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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

So that is that


Phantoon was surprisingly easy, though i was mostly tanking it with my energy tanks.


Found out i had missed exactly one tank in the wrong spot, and had to backtrack a hideously great distance for it, but i got it.


Great game, with flaws holding it back from the legendary status of some of its forebears.


Now on to Monster Hunter!

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network
Mr Khan said:

So that is that

Phantoon was surprisingly easy, though i was mostly tanking it with my energy tanks.

Found out i had missed exactly one tank in the wrong spot, and had to backtrack a hideously great distance for it, but i got it.

Great game, with flaws holding it back from the legendary status of some of its forebears.

Now on to Monster Hunter!

What was your time?

LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:

Sakamoto who made this game is the evil sakamoto. The righteous  sakamoto kept the awful dialog,overlong cutscenes, and crybaby samus out of the game.

Seriously, even if it's hyperbole, cut it out. We know you don't like the game. Stating what's wrong in a more objective tone (as in stating what you think if a flaw and way) gets a lot more respect (plus taking the other way too far could risk a ban).

Why would I get a ban when i am trying to lighten up and joke around .....please

I have already stated how I feel about it and my humor was rooted in what i believe the weakness of the game is,  And why most people do not like it.  I have been called ignorant in a number of threads and rightly no one was banned so lighten up

The key words are "too far". I didn't know how far you were going to take it (and I wasn't on those other threads), but even I was getting annoyed at what you were doing already, and it's clear I'm no fan of the direction this game went.

Listen I have been called an ignorant gamer on these threads what I did was use humor to make my point.  I didn't call anyone anything, I did not mention or insinuate any negative comments toward anyone here. You are dropping the ban anvil

Well I'm not calling you ignorant. I'm just stating that kind of language just doesn't work in these discussions. Plus saying it's just a joke is not a way to justify it, since it's clear even tose of us that agree with you don't get it. So don't you dare blame us if your attempt at humor falls flat.

Plus dripping the ban anvil means actually banning someone, and I'm not a mod. I warned you of the risk of banning.

I believe humor is an important communication tool. And I am not blaming anyone for anything I am telling you that I can defend myself from being called names. 

It probably wasn't funny so what, I did not say anything offensive about anyone. So I guess whatever

I guess I will take my bad humor and go home

Well even if you try to do it in a joking tone, being on the web is already an obstacle. That's why users like Rol try to be so over the top, the humor is clear to all but those who just make a cursory glance.

Actually some do not know he is joking and being sarcastic. So it is not over the top.

Over the top is ok but my little joke isn't?

I feel liking your trying to bully me and I am getting scared

just because i made a little joke as if I am praying 

mhsillen said:

Actually some do not know he is joking and being sarcastic. So it is not over the top.

Over the top is ok but my little joke isn't?

I feel liking your trying to bully me and I am getting scared

just because i made a little joke as if I am praying 

Okay, not everyone gets Rol, true.

Then just never forget to use a wink or three. Those are the best way to make it clear you are joking, even if some don't get it.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:

Actually some do not know he is joking and being sarcastic. So it is not over the top.

Over the top is ok but my little joke isn't?

I feel liking your trying to bully me and I am getting scared

just because i made a little joke as if I am praying 

Okay, not everyone gets Rol, true.

Then just never forget to use a wink or three. Those are the best way to make it clear you are joking, even if some don't get it.

My unfunny comment was obviously a joke.  Jesus leave me alone 

Around the Network
Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:

So that is that

Phantoon was surprisingly easy, though i was mostly tanking it with my energy tanks.

Found out i had missed exactly one tank in the wrong spot, and had to backtrack a hideously great distance for it, but i got it.

Great game, with flaws holding it back from the legendary status of some of its forebears.

Now on to Monster Hunter!

What was your time?

Mine was almost 12 hours. I might have left it on for about half an hour, an hour max, while not playing (during the course of my entire playhtrough) but I'd say 12 hours was a representable time.

This thread is moving really fast, so I'm sorry if I missed you saying it before, but what time did you get Khuurta?

Oh and sorry for hijacking your question. I know it wasn't meant for me. =P

mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:

Actually some do not know he is joking and being sarcastic. So it is not over the top.

Over the top is ok but my little joke isn't?

I feel liking your trying to bully me and I am getting scared

just because i made a little joke as if I am praying 

Okay, not everyone gets Rol, true.

Then just never forget to use a wink or three. Those are the best way to make it clear you are joking, even if some don't get it.

My unfunny comment was obviously a joke.  Jesus leave me alone 

For what it's worth, even I was getting really annoyed by your posts, and I didn't see the humor. Try to make it a little bit more obvious next time. Use smileys, like Lord said.

Also, maybe some things are better left done with. It really feels like you're beating a dead horse. No matter how funny you try to make it, beating a dead horse is still beating a dead horse, and it's annoying. Maybe you should give up the metroid spiel, or find something else to talk about than just ramming the same points again and again; points which some of us have tried to explain and discuss with you earlier.

For example, you keep talking about how Samus is whining, and I've tried getting into a discussion and talking points over with you earlier, to see what points you really had about it. But you just keep preaching the same thin and vague lines over and over, and it's really not funny.

wfz said:
Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:

So that is that

Phantoon was surprisingly easy, though i was mostly tanking it with my energy tanks.

Found out i had missed exactly one tank in the wrong spot, and had to backtrack a hideously great distance for it, but i got it.

Great game, with flaws holding it back from the legendary status of some of its forebears.

Now on to Monster Hunter!

What was your time?

Mine was almost 12 hours. I might have left it on for about half an hour, an hour max, while not playing (during the course of my entire playhtrough) but I'd say 12 hours was a representable time.

This thread is moving really fast, so I'm sorry if I missed you saying it before, but what time did you get Khuurta?

Oh and sorry for hijacking your question. I know it wasn't meant for me. =P

Eight or nine hours, but I didn't try to 100% everything.

I didn't get the game until Friday and I'm only about 5 hours in.  I  plan to read this entire thread when I finish the game but for now, I want to avoid any spoilers.  It's 5:37am, as I write this and I've been up for the last 2 hours playing this game.  Here's my impressions, so far.


Back in 1997/1998, EGM made a list of the top 100 games of all time.  Maybe others had made lists like this before, but that was the first time I had seen one.  They listed reasons why each title fell into the place that it did, but in the end, I respected this list as the one true definitive list, at the time.  At the top of that list was Super Metroid.  The best game of all time.

Now, in the issues that followed, there was backlash.  There were people that went and played Super Metroid and didn't like what they found.  They didn't get it.  I wasn't one of those people.  Metroid fans, few as they may be, know that the series isn't about flash.  It's about tried and true gameplay, exploration, atmosphere, boss battles, creativity, and devious puzzles.  And that's where Other M comes in.  You see, after E3, this was my most anticipated game of the year.  My hype level for this game was off of the charts.  This was the Metroid that I always dreamed of.  It was 3D, it was third person, and it was somewhat cinematic.  I couldn't wait!  But it seems that some reviewers-not all-have been less than kind to Samus Aran's latest adventure.

What inspired me to write this post was that this game just made me cry.  I don't even know why.  It's a little embarrasing, to be honest.  I was playing the game, reached a puzzle, and I was totally stumped.  I contemplated going to the internet for a guide, but I didn't do it.  I stuck with it.  It took a lot of backtracking and experimentation but then I found this one wall that I could wall-jump off of, allowing me to continue the mission.  It was a feeling that I didn't see that often in this day and age.  It was the kind of thing that made me appreciate solid level design, and it was this blast of nostalgia that hit me at just the right time, and made me think of a time long passed.

The controls are perfect.  Initially, I was put off by the thought of using the Wii-Remote "Nes style".  In this day and age, after all of the advances in controls, how could Nintendo justify reverting back to two buttons and a d-pad?  Well, it didn't take long for them to click.  Now, I can't imagine playing this game any other way.  The story?  I'm getting major flashbacks of Metroid 2, combined with something......I just don't know...But I like it.  I like it a lot.  Something really sinister and epic is going on here and I can't wait to get to the bottom of it.  As for Samus' voice.  Initially, I was a little put off by it.  As it stands, I don't mind it at all.  And for some reason, I feel scared for her.  Despite her experience, and power, it seems like Samus is vulnerable and up against something she may not be able to handle.  It really delivers on that old Metroid feeling of being alone and overwhelmed.  This is the first time that Samus actually feels like a woman--not just a woman-a human.  It feels like I'm controlling a person instead of a souless robot.  Again, I like it and I've been playing these Metroid games since the late 80's.

The graphics suck.  Maybe I'm spoiled.  I'm very unimpressed by what Team Ninja and Nintendo have done with the Wii, here.  I wasn't expecting Uncharted 2 or anything but what we have here is a step below the Metroid Prime series.  It doesn't even stack up to older games like Metal Gear Solid 2 or Starfox Adventures and these games are closing in on being a decade old.  I can't figure out how this can be.  They do the job, but I'm spotting horrible textures, polygons, 2D plants, and weak effects, every time I turn around.  It really takes away from the overall impact of the game.

I don't know.  This is a long post but I felt I had to write it.  I can't explain it.  Maybe nobody will ever read it.  Maybe they will.  I don't care.  I'm going back to play the game.  As it stands, I'm blown away by what I have here.  An experience like this comes along a few times in a generation.  Games that go beyond games and become experiences.  Right now, I'm having an experience.  I love it.  If I had to give a rating based on what I've played so far, I'd give MoM an 8.9 out of 10.  And It's my game of the year.

-I have to wonder if Abbie Heppe is/was really a Metroid fan.  I also wonder if she actually played the game, too.   She takes issue with Samus regenerating energy (which takes actual effort instead of just waiting like in a CoD/Halo game) or replenishing missles by concentrating (rather than shooting an alien and having ammo/health fall out).  I just have so many issues with that G4 review.  I don't get it.