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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

Demotruk said:

^Honestly, that idea sounds abysmal to me, and I think most people would find it annoying rather than enjoyable, but hey, if it's your own money, sure.


It may be more persuasive to use examples from successful games, not games that underperformed compared to their predecessors.

You're a purist. I wouldn't expect anything less of you. I could ask you why, though, like you "asked" wfz.

As for sales, God of War seems to de well enough, as did BioShock (much better than the prequel). And, nostalgia aside, the fact that the FLUDD-less levels in Sunshine were purportely the most well recieved segments of the game implies that people in general do not have a fundamental problem with having their level of control/abilities diminished.

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Well I started to replay MP3 and got to the part where Samus wakes up from the one month of sleep and sees her new ped suit. I then remembered how badass her suit changes were. The light suit from MP2 comes to mind which I always thought was her best looking suit. I miss that in this game. I'm ignoring the fact that her suit was already complete and had no need to upgrade.

I just "finished" it (aka saved the day... now I'm going back to 100% it), and I have to say that that 15 minute ending really was a downer after the mostly excellent Queen Metroid.

I say mostly excellent because it would be nice if the game told you that your power bomb was functional in those last few seconds, like it did for every other weapon/suit upgrade you get in the game. I probably died 7 times before I realized what to do. Good thing the checkpoint system is extremely forgiving... or I probably would have never finished it.

I find that that's one of the biggest flaws in this game. The game goes through extremes of either telling you exactly what to do, or leaving you in an area that you have no idea how to progress (and it's not a clever puzzle, it's just a completely random, non highlighted area you have to use a morph ball bomb against. ).

I mean, the first person "Where's Waldo" sequences is one of the silliest and unnecessary gameplay elements I've seen in a game. Grrr!

And as for the bosses... while I find them to be the highlight of the game, they're still deceptively simple to defeat. Just spam your sense-move to avoid damage, and when you have room, blast the boss with either a charged beam shot or a missile. Rinse and repeat. Even Ridley was a cinch... (I laughed when he's down to a sliver of health and he starts to charge you. I just spammed sense move and it looked completely ridiculous. ) I really only found Queen Metroid to be a very diverse/fun/tough boss. Seeing as you had to focus on both the Metroids and herself.

Yeah, besides the "end" of the game, I didn't even mind the story/voice acting/characterization that Sakamoto implemented. Even the plot holes and the silly dialogue didn't phaze me that much. I just find the gameplay, the exploration, the other stuff (the music... hardly worth noticing)... just not up to snuff. I just found Metroid: Other M to be disappointing. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good game, but when it's Metroid we're talking about, I was expecting more. My bad I guess.

I'll 100% the game no doubt, take down Phantoon, and reach my ship before BS explodes... but after that, I'm gonna play some Castlevania on the DS.

wfz said:
Khuutra said:

Not at all, no.


I think the funniest thing about Samus's reaction to Ridley is how differently Anthony reacts. Samus sees Ridley, freezes up, has to be saved, can't summon up her suit in time to save Anthony.

Anthony is falling to his death but is still clear-headed enough to freeze a lava monster and use it as a platform to survive certain death.

I think we know who the real hero of this story is

Khuutra, if you're arguing that Samus doesn't have PTSD, then that's a different argument and I'd like to hear your reason why.

However, if you are acknowledging her PTSD, that is an absolute bitch-slap in the face to anyone who suffers from the disorder. Your post wasn't funny at all. Maybe you should take time to learn about the disorder and be a little more forgiving to those who suffer from it.

Samus is a fictional character, and pretending that anything about a fictional character is off-limits for humor is both disingenuous and needlessly censoring, especially in a context where the presentation of this aspect of the character is melodramatic, inconsistent with her surroundings, and inconsistent with her characterization as I am familiar with it.

You're not asked to find my post funny. I do ask you not to make assumptions about my knowledge concerning post-traumatic stress disorder, my own experiences, or the experiences of the people around me. They have absolutely nothing to do with my post.

Smeags said:

I just "finished" it (aka saved the day... now I'm going back to 100% it), and I have to say that that 15 minute ending really was a downer after the mostly excellent Queen Metroid.

I say mostly excellent because it would be nice if the game told you that your power bomb was functional in those last few seconds, like it did for every other weapon/suit upgrade you get in the game. I probably died 7 times before I realized what to do. Good thing the checkpoint system is extremely forgiving... or I probably would have never finished it.

I find that that's one of the biggest flaws in this game. The game goes through extremes of either telling you exactly what to do, or leaving you in an area that you have no idea how to progress (and it's not a clever puzzle, it's just a completely random, non highlighted area you have to use a morph ball bomb against. ).

I mean, the first person "Where's Waldo" sequences is one of the silliest and unnecessary gameplay elements I've seen in a game. Grrr!

And as for the bosses... while I find them to be the highlight of the game, they're still deceptively simple to defeat. Just spam your sense-move to avoid damage, and when you have room, blast the boss with either a charged beam shot or a missile. Rinse and repeat. Even Ridley was a cinch... (I laughed when he's down to a sliver of health and he starts to charge you. I just spammed sense move and it looked completely ridiculous. ) I really only found Queen Metroid to be a very diverse/fun/tough boss. Seeing as you had to focus on both the Metroids and herself.

Yeah, besides the "end" of the game, I didn't even mind the story/voice acting/characterization that Sakamoto implemented. Even the plot holes and the silly dialogue didn't phaze me that much. I just find the gameplay, the exploration, the other stuff (the music... hardly worth noticing)... just not up to snuff. I just found Metroid: Other M to be disappointing. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good game, but when it's Metroid we're talking about, I was expecting more. My bad I guess.

I'll 100% the game no doubt, take down Phantoon, and reach my ship before BS explodes... but after that, I'm gonna play some Castlevania on the DS.

I just beat it this morning, too.  I played Metroid 2, and as soon as I got to the Queen Metroid, I was looking for a way to go inside her mouth and bomb her from the inside!  I got it on the first try!!  I also liked the trowback of freezing/missile blasting the Metroids.  I only wish that I could "Bomb Up" to high places like in past Metroids.  I used to be great at that.  Couldn't do it in this one.  I wasn't disappointed at all.  I'm probably in the minority, but I don't care.  I loved this game.  Now, I gotta go back for 100%, like you.

I'd give it a 9/10

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Khuutra said:

Not at all, no.


I think the funniest thing about Samus's reaction to Ridley is how differently Anthony reacts. Samus sees Ridley, freezes up, has to be saved, can't summon up her suit in time to save Anthony.

Anthony is falling to his death but is still clear-headed enough to freeze a lava monster and use it as a platform to survive certain death.

I think we know who the real hero of this story is

I dunno.  From all of the comments I read before, I expected Samus to curl into a ball (a regular ball, not a morph ball), lay on the floor and cry until someone wheeled her away in a wheel chair while Anthony gets killed.  It didn't play out like that at all.  Samus froze up for about two seconds and Ridley grabbed her and started kicking her ass.  She got right back into the fight, but wasn't quick enough stop Anthony from falling.  And he didn't even die!  No harm, no foul.  That whole scene was blown way out of proportion.  I was a little let down by how much it didn't suck.

d21lewis said:
Khuutra said:

Not at all, no.


I think the funniest thing about Samus's reaction to Ridley is how differently Anthony reacts. Samus sees Ridley, freezes up, has to be saved, can't summon up her suit in time to save Anthony.

Anthony is falling to his death but is still clear-headed enough to freeze a lava monster and use it as a platform to survive certain death.

I think we know who the real hero of this story is

I dunno.  From all of the comments I read before, I expected Samus to curl into a ball (a regular ball, not a morph ball), lay on the floor and cry until someone wheeled her away in a wheel chair while Anthony gets killed.  It didn't play out like that at all.  Samus froze up for about two seconds and Ridley grabbed her and started kicking her ass.  She got right back into the fight, but wasn't quick enough stop Anthony from falling.  And he didn't even die!  No harm, no foul.  That whole scene was blown way out of proportion.  I was a little let down by how much it didn't suck.

I"m really glad to hear you were able ot enjoy it. Regardless of what I thought of it, the fact that you liked it so much is still a very good thing.

Where would you rank it compared to the other Metroid games?

Khuutra said:
d21lewis said:
Khuutra said:

Not at all, no.


I think the funniest thing about Samus's reaction to Ridley is how differently Anthony reacts. Samus sees Ridley, freezes up, has to be saved, can't summon up her suit in time to save Anthony.

Anthony is falling to his death but is still clear-headed enough to freeze a lava monster and use it as a platform to survive certain death.

I think we know who the real hero of this story is

I dunno.  From all of the comments I read before, I expected Samus to curl into a ball (a regular ball, not a morph ball), lay on the floor and cry until someone wheeled her away in a wheel chair while Anthony gets killed.  It didn't play out like that at all.  Samus froze up for about two seconds and Ridley grabbed her and started kicking her ass.  She got right back into the fight, but wasn't quick enough stop Anthony from falling.  And he didn't even die!  No harm, no foul.  That whole scene was blown way out of proportion.  I was a little let down by how much it didn't suck.

I"m really glad to hear you were able ot enjoy it. Regardless of what I thought of it, the fact that you liked it so much is still a very good thing.

Where would you rank it compared to the other Metroid games?

Well, I'm not a fan of FPS games in general but I recognize the quality of the Prime series.  I have played all of the games in the Metroid series (don't have Metroid II anymore but I beat it a thousand times for the Gameboy--I even used to just sit and listen to the music on the title screen all the time--but I digress) except Metroid Pinball.  Anyway, here's my personal ranking:

  • Metroid Zero Mission
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Super Metroid
  • Metroid Prime 3
  • Metroid Prime
  • Metroid : Other M
  • Metroid Prime 2
  • Metroid II:  The Return of Samus
  • Metroid Prime Hunters
  • Metroid (Nes)
  • I admit the game has some flaws (I hated the graphics at times--but that's a flaw of the Wii, the music wasn't as strong, and some old Metroid staples like scanning and bombing up were missing) but all in all, this was the Metroid I've always dreamed of.  It was cinematic, 3D, and third person.

    Funny video

    Messed up trying to embed 



    Nope, not the only one.

    A game I'm developing with some friends:

    It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.