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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

Demotruk said:
Aiddon said:

no, I am not reading some article just because you want your ignorant, hate-spewing opinion to feel validated. Make your own argument instead of relying on someone else. It is just SAD to still be doing this almost two months after a game is released

I have made my own arguments, no need to be so bitter.

If he's bitter for that statement, then what do we call your opinion about Other M...?

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

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Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Demotruk said:
Aiddon said:

no, I am not reading some article just because you want your ignorant, hate-spewing opinion to feel validated. Make your own argument instead of relying on someone else. It is just SAD to still be doing this almost two months after a game is released

I have made my own arguments, no need to be so bitter.

If he's bitter for that statement, then what do we call your opinion about Other M...?


Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Demotruk said:
Aiddon said:

no, I am not reading some article just because you want your ignorant, hate-spewing opinion to feel validated. Make your own argument instead of relying on someone else. It is just SAD to still be doing this almost two months after a game is released

I have made my own arguments, no need to be so bitter.

If he's bitter for that statement, then what do we call your opinion about Other M...?

I'm criticizing the game, something I find fun. He's more interested in attacking the critics, as though criticizing the game has hurt his feelings.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Demotruk said:

This dead horse needs more flogging. A new article with a very interesting perspective on this:

lol who's sad enough to write such a big hate letter on Other M

God that article is long and rambles on about nonsensical complaints

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
Demotruk said:

This dead horse needs more flogging. A new article with a very interesting perspective on this:

lol who's sad enough to write such a big hate letter on Other M

God that article is long and rambles on about nonsensical complaints

Give me the gist of it Darth.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

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darthdevidem01 said:
Demotruk said:

This dead horse needs more flogging. A new article with a very interesting perspective on this:

lol who's sad enough to write such a big hate letter on Other M

God that article is long and rambles on about nonsensical complaints

Can you give us examples of nonsensical complaints? I have not seen one good argument in defense of the game on this page yet, merely attacks on Demotruk and the writer of the article. If they are nonsensical, I would like you to prove that.

Likewise, why is Demotruk's opinion "ignorant" and "hate-spewing"? If the article represents it, then yes, the tone is certainly that of an offended person. But I just don't see ignorance in a rather long, detailed piece supported by examples taken directly from the game itself, let alone the kind of frothing hate Aiddon's choice of words implies. If you can link me to him blindly hating the game, I'm all ears (well, eyes).

Dear third parties, please stop pretending your Wii games are worth buying.

I really hope that Sakamoto gets reasigned to a more appropiate position for him (like  printing covers for the DVD) instead of inserting us down his damn geek and otaku vision of a usedtobe great character.

Pheeew, I made it through the entire editorial.  The author(s) back up their opinion with good research that's for sure.  While I don't agree with every point they make I'm not going to take the time to justify my opinion.  I do agree with at least one point though.  Adam came off as a total douche throughout the game.  One point I didn't understand was this.  I never viewed Samus as a feminist in the traditional sense, (the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men) but I guess by definition she would be.  I didn't really care about her gender and what that means to womens rights in the far away future.  I don't look to video games to influence my opinions on the role of women in society.  I just viewed her as a tough bounty hunter with an awesome alien made suit with cool abilities and add-ons.  As long as Metroid has that you can count me in.

Ultimately the opinion piece was written well enough for credibility even if it was just as melodramatic as the game's story.  For example:

"If Metroid: Other M is indicative of the direction the Metroid series will be going from now on, I’m afraid I can no longer be a Metroid fan. For that matter, if Other M represents what Metroid’s creators had intended all along but hadn’t made clear until now, then I was never really a Metroid fan to begin with.

Fortunately, Sakamoto himself admits that he hadn’t thought deeply about Samus Aran’s characterization prior to Other M. Now, however, it may be time for Nintendo to think more deeply about Yoshio Sakamoto."

Pretty dramatic don't you think?

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."

@Aiddon, Darth:

So, I guess the article's complaints were actually sensible and Demotruk's position wasn't ignorant and hate-spewing? Or how am I supposed to interpret your silence? It's been DAYS, and if your claims were true, finding examples to support them should be trivial.

Dear third parties, please stop pretending your Wii games are worth buying.
darthdevidem01 said:
Demotruk said:

This dead horse needs more flogging. A new article with a very interesting perspective on this:

lol who's sad enough to write such a big hate letter on Other M

God that article is long and rambles on about nonsensical complaints

The best part is you could take atleast 90% of the games out there and slaughter them in a similar way. You just have to be creative and maybe spin a little.