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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

Khuutra said:

My point is it's stupid

Hella stupid

I think Mr Khan and I were agreeing with you.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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I know you were. I was being succinct for the sake of succinctness.

Khuutra said:

I know you were. I was being succinct for the sake of succinctness.

Well let's elaborate.

It would be less ridiculous to make Samus's armor shaped like a fancy ballgown (tiara instead of a helmet, bell shaped skirt instead of leggings, sleeves would stay the same though).

It would be less ridiculous to have her having to fight monsters in a fur bikini.

Why? Because such things are so over the top silly, that good reason would have to be put in the game for those, not just go with something that flat out slaps the established logic of the game in the face.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
wfz said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:

Actually some do not know he is joking and being sarcastic. So it is not over the top.

Over the top is ok but my little joke isn't?

I feel liking your trying to bully me and I am getting scared

just because i made a little joke as if I am praying 

Okay, not everyone gets Rol, true.

Then just never forget to use a wink or three. Those are the best way to make it clear you are joking, even if some don't get it.

My unfunny comment was obviously a joke.  Jesus leave me alone 

For what it's worth, even I was getting really annoyed by your posts, and I didn't see the humor. Try to make it a little bit more obvious next time. Use smileys, like Lord said.

Also, maybe some things are better left done with. It really feels like you're beating a dead horse. No matter how funny you try to make it, beating a dead horse is still beating a dead horse, and it's annoying. Maybe you should give up the metroid spiel, or find something else to talk about than just ramming the same points again and again; points which some of us have tried to explain and discuss with you earlier.

For example, you keep talking about how Samus is whining, and I've tried getting into a discussion and talking points over with you earlier, to see what points you really had about it. But you just keep preaching the same thin and vague lines over and over, and it's really not funny.

her internal dialog is whining to me  some  thinks its Shakespeare.  Well good, I think it is bad, and it brings nothing to actual gameplay. It ruins any momentum you get. The question is why put in cutscenes with bad  dialog and overwrought samus? Why cut down who will purchase this game when more will buy it if those aspects are gone. There no need for smiley faces.

 you can't figure out that a 51 year old being on my knees and praying for a game to change is joking?

How were we to know your age? Even if it's on your profile, we don't look at every one on the site.

Plus I wouldn't call it whining, as it's too flat. Even Anakin in Attack of the Clones could make more convincing whining, which was about the only thing that was convincing unfortunately.

You ignored my points, A lot of people hate this game and will not purchase it which was a mistake I made.

If the game cut down of the overly dramatic aspects that a lot of people hate, and shortened the cut scenes then people who like this iteration would still purchase it.  And there is more of of a chance that fans of every other metriod would purchase it

They shot themselves in the foot. They cut down potential customers and pigeon holed samus with this personality.

I am not a genius in fact I have brain damage but those are good points

I didn't ignore your points. I just pointed out the dialog was too flat to even be whining to me.

her boring internal monologues are whiny imo 

you don't

LordTheNightKnight said:
Khuutra said:

I know you were. I was being succinct for the sake of succinctness.

Well let's elaborate.

It would be less ridiculous to make Samus's armor shaped like a fancy ballgown (tiara instead of a helmet, bell shaped skirt instead of leggings, sleeves would stay the same though).

It would be less ridiculous to have her having to fight monsters in a fur bikini.

Why? Because such things are so over the top silly, that good reason would have to be put in the game for those, not just go with something that flat out slaps the established logic of the game in the face.

You know I would have been pretty okay with the Zero Suit if they had.... actually I have a lot of problems with the Zero Suit (not the suit itself, but Samus's softness), but I would be pretty okay with it if they had kept the reasonable feet design.

I would also be okay with an extra mode that lets me run around in nothing but the Zero Suit, like Justin Bailey of yore.

Actually I'm fine with lots of silly extras. Playing as Samus kicking the shit out of people in a fancy dress would be hilarious (if Nintendo could handle skirt physics). Just so as long as it's not canon. Canon like her five-inch heels.

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If this game had a "Justin Bailey" code, I would buy a secomd copy.

Khuutra said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Khuutra said:

I know you were. I was being succinct for the sake of succinctness.

Well let's elaborate.

It would be less ridiculous to make Samus's armor shaped like a fancy ballgown (tiara instead of a helmet, bell shaped skirt instead of leggings, sleeves would stay the same though).

It would be less ridiculous to have her having to fight monsters in a fur bikini.

Why? Because such things are so over the top silly, that good reason would have to be put in the game for those, not just go with something that flat out slaps the established logic of the game in the face.

You know I would have been pretty okay with the Zero Suit if they had.... actually I have a lot of problems with the Zero Suit (not the suit itself, but Samus's softness), but I would be pretty okay with it if they had kept the reasonable feet design.

I would also be okay with an extra mode that lets me run around in nothing but the Zero Suit, like Justin Bailey of yore.

Actually I'm fine with lots of silly extras. Playing as Samus kicking the shit out of people in a fancy dress would be hilarious (if Nintendo could handle skirt physics). Just so as long as it's not canon. Canon like her five-inch heels.

I think the skirt physics was simple time constraints. Brawl had plenty of time, had the physics. NSMBWii had to be out for the holidays, since Nintendo evidently didn't have any other hits ready.

Incidentally, which famous fancy dress would you think would be the funniest? Peach's? Zelda's? One of the Disney Princess's?

There could be a Christmas DLC of Samus in a dress like at the end of White Christmas.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Khuutra said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Khuutra said:

I know you were. I was being succinct for the sake of succinctness.

Well let's elaborate.

It would be less ridiculous to make Samus's armor shaped like a fancy ballgown (tiara instead of a helmet, bell shaped skirt instead of leggings, sleeves would stay the same though).

It would be less ridiculous to have her having to fight monsters in a fur bikini.

Why? Because such things are so over the top silly, that good reason would have to be put in the game for those, not just go with something that flat out slaps the established logic of the game in the face.

You know I would have been pretty okay with the Zero Suit if they had.... actually I have a lot of problems with the Zero Suit (not the suit itself, but Samus's softness), but I would be pretty okay with it if they had kept the reasonable feet design.

I would also be okay with an extra mode that lets me run around in nothing but the Zero Suit, like Justin Bailey of yore.

Actually I'm fine with lots of silly extras. Playing as Samus kicking the shit out of people in a fancy dress would be hilarious (if Nintendo could handle skirt physics). Just so as long as it's not canon. Canon like her five-inch heels.

The five-inch heels are canon like the bikini she used to wear was canon. That bikini was (with some misfortune, given how comparatively often Samus undresses now) retconned out of existence, likely the heels will disappear, or the finer points of the suit will otherwise be altered.

Despite this idea we seem to have over Sakamoto being obsessed with determining the finer points of canon, the little bits of continuity have always been up in the air. Hell, the existence of Super Metroid and Metroid in the same timeline is a little incredulous (explaining how Mother Brain, Ridley, and Kraid survived)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

The worst metroid game i have ever played, not a bad game all round in terms of production but a bad metroid game  for sure, in fact it might aswell be some other game. This is not metroid, although tough lets try to ignore the fact that they turned samus from a badass bounty hunter space pirate killer to a teen age pussy in heat pansy crying for daddy all the time...seriously. No sense of isolation , no atmosphere , linear as hell , easy as fuck , no memorable music, a staple in the series , dumb control setup, insulting cutscenes with bad voice acting  which you can't skip and many other things which i wont bother to menshion right now. Give metroid back to retro asap nintendo!

Okay... this article is likely not going to make friends, but since this is the thread about the game, and this article is about the game...

Hoo boy...

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs