medical science 100 years ago.

Sure, some people live, but the cure for cancer, AIDS, Auto Immune Deficiencies, Parkinson's, and every other thing we can cure will be cured decades later because of it. The people who die in the mean time are on your hands. Not mine.

To think I want the system I want because I somehow don't care about people, is fucked up.

lol, this comment alone disqualifies you from having a serious political discussion.

Like fastyxx said, it is way to early to judge a presidency which barely finished its second year.

I want to reiterate again that President Obama passed some of the most substanstial and influential

laws in the first 20 months. ALL previous presidents failed in their endavour to pass a new health care and he did

it despite facing a deeply hostile and radical Republican party. The US has the most expensive and ineffective health

care in the world and even Republian presidents saw the need for a change.


Furthermore, he passed a law, finally delivering an overhaul of the financial institutions which caused the financial crisis.

Again, the Republican party opposed it. Why? How can one justify this? So far they managed to stall a climate bill

which is another CRUCIAL piece of law! The oil crisis in the gulf proofed how important it is to finally focus on

alternative sources of energy.


And to people arguing that the president spends too much money, what is the alternative?

During the Clinton years the US finally had a budget surplus but Bush managed to get us into two wars

and even during a favourable economic situation the budget- deficit had become huge.

The bailout was sadly necessary and with the law mentioned above, he tried to ensure that

something like this crisis would not happen again.


I'm amazed how people can even listen to Fox news and their ridiculous reports.

Every sane person, regardless of one's political affiliation, has to realize how dangerous and

redical these people are. I suggest you watch The Daily Show in order to get a feeling of their insanity.

Or even better, you coud actually try to understand the issues at hand and inform yourself about the political process

in this country.

The last president with a super majority passed far more bills then this one. 

The greatest healthcare in the world, is in the US. There is no better quality of care anywhere. Period. The only issue with care in the US, is access. We have chosen to reduce the quality of our care to increase the access to it.

We have also chosen to reduce profit. Every major breakthrough in the last 50 years in medicine, was done in the pursuit of profit. To assume you can remove that from the equation, and have no effect on the outcome, is to not understand how the world works.

Obama passes a healthcare plan that most Americans don't want (and is unconstitutional). Why is that a good thing? He is elected to represent us, not to go against our will because he thinks he knows better, when he has not been right about most anything yet.

I am done. It's pointless. I will just move the hell out of here, and let you all deal with it.

I am sorry but you cannot honestly believe that America has the greatest health care in th world. I assume you have never been in a position when you couldn't pay your medical bills anymore. I get the feeling that people are acting in a very selfish way. Why is it so hard to put oneself in others schoes? People who have money can afford a good health care but what about people not so lucky? What do you tell a guy who just was thrown out of his contract and has to pay staggering bills now. I believe it is time that people start realizing this fact. Furthermore, Americans get to keep their current health care, so where's the problem? The health care bill keeps the insurance companies from denouncing your contract due to former health conditions. Health care should be affordable for everyone and not depend on your income or social status.

Chosen to reduce profit? So even one's health is subject to the relentless pursuit of money, profit and exploitation? Where do you draw the line? Companies are selling drugs with VERY hight profit margins. In my opinion every human entity should have access to cheap drugs and medicine.

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America has the best health care in the world if you can afford it, if you are not denied it even though you paid for it, and if you are eligible for it.  Of course people like to bash Canada's system, but average Canadian is healthier than the average American.  I mean, people in Cuba have a longer life expectancy than people in the US.  The problem isn't that it is bad health care, it is that it is too expensive and there are too many loop holes to screw people over.  The average person is better off in many other countries in the world, the rich are certainly better off in the US though.   

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:

America has the best health care in the world if you can afford it, if you are not denied it even though you paid for it, and if you are eligible for it.  Of course people like to bash Canada's system, but average Canadian is healthier than the average American.  I mean, people in Cuba have a longer life expectancy than people in the US.  The problem isn't that it is bad health care, it is that it is too expensive and there are too many loop holes to screw people over.  The average person is better off in many other countries in the world, the rich are certainly better off in the US though.   

One thing people never seem to account for when comparing healthcare systems is how healthy the average individual is. While the overall difference in obesity in the United States and Canada may not be dramatically different, obesity is still a significantly larger problem in the United States; and (in particular) the percentage of the population that is morbidly obese (from the last statistics I heard, which was a couple of years ago) was nearly double in the United States what it is in Canada, and morbid obesity was increasing at a more rapid rate in the United States than Canada.

When you have 3% more of your population shortening their lifespan by 20 years it will have a noticeable impact on statistics

Nik24 said:

I am sorry but you cannot honestly believe that America has the greatest health care in th world. I assume you have never been in a position when you couldn't pay your medical bills anymore. I get the feeling that people are acting in a very selfish way. Why is it so hard to put oneself in others schoes? People who have money can afford a good health care but what about people not so lucky? What do you tell a guy who just was thrown out of his contract and has to pay staggering bills now. I believe it is time that people start realizing this fact. Furthermore, Americans get to keep their current health care, so where's the problem? The health care bill keeps the insurance companies from denouncing your contract due to former health conditions. Health care should be affordable for everyone and not depend on your income or social status.

Chosen to reduce profit? So even one's health is subject to the relentless pursuit of money, profit and exploitation? Where do you draw the line? Companies are selling drugs with VERY hight profit margins. In my opinion every human entity should have access to cheap drugs and medicine.

I have been in a position where I could not pay for healthcare, and needed it. I went to the free university hospital and waiting 6 hours in a waiting room with a fish bone stuck in my neck. It sucked. Today thanks to my healthcare, I would get seen right away.

But I never complained about it. I got the healthcare I deserved when it was free, and I get what I deserve now after working hard all my life to obtain it.

To be honest, I was grateful for the free healthcare even though I had to sit there. I didn't really deserve any of it. It was nice of them to provide it.

Healthcare is not a right. Nothing that requires others labor for your benefit, is a right. For example, if you look at the constitution, and you were the last person on earth, you would still have all those rights.

You would not have healthcare. How can it be a "right", if it's a service one must provide you?

TheRealMafoo said:
Nik24 said:

I am sorry but you cannot honestly believe that America has the greatest health care in th world. I assume you have never been in a position when you couldn't pay your medical bills anymore. I get the feeling that people are acting in a very selfish way. Why is it so hard to put oneself in others schoes? People who have money can afford a good health care but what about people not so lucky? What do you tell a guy who just was thrown out of his contract and has to pay staggering bills now. I believe it is time that people start realizing this fact. Furthermore, Americans get to keep their current health care, so where's the problem? The health care bill keeps the insurance companies from denouncing your contract due to former health conditions. Health care should be affordable for everyone and not depend on your income or social status.

Chosen to reduce profit? So even one's health is subject to the relentless pursuit of money, profit and exploitation? Where do you draw the line? Companies are selling drugs with VERY hight profit margins. In my opinion every human entity should have access to cheap drugs and medicine.

I have been in a position where I could not pay for healthcare, and needed it. I went to the free university hospital and waiting 6 hours in a waiting room with a fish bone stuck in my neck. It sucked. Today thanks to my healthcare, I would get seen right away.

But I never complained about it. I got the healthcare I deserved when it was free, and I get what I deserve now after working hard all my life to obtain it.

To be honest, I was grateful for the free healthcare even though I had to sit there. I didn't really deserve any of it. It was nice of them to provide it.

Healthcare is not a right. Nothing that requires others labor for your benefit, is a right. For example, if you look at the constitution, and you were the last person on earth, you would still have all those rights.

You would not have healthcare. How can it be a "right", if it's a service one must provide you?

All a right is is something that you are entitled to. The definition of the word itself doesn't state whether it's a service that must be provided or a freedom which must not be violated.

Hence why there are articles that are both in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the articles 22, 25 and 26 especially show the later case;

Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organisation and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.Article 25 
  1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
  2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Article 26 
  1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
  2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
  3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.


Just because it is not listed in your constitution doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered a right.



Rath said:
  • Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. 

  • How is that possible? Nothing is free. (well, air is free I guess, but no service is free).