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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games you've invested the most time in

Final Fantasy XI


Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XIII

Star Ocean Till End of Time.

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Wow I can't recall, maybe Pokemon Blue back in the days. I also played awfully a lot Mario Kart 64 too(Like week after week, just after school with my friends) , and Animal Crossing on the GameCube. I dont know the exact amount of time, but I can tell they easily break the 100 or maybe 200 hours mark)

And I have been playing Super Mario Bros 3 all my life

Elder Scrolls Oblvion: Including all characters 500 hrs

Fallout 3: 2 characters totalling around 200 hrs

FFVII: around 300 hrs

FFVIII: around 200 hrs

Pro Evo is probably around 300-400 hrs for each iteration

Age of Empires II: Probably around 200-300 hrs. Completed each campaign twice and played tons of random maps and MP

Age of Mythology: same as above

Dragon Age Origins: 256hrs and counting :P Still have 2 more Origin stories to complete before I start Awakening

KoToR: Around 120hrs (3 play throughs)

GTA: San Andreas: Around 150 hrs. Played through twice (1 on PS2 and 1 on PC and messed around on this loads)

GT5 Prologue: Around 100 hrs

Edit: Forgot:

Neverwinter Nights: 3 playthroughs so around 150 hrs, plus 50 hrs for expansions. So, 200 in all.

Neverwinter Nights 2: 100 hrs, 120 including expansions.

MAG - 400 Hours and counting.

WoW, then Asheron's Call. I had hundreds of days piled up on different character in WoW before I quit, and Asheron's Call was the same. Other MMOs too but nowhere the amount of WoW or AC1.

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Mario Kart Wii - 800 Hours

Roller Coaster Tycoon - at least 1000 Hours

About 15 other games have over 100 hours.

From the top of my head with hour estimations:

Final Fantasy VII  (100 hours)

Final Fantasy VIII (100 hours)

Final Fantasy X - 2 (100 hours)

Yakuza 3 (100 hours) 

SF4/SSF4 (everyday for a year)

Alundra 2 (100 hours)

Chrono Cross  (150 hours)

Assassin's Creed

Megaman Legends and Legends 2

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Machina said:

No idea how some of you are guessing these figures. For me it's definitely Diablo II, closely followed by StarCraft. No idea what the figures are, but they're bound to be huge, I played them both almost every day for several years.

I think most are just estimates. Mine mainly are. For instance, an average game of AoE takes around 1.5 hrs. Considerring how many games I used to play I made a conservative estimate. Or 1 playthrough of Neverwinter Nights takes around 50hrs, I played through 3 times etc. Other games like Dragon Age or Oblivion actually give you stats.

FF4 - FF13 all for 200 hours at least. (excluding FF12, playd tht for 50 hours)

wow - 2000 hours

gta3 - 1000 hours

cod4 - 150 hours

age ov empires - 300 hours

ninty_shareholder64 said:


Over 1000 hours for just 1 game?

Ok, that would stand for 3 hours per day for one damned year!

That's nearly impossible, if you play more than that game in that year.

I'm not so sure, but with Perfect Dark i wasted around 300 hours (there is a clock for single and multiplayer) and that was more or less the only game i played in that year. After i looked at the counter it opened my eyes, that was definetly too much for just wasting the time with video games.

But, *looking around*, it seems i am a casual player, even in my hardcorz times of gaming i JUST spend 3-4 hours the day ;-(

Well in my case, the 1000 hours counts for Gears and Gears 2 combined. And I've had Gears 1 basically since launch back in 2006. So that's an almost 4 year span (can't believe it's been that long) for playing Gears.

It's probably less than 1000 hours actually, I'm just using a rough estimate. But I have been playing Gears and Gears 2 on a pretty consistant basis ever since it came out in 06.