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LordTheNightKnight said:
Khuutra said:

I know you were. I was being succinct for the sake of succinctness.

Well let's elaborate.

It would be less ridiculous to make Samus's armor shaped like a fancy ballgown (tiara instead of a helmet, bell shaped skirt instead of leggings, sleeves would stay the same though).

It would be less ridiculous to have her having to fight monsters in a fur bikini.

Why? Because such things are so over the top silly, that good reason would have to be put in the game for those, not just go with something that flat out slaps the established logic of the game in the face.

You know I would have been pretty okay with the Zero Suit if they had.... actually I have a lot of problems with the Zero Suit (not the suit itself, but Samus's softness), but I would be pretty okay with it if they had kept the reasonable feet design.

I would also be okay with an extra mode that lets me run around in nothing but the Zero Suit, like Justin Bailey of yore.

Actually I'm fine with lots of silly extras. Playing as Samus kicking the shit out of people in a fancy dress would be hilarious (if Nintendo could handle skirt physics). Just so as long as it's not canon. Canon like her five-inch heels.