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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will outsell the 360 in about 3 years

A203D said:
Fumanchu said:
Jay520 said:
rf40928 said:

PS3 outsellls 360 year to year?  Is that why they are still behind 360 ?  If they truely outsold them they would at least be slightly ahead.  PS3 had a decent year because they released their slim model and had a small price cut.  Now Xbox 360 has done the same and is also going to have another good year.  Debates like this are prety worthless, I say everyone in doubt go look for yourself and the books and net numbers at Forbes, wallstreet.  MS as whole made much more money, for the last 3 yrs 360 has added a net profit the the bottom line ( 38 million after bills from the Xbox division) and a recent article from wallstreet points out Sony's PC and Gaming division was completely in the red this year - Red means loss folks.  Why is MS netting a profit from 360? More games sold, and 20 Million Xbox Live members rakes in cash too..

This is the irrelevant. This thread isn't about money made from either MS or Sony. I's about the amount of units their going to sell in the future. 

As is all your subjective campaigning about the 'PS3's brighter future and "demolishing" 2011 lineup...

imo, its gonna happen, maybe not soon, but eventually the PS3 will outsell the 360 worldwide. why?? because the price of the PS3 has been higher than the 360, but has still being outselling the 360 for a lot of the time so far. including the fact that theres a whole load of exclusives that we know are coming and a whole load we are expecting to hear about next year or at TGS.

You say it's irrelavant... Is it irrelavant to the corporations and stock holders? No.  it effects everything, including the next console, timing and price,  it also has infleunce on how many developers will write games and for what console.   If you think MS can't make a price war that will hurt you're assuming alot, because they have more room since they did actually net a profit from the XB division and Sony didn't.  I honestly feel the PS3 sold better this year slightly ( not including America ) then the Xbox 360 worldwide and pretty much d/t the price cut after they released the slim model.  My brother even bought one, but like most people he has all three consoles.   My cousin had only a wii and just bought his first 360.  I beleive PS3's momentum from their price drop is leveling off.  I think the new slim Xbox will likely help worldwide sales of the 360 for months, even if not at the current level, it'll keep the consoles even worldwide, but in America forget it.  I think console sales units do matter to an extent, but stockholders only care about the bottom line.  And again that will hopefully make Sony a bit smarter next time.  I loved the PS2, I just think they got greedy this time.

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Halo Reach is going to sell alot of 360's. 

I can't wait for the mountains of crow to give people that think otherwise

Reach said:

Ms was forced to ?? NO... Sony was forced to... Fastest Slim Launch ever for a Console... Thats was desperation... Anyway how the heel people know that 360 will sell 12M and Ps3 15M ? Lol just because sony says so ?? haha

they were forced to because of the massive hardware failure of the 360 consoles, and the fact that they were being outsold week on week up until they just launched the new slim console. imo it wouldve been game over if they didnt release the slim, Mass Effect 2, and Alan Wake didnt move many consoles, and didnt become system sellers. however it was a well deserved launch, the 360 slim seems to be a very reliable peice of tech!!

A203D said:
Reach said:

Ms was forced to ?? NO... Sony was forced to... Fastest Slim Launch ever for a Console... Thats was desperation... Anyway how the heel people know that 360 will sell 12M and Ps3 15M ? Lol just because sony says so ?? haha

they were forced to because of the massive hardware failure of the 360 consoles, and the fact that they were being outsold week on week up until they just launched the new slim console. imo it wouldve been game over if they didnt release the slim, Mass Effect 2, and Alan Wake didnt move many consoles, and didnt become system sellers. however it was a well deserved launch, the 360 slim seems to be a very reliable peice of tech!!

I agree with your assesment.  People are seeing that the slim PS3 ( and its lower price ) helped PS3 sales numbers worldwide after its release alot.  I know that the slimline Xbox 360 will likely sell well now for the same reasons i fnot more.  My cousin bought his first 360 because he felt it was more reliable and finally included wireless.  And now the base 360 price is even cheaper.  I think the two consoles will stay pretty even worldwide ( i mean not including America ) with the 360 possibly pulling away this year some .. but once you factor in America you can forget it.  The 360 is an American console and it's ten million units ahead the PS3 in North America .. and According to VG chartz the 360 had beaten the PS3 in worldwide sales the last 6 weeks.  I'm curious to see if in 3 months the 360 pulls away from the PS3 in Europe.  Because right now in Europe sales alone the two consoles are running a neck and neck race.  Console sales also are just a bit more cosmetic as well.  360 is definately selling more games ( thats more money for MS and less for Sony ), Xb Live is cashing in, and more people who bought PS3's bought it for the bluray player, but now I think Ps3 sales will level off from the PS3 slims momentum.  Because right now someone i know was going to get a PS3, they have a 360 now, but instead bought a  150 dollar bluray player at bestbuy..

..Let me add..

the momentum of bluray people buying PS3 is slowing since bluray players are getting cheap..  te incentive to buy PS3 on exclusive titles is lacking because Sony no longer commands the dominance is sheer number of developers.  With PS2 they absolutely had every developer in their hip pocket, but not this time around, which is why you see so many games ported from 360 to PS3 or vice versa..

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rf40928 said:

  the incentive to buy PS3 on exclusive titles is lacking because Sony no longer commands the dominance is sheer number of developers.  

Don't worry. The PS3's best year for exclusives is yet to come.


if PS3 sells 45m by 2010 fiscal yr end (or yr to date) and sells do increase (like most people expect then by 2011 yr's end Ps3 will have sold 69m units. give or take unforeseen factors

if 360 sells 47-50m by 2010 fiscal (or yr to date) and sells do fall (like some people expect) from an expected 13m 2010 to 11m 10 for 2011 fiscal yr. 57m to 60m 360 units will be sold give or take unforeseen factors. 

on the other hand like i always. nothing is ever set in stone.



if PS3 sells 45m by 2010 fiscal yr end (or yr to date) and sells do increase (like most people expect then by 2011 yr's end Ps3 will have sold 69m units. give or take unforeseen factors

if 360 sells 47-50m by 2010 fiscal (or yr to date) and sells do fall (like some people expect) from an expected 13m 2010 to 11m 10 for 2011 fiscal yr. 57m to 60m 360 units will be sold give or take unforeseen factors. 

on the other hand like i always. nothing is ever set in stone.

To many IF'S are telling the future.  Fact: PS3 had a good year - but its no secret this was due to their slimline and price cut.   This was the fastest run to a slimline model in history because Sony needed the boost.  Company profitability controls price cuts, hardly sales volume alone.  What happens now that MS is doing the same?  I think 360 will come back in sales through the rest of the year. Not sustaining the sheer numbers they have the last few weeks of course ( they've beat the PS3 the last six worldwide ) but even if they sell evenly its over.  From a financial point of view its already over.  Sony needs to learn from this and make the next console more competitive while being in a better price point from the release.   I think the hardest thing is for Sony fans to admit the console isn't the dominating force the PS2 was, and often they sight the PS2 and use it as a reason the PS3 will come back somehow.  The PS2 was the right hardware at the right time and competed against N64( cartridges) leaving the market and a weak 1st attempt at DVD games by Nintendo in the game cube and MS's 1st attempt at a console and this is only a 2nd in which all MS goals were met.  They gained market share, gained developer support, gained XB Live memberships and turned 360 from a red to a green ( positive cash flow) .. I don't think they are too worried with this momemtum going into a 3rd console.  It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo does who has re-established their name as the standard in gaming.  I'm a fan of nintendo, but not a fanboy.  I loved the PS2, and PS (1), but I just like the XB Live system and this time around I think MS has a better experience.. regardless of sales or how much money anyone made.

rf40928 said:


if PS3 sells 45m by 2010 fiscal yr end (or yr to date) and sells do increase (like most people expect then by 2011 yr's end Ps3 will have sold 69m units. give or take unforeseen factors

if 360 sells 47-50m by 2010 fiscal (or yr to date) and sells do fall (like some people expect) from an expected 13m 2010 to 11m 10 for 2011 fiscal yr. 57m to 60m 360 units will be sold give or take unforeseen factors. 

on the other hand like i always. nothing is ever set in stone.

To many IF'S are telling the future.  Fact: PS3 had a good year - but its no secret this was due to their slimline and price cut.   This was the fastest run to a slimline model in history because Sony needed the boost.  Company profitability controls price cuts, hardly sales volume alone.  What happens now that MS is doing the same?  I think 360 will come back in sales through the rest of the year. Not sustaining the sheer numbers they have the last few weeks of course ( they've beat the PS3 the last six worldwide ) but even if they sell evenly its over.  From a financial point of view its already over.  Sony needs to learn from this and make the next console more competitive while being in a better price point from the release.   I think the hardest thing is for Sony fans to admit the console isn't the dominating force the PS2 was, and often they sight the PS2 and use it as a reason the PS3 will come back somehow.  The PS2 was the right hardware at the right time and competed against N64( cartridges) leaving the market and a weak 1st attempt at DVD games by Nintendo in the game cube and MS's 1st attempt at a console and this is only a 2nd in which all MS goals were met.  They gained market share, gained developer support, gained XB Live memberships and turned 360 from a red to a green ( positive cash flow) .. I don't think they are too worried with this momemtum going into a 3rd console.  It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo does who has re-established their name as the standard in gaming.  I'm a fan of nintendo, but not a fanboy.  I loved the PS2, and PS (1), but I just like the XB Live system and this time around I think MS has a better experience.. regardless of sales or how much money anyone made.

you think meaning your opinion(in reference to your last sentence)

i agree with every point you made, but i don't think it's just a lesson Sony needs to learn. its one for the hole industry not just the big 3.

i'll go on to say this gen isn't over and anything is still possible. with the big 3 looking at this being a ten yr life cycle (well i haven't heard Nintendo say anything more then it will last longer then the previous gens ) the right game could give Sony or MS the edge or momentum to catch or pass Nintendo or put Nintendo further ahead.

noting i'm a Sony, PC, Nintendo gamer. 

rf40928 said:
A203D said:
Reach said:

Ms was forced to ?? NO... Sony was forced to... Fastest Slim Launch ever for a Console... Thats was desperation... Anyway how the heel people know that 360 will sell 12M and Ps3 15M ? Lol just because sony says so ?? haha

they were forced to because of the massive hardware failure of the 360 consoles, and the fact that they were being outsold week on week up until they just launched the new slim console. imo it wouldve been game over if they didnt release the slim, Mass Effect 2, and Alan Wake didnt move many consoles, and didnt become system sellers. however it was a well deserved launch, the 360 slim seems to be a very reliable peice of tech!!

I agree with your assesment.  People are seeing that the slim PS3 ( and its lower price ) helped PS3 sales numbers worldwide after its release alot.  I know that the slimline Xbox 360 will likely sell well now for the same reasons i fnot more.  My cousin bought his first 360 because he felt it was more reliable and finally included wireless.  And now the base 360 price is even cheaper.  I think the two consoles will stay pretty even worldwide ( i mean not including America ) with the 360 possibly pulling away this year some .. but once you factor in America you can forget it.  The 360 is an American console and it's ten million units ahead the PS3 in North America .. and According to VG chartz the 360 had beaten the PS3 in worldwide sales the last 6 weeks.  I'm curious to see if in 3 months the 360 pulls away from the PS3 in Europe.  Because right now in Europe sales alone the two consoles are running a neck and neck race.  Console sales also are just a bit more cosmetic as well.  360 is definately selling more games ( thats more money for MS and less for Sony ), Xb Live is cashing in, and more people who bought PS3's bought it for the bluray player, but now I think Ps3 sales will level off from the PS3 slims momentum.  Because right now someone i know was going to get a PS3, they have a 360 now, but instead bought a  150 dollar bluray player at bestbuy..

i am also very keen in seeing what happens in the next few weeks and months, personally i think the gap will actully grow larger now because the US most definitly favours the 360. and in the EU it will probabily be about even. but, like someone else mentioned sony dosent have all the developers in its pockets anymore and the only way i see sony winning this or next year is if its 1st party games make a huge impact. i'm uncertain if the PS3 sales will level off because the console still did very well during the 360 relaunch. so its really an 'all bets are off' scenario, because their will be fireworks this fall-december.