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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 18 Game Thread

Vetteman94 said:
Silver-Tiger said:

Seeing that Vetteman has nothing left to say, I'll go forward try to get things rolling again:

Vote Vetteman94

Transgent, where are you?

So what you are saying is that despite all I have said so far you are just going to ignore it?  And not add anything to the conversation at all?

Bandwagon vote at its finest

But we can't ignore the inconsistencies of your claims. 

- Sabby was SK (you claim that he somehow had no kills in the game)
- Your inconsistent in the stance you take for a double-lynch. As in, before you said you were willing to die to prove stefls was scum, and then you switched that when I proposed a double-lynch. Also, you explained that in a double lynch we kill two people and leave two mafia, but how's that possible when you keep saying Stefls is mafia? 
- and other stuff I'm too lazy to re-list

"2 kills during the day drops us to 5,  if there is still 2 mafia members left 2 more kills tonight drops us to 3.  Which could possibly leave 1 from each mafia and a helpless townie."

There's something for ya to explain ^_^

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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Well we're one away from granting Vetteman's wish.  If stefl, co3n3nj0, or trangentspree would care to vote for Vetteman we can move on.  Or they can vote for someone else.  Or they could not vote, and we can time out for the fifth day.

I am curious why stefl hasn't voted, though... =^/

c03n3nj0 said:
Vetteman94 said:
Silver-Tiger said:

Seeing that Vetteman has nothing left to say, I'll go forward try to get things rolling again:

Vote Vetteman94

Transgent, where are you?

So what you are saying is that despite all I have said so far you are just going to ignore it?  And not add anything to the conversation at all?

Bandwagon vote at its finest

But we can't ignore the inconsistencies of your claims. 

- Sabby was SK (you claim that he somehow had no kills in the game)
- Your inconsistent in the stance you take for a double-lynch. As in, before you said you were willing to die to prove stefls was scum, and then you switched that when I proposed a double-lynch. Also, you explained that in a double lynch we kill two people and leave two mafia, but how's that possible when you keep saying Stefls is mafia? 
- and other stuff I'm too lazy to re-list

"2 kills during the day drops us to 5,  if there is still 2 mafia members left 2 more kills tonight drops us to 3.  Which could possibly leave 1 from each mafia and a helpless townie."

There's something for ya to explain ^_^

So what you are saying is that I cant be a vigilante because we had a serial killer?   I have explained the possibilities of what has happened to his kills.  One may have been blocked, whether by a role blocker or doctor  and he may have targeted the same person as either me or one of the mafia guys did.  Now your only arguement is that it is highly improbable that that is what happened, but being highly improbable doesnt make it impossible.

I never switched my stance on me dying to prove my innocence, I just believe a double lynch is a bad idea and I want no part of it.  I may be saying stefl is mafia,  I have already stated my reasons,  but there is always the possibilty that I am wrong,  just like you guys are wrong about me.  So that is why I put the plan in bolded as that,  to show the worst possible outcome.   Which is what should always be planned for anyway.   Hence why a double lynch is bad. 

Got anything else for me?

noname2200 said:

Well we're one away from granting Vetteman's wish.  If stefl, co3n3nj0, or trangentspree would care to vote for Vetteman we can move on.  Or they can vote for someone else.  Or they could not vote, and we can time out for the fifth day.

I am curious why stefl hasn't voted, though... =^/

You seem to be real eager to get rid of me,  just pointing that out.   

Also,  I think its obvious why stefl hasnt voted yet,  doubt was cast on his reading from last night

4 players out of 7 voted

3 votes vetteman

godofwar, noname, silver

1 vote stefl


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Vetteman94 said:
noname2200 said:

Well we're one away from granting Vetteman's wish.  If stefl, co3n3nj0, or trangentspree would care to vote for Vetteman we can move on.  Or they can vote for someone else.  Or they could not vote, and we can time out for the fifth day.

I am curious why stefl hasn't voted, though... =^/

You seem to be real eager to get rid of me,  just pointing that out.   

Also,  I think its obvious why stefl hasnt voted yet,  doubt was cast on his reading from last night

Actually, it was most like;y because he wanted the day to continue. 



I think we were at L-1" ~ stefls

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Anyways, I think it's pretty obvious by now the day has ended. 

Vette's arguments have all already been said (according to him) and I don't see anyone brining anything new to make people switch their votes 


Vote - vetteman

... is it me or have I been hammer voting for the past 3 days?  

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

NIGHT 6 BEGINS........

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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nen-suer said:


NIGHT 6 BEGINS........

how appropriate, liu Kang's death!

us zombies appreciate the vid!


YAY  its about time,  the town is well on its way to losing