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Forums - Website Topics - New VGChartz Network Homepage

Very nice! ^_^

Former something....

Around the Network

Much better.  Nice mix of old and new. It overall makes navigating the site much easier. Keep up the good work.

Remember, magic is just stuff science has not made boring yet.

Before, I'd post on the forums and then click "Home" on the gamrConnect Forums page.  It gave me a good idea what threads were hot like the old "hot topics" used to.  Looks like, from now on, I'll be clicking on the VGChartz home page.  It gives me a BETTER idea of which topics were hot and it gives me a good view of what's going on elsewhere on VGChartz!  I can't stop posting here about how much I love the redesign.

Perhaps the only way to convey my feelings is to literally fly to ioi's home, ask him to drop his pants, and kiss him on the buttocks.  That would probably be mis-interpreted, though.

See.. i was quoted twice by people saying how awesome my ideas are, and if i hadn't checked out the thread again i'd never would have known, and the ego boost it gives me would have been lost forever ;D

trunkswd said:

Its a good middle ground between the old and the new. It gives everyone everything they need to see the lates sales, news, reviews and hottest topics in the forum. I find this easier than the main page on the old site because it keeps each section noticeably seperate.

Agree with this, like the change!

Around the Network

Hmm how about adding a Game search feature in the GamrReview section, that'll make searching up games in VG Chartz way more faster and easier.

much much MUCH better now, very similar to the old style.

My suggestion was the color coded in gamrConnect, but it may be better to have the option of selecting the desire forum just as it was before. I want to check just Nintendo topics, and don't want to read every single title to find them.  Also, a different color when I have been quoted would be nice too.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

love it

How about adding VGC IM back?

Much better to have it all in one place. One other thing, would it be possible to make the threads not jump to the bottom when you enter them (not sure if this is just Chrome doing this or not) but it is tiresome having to scroll back up to the top of a thread to read it before you want to comment...
