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Stefan.De.Machtige said:

I would like to add the following point.

Sakamto stated clearly he wanted to take back Samus and Metroid, with a real story and characterization. In some way it means the outing of the more 'purist' fans - those who favor the shallow bountyhunter type.0 Those fans would never be happy with the new direction.

So the dissent from some fans is more or less planned. Or at least a to be expected consequence of the reboot. Nintendo had to expect this in some way. Time will tell if those lost 'purist' fans are replaced by new and more mainstream fans - Nintendo's clear goal with Other M. 

They actually said they wanted this Metroid to do better than Corruption, sequels generally don't so it's not likely to go as they actually planned, though I would say it deserves the sales.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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