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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

Khuutra said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

I would like to add the following point.

Sakamto stated clearly he wanted to take back Samus and Metroid, with a real story and characterization. In some way it means the outing of the more 'purist' fans - those who favor the shallow bountyhunter type.0 Those fans would never be happy with the new direction.

So the dissent from some fans is more or less planned. Or at least a to be expected consequence of the reboot. Nintendo had to expect this in some way. Time will tell if those lost 'purist' fans are replaced by new and more mainstream fans - Nintendo's clear goal with Other M. 

There is no way they planned for this game to do as poorly as it will.

They planned to devide the  fanbase a bit, while to add new and more mainstream fans. Maybe the plan didn't work. We'll see.

'Doing Poorly' is yet to be seen. Do we even know what the american first week numbers are? Lets' wait six months or a year. How many times did games 'bomb' just to find out it sold more then a million later on.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

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Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Khuutra said:

There is no way they planned for this game to do as poorly as it will.

They planned to devide the  fanbase a bit, while to add new and more mainstream fans. Maybe the plan didn't work. We'll see.

'Doing Poorly' is yet to be seen. Do we even know what the american first week numbers are? Lets' wait six months or a year. How many times did games 'bomb' just to find out it sold more then a million later on.

We'll see how my bet with Demotruk plays out, but I'm no longer confident.

SHMUPGurus said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
SHMUPGurus said:

I found this post on the Metroid Database forums talking about the story of Other M, and I must say that's a bit how I feel about this supposed characterization Samus got in this game:


''[...] What appeared to be a majority of us wanted a more fleshed out story, and had been wanting it for a long time, and he [Sakamoto] said he'd give it to us. Now just about all of the people who said they wanted a story are saying that his sucked.

It isn't even that this Samus conflicts with the one some of us imagined (it doesn't for me, both because of my next point and because I don't like speculating). It's that the one in the game doesn't have any character. 

Her constant monologue, were it gone, would leave her nearly just as fleshed out as she is in the other games. Now she... explains things. She doesn't even really offer an opinion, just explanation, that's not characterization, that's not fleshing out. 


The whole thread in general is very interesting:


Anyways, like someone said, there's no point in complaining about all the little details. Let's just hope we'll get another Metroid game and see if they can please the crowd that liked the western Samus better than ''Sakomoto's real vision'' of Samus.

But she does offer opinions... often... she expresses her feelings... It's just irritating when people say things that just aren't true, I mean if you didn't pay attention to her opinion, that's his deal and anyone that feels that way, she expresses her feelings for many things in the game, the deleter, Adam, Anthony, the baby metroid, then she shows character in her reactions to situations, that is all characterization if you like it or not.  

Largely I feel people that were hooked by the primes and made their own idea of what Samus should be, look at Other M and ignore whatever parts don't agree with them and then their arguments form around that.

She tells us about the Deleter... but does she really care about him after that scene with MB? I mean even if they didn't introduce the Federation Troopers in that game, would it have changed anything? That's like a story in the story. About Adam, the Metroids and bioweapons development, we pretty much already knew what she thought about them in the previous games (Fusion mostly, because that's when we got inside her mind the most before Other M). They put lots of cutscenes to explain her past, but to me it felt more that they wanted to explain the Adam in this story better, not really talk about Samus, so we can than understand the decision he took in Sector Zero better.

Anyways, to be completely honest with you, the only big thing that bugged me was the ending of the game. It was just so sudden and brutal, I didn't expect that at all. About the Ridley scene, well it would have been great to at least tell us Ridley destroyed her homeworld with the Pirates a long time ago. Then it would have made a lot more sense because then she wouldn't have expected him to be alive after killing him twice or something. Also, people say she had that PTSD thing or whatever... that wasn't in the game so it can't explain it. That's backstory and if you want it to be part of the Metroid universe you have to show it to everyone at least. So many people tell me Halo has no story and when I show them the books and everything, they don't even count them in the story because it's not part of the games most of the time. Well there ya go, it applies to Metroid too.

You do know what PSTD is right?  

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Stefan.De.Machtige said:

I would like to add the following point.

Sakamto stated clearly he wanted to take back Samus and Metroid, with a real story and characterization. In some way it means the outing of the more 'purist' fans - those who favor the shallow bountyhunter type.0 Those fans would never be happy with the new direction.

So the dissent from some fans is more or less planned. Or at least a to be expected consequence of the reboot. Nintendo had to expect this in some way. Time will tell if those lost 'purist' fans are replaced by new and more mainstream fans - Nintendo's clear goal with Other M. 

They actually said they wanted this Metroid to do better than Corruption, sequels generally don't so it's not likely to go as they actually planned, though I would say it deserves the sales.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

lestatdark said:

Well, I'm a long time Metroid fan, played it since NES days and have had pretty much every metroid game, even Hunters Pinball. 

I damn sure appreciate the current characterization of Samus, because now she's an actual character in which I see some similarities and can realistically comprehend some of the motives behind her actions. 

To me, Other M is being a pure Metroid experience, overhauled with the deeper portrayal of Samus. And since Other M is supposed to be a bridge-story between the events of Super Metroid and Fusion, without Prime in between as well, there hasn't been a scene or character portrayal so far that feels out of line.

Probably the majority of long time fans don't like the current direction, but to me, it's been an amazing experience so far, even rivaling the experience that I had the first time I played Prime on the GC.

Pure Metriod experience?  A warrior that saved the universe is moody emo cry baby.

No this is not metriod.  And "spoilers below"



It's a military conspiracy   wow how imaginative a plot thats never been used in hundreds of movies and stories

Around the Network
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

I would like to add the following point.

Sakamto stated clearly he wanted to take back Samus and Metroid, with a real story and characterization. In some way it means the outing of the more 'purist' fans - those who favor the shallow bountyhunter type.0 Those fans would never be happy with the new direction.

So the dissent from some fans is more or less planned. Or at least a to be expected consequence of the reboot. Nintendo had to expect this in some way. Time will tell if those lost 'purist' fans are replaced by new and more mainstream fans - Nintendo's clear goal with Other M. 

You are so wrong

Leave the nest of VGchartz You are underestimating the amount of angry fans

Oh adam I need this please ...pretty please.  It should be "give me my weapons adam!

mhsillen said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

I would like to add the following point.

Sakamto stated clearly he wanted to take back Samus and Metroid, with a real story and characterization. In some way it means the outing of the more 'purist' fans - those who favor the shallow bountyhunter type.0 Those fans would never be happy with the new direction.

So the dissent from some fans is more or less planned. Or at least a to be expected consequence of the reboot. Nintendo had to expect this in some way. Time will tell if those lost 'purist' fans are replaced by new and more mainstream fans - Nintendo's clear goal with Other M. 

You are so wrong

Leave the nest of VGchartz You are underestimating the amount of angry fans

Oh adam I need this please ...pretty please.  It should be "give me my weapons adam!

The truth hurts. Its numbers for the first week were nearly 300 000. Not so bad for a so called non-metroid game. We'll see how long its legs are.... but it isn't bombing.  

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
mhsillen said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

I would like to add the following point.

Sakamto stated clearly he wanted to take back Samus and Metroid, with a real story and characterization. In some way it means the outing of the more 'purist' fans - those who favor the shallow bountyhunter type.0 Those fans would never be happy with the new direction.

So the dissent from some fans is more or less planned. Or at least a to be expected consequence of the reboot. Nintendo had to expect this in some way. Time will tell if those lost 'purist' fans are replaced by new and more mainstream fans - Nintendo's clear goal with Other M. 

You are so wrong

Leave the nest of VGchartz You are underestimating the amount of angry fans

Oh adam I need this please ...pretty please.  It should be "give me my weapons adam!

The truth hurts. Its numbers for the first week were nearly 300 000. Not so bad for a so called non-metroid game. We'll see how long its legs are.... but it isn't bombing.  

It finished about 80,000 below Corruption. Corruption had decent legs; we'll see if Other M does.

Khuutra said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
mhsillen said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

I would like to add the following point.

Sakamto stated clearly he wanted to take back Samus and Metroid, with a real story and characterization. In some way it means the outing of the more 'purist' fans - those who favor the shallow bountyhunter type.0 Those fans would never be happy with the new direction.

So the dissent from some fans is more or less planned. Or at least a to be expected consequence of the reboot. Nintendo had to expect this in some way. Time will tell if those lost 'purist' fans are replaced by new and more mainstream fans - Nintendo's clear goal with Other M. 

You are so wrong

Leave the nest of VGchartz You are underestimating the amount of angry fans

Oh adam I need this please ...pretty please.  It should be "give me my weapons adam!

The truth hurts. Its numbers for the first week were nearly 300 000. Not so bad for a so called non-metroid game. We'll see how long its legs are.... but it isn't bombing.  

It finished about 80,000 below Corruption. Corruption had decent legs; we'll see if Other M does.

Worldwide? Disappointing. My prediction had been for around 500,000, mostly off gains in Japan.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

If Corruption couldn't get half a mil the first week I doubt Other M would have. It'll probably have some legs and it'll hit million-seller status even if it won't be as high as its predecessors.