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LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:

Sakamoto who made this game is the evil sakamoto. The righteous  sakamoto kept the awful dialog,overlong cutscenes, and crybaby samus out of the game.

Seriously, even if it's hyperbole, cut it out. We know you don't like the game. Stating what's wrong in a more objective tone (as in stating what you think if a flaw and way) gets a lot more respect (plus taking the other way too far could risk a ban).

Why would I get a ban when i am trying to lighten up and joke around .....please

I have already stated how I feel about it and my humor was rooted in what i believe the weakness of the game is,  And why most people do not like it.  I have been called ignorant in a number of threads and rightly no one was banned so lighten up

The key words are "too far". I didn't know how far you were going to take it (and I wasn't on those other threads), but even I was getting annoyed at what you were doing already, and it's clear I'm no fan of the direction this game went.

Listen I have been called an ignorant gamer on these threads what I did was use humor to make my point.  I didn't call anyone anything, I did not mention or insinuate any negative comments toward anyone here. You are dropping the ban anvil

Well I'm not calling you ignorant. I'm just stating that kind of language just doesn't work in these discussions. Plus saying it's just a joke is not a way to justify it, since it's clear even tose of us that agree with you don't get it. So don't you dare blame us if your attempt at humor falls flat.

Plus dripping the ban anvil means actually banning someone, and I'm not a mod. I warned you of the risk of banning.

I believe humor is an important communication tool. And I am not blaming anyone for anything I am telling you that I can defend myself from being called names. 

It probably wasn't funny so what, I did not say anything offensive about anyone. So I guess whatever

I guess I will take my bad humor and go home

Well even if you try to do it in a joking tone, being on the web is already an obstacle. That's why users like Rol try to be so over the top, the humor is clear to all but those who just make a cursory glance.

Actually some do not know he is joking and being sarcastic. So it is not over the top.

Over the top is ok but my little joke isn't?

I feel liking your trying to bully me and I am getting scared

just because i made a little joke as if I am praying