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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The plot thickens...

--OkeyDokey-- said:
could anything possibly be more uninteresting than the war between HD-DVD and bluray?

It appears that you've never seen a Michael Bay film...

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michael bay is terrible, but that's a different issue.

What's wrong with microsoft supporting HD-DVD to help themselves? Sony is making people who want the PS3 get a blu-ray drive to help their other business, that's not any better.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Ummm, I would tend to doubt that anyone from M$ would tell Michael Bay their strategy for digital distribution. Seems like an arrogant idiot just spouting off. Oh yeah, Transformers was an AWFUL movie.

I would like to know if he stands to gain anything financially if BR happened to win.

Yes, initially MB was pissed that para went to HD-DVD, and he knew that his contract was likely not going to have a chance to renogotiate for the lower amount of sales his movie would have gotten if para stayed neutral.

Thanks to kenobi after I got him to ban my old account (dallas) after someone hacked into it and being ok with me coming back under a slightly different username.  I appreciate our communication in the PMs.  Also I want to give a big thank you to vgchartz for being one of the cooler websites around. 

Oh, and I'm still the next Michael Pachter

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Considering how he ruined Transformers I say go &*^% yourself Michael Bay! I could care less what he has to say!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

I think the real conspiracy revolves around how people continue to let Michael Bay produce movies ...

After he releases a movie everyone becomes slightly dumber.

microsoft has more reason to support hd-dvd than just time to perfect digital downloads. 360 vs. ps3 for one. and what is wrong with making desions that strengthen their company. ever other company does it.

That's my attitude exactly, and i'm the biggest BD supporter here. The interesting thing of it is though, is that this eagerness to invest more and more in the 360 suggests that Microsoft is positive on the XBOX brand for the long term....mabey they'll even make another console.

Thanks to kenobi after I got him to ban my old account (dallas) after someone hacked into it and being ok with me coming back under a slightly different username.  I appreciate our communication in the PMs.  Also I want to give a big thank you to vgchartz for being one of the cooler websites around. 

Oh, and I'm still the next Michael Pachter

Wait, didn't Universal tell Michael Bay if he spouted crap against HD-DVD again they would pull him from Transformers 2? Oh please god tell me this means he won't be allowed to fuck up the sequel like he did the first one!