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Elder Scrolls Oblvion: Including all characters 500 hrs

Fallout 3: 2 characters totalling around 200 hrs

FFVII: around 300 hrs

FFVIII: around 200 hrs

Pro Evo is probably around 300-400 hrs for each iteration

Age of Empires II: Probably around 200-300 hrs. Completed each campaign twice and played tons of random maps and MP

Age of Mythology: same as above

Dragon Age Origins: 256hrs and counting :P Still have 2 more Origin stories to complete before I start Awakening

KoToR: Around 120hrs (3 play throughs)

GTA: San Andreas: Around 150 hrs. Played through twice (1 on PS2 and 1 on PC and messed around on this loads)

GT5 Prologue: Around 100 hrs

Edit: Forgot:

Neverwinter Nights: 3 playthroughs so around 150 hrs, plus 50 hrs for expansions. So, 200 in all.

Neverwinter Nights 2: 100 hrs, 120 including expansions.