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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will NEVER overtake 360.

magekyou said:

And also, if you check some of the charts that were posted here, you would realise that xbox360 has nearly 3million headstart thanks to the fact that it was released 1 year prior to ps3, and yet, it only manage to gain another 2million? Ridiculous.

I'll be nice given it was your first post, you really should try actually looking at the charts if you want to insult peoples intelligence.  The 360 had more than a 3 million headstart at launch and the gap has been way in excess of the current 5 million.  Please refrain from putting l3773rs into words too, it is annoying and unnecessary.

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haha good show op. We'll see how much this helps the 360 later on.

Pricecuts have never boosted the 360 for more than a month or two, so we'll see what happens. Like someone else said, there's a good 5 years left of this generation.

theprof00 said:

haha good show op. We'll see how much this helps the 360 later on.

Pricecuts have never boosted the 360 for more than a month or two, so we'll see what happens. Like someone else said, there's a good 5 years left of this generation.

I would'nt say a good 5 yrs,maybe 2 at the most. lol

oldschoolfool said:
theprof00 said:

haha good show op. We'll see how much this helps the 360 later on.

Pricecuts have never boosted the 360 for more than a month or two, so we'll see what happens. Like someone else said, there's a good 5 years left of this generation.

I would'nt say a good 5 yrs,maybe 2 at the most. lol

there'll by new consoles in 2 years, but these consoles will continue to sell for another 5 guaranteed.

If I consider the ps3 is a wonderful machine but it is too "exclusive" so I don't see it as unfair to be in 3rd place.

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slowmo said:
magekyou said:

And also, if you check some of the charts that were posted here, you would realise that xbox360 has nearly 3million headstart thanks to the fact that it was released 1 year prior to ps3, and yet, it only manage to gain another 2million? Ridiculous.

I'll be nice given it was your first post, you really should try actually looking at the charts if you want to insult peoples intelligence.  The 360 had more than a 3 million headstart at launch and the gap has been way in excess of the current 5 million.  Please refrain from putting l3773rs into words too, it is annoying and unnecessary.

hahaha pwned...!

It really doesn't matter if they sell for 20 years longer, once all three new generation consoles hit the scene, the past gen is officially over.  Sony will not overtake the 360 during this generation.  Sales are declining overall for all consoles and making up a 5M deficit, especially when this is the PS3's fourth year will be no easy feat.  I think we all will have a better picture come the holiday season.  If the PS3 does not outsell the 360 by a large margin during the holiday sale then the PS3 will have no chance at overtaking the 360.

Little history and reminder for posters in this thread.  Price history this gen and last (PS2) use this when you say who will and can reduce prices.  Just the basic price history not bundles and larger quantity HDD drive models included.

Oct 2000 - $300
May 2002 - $200
May 2003 - $180
May 2004 - $150
Apr 2006 - $130
Apr 2009 - $100

Xbox 360 - Just with and without HDD
Nov 2005 - $400 with HDD, $300 without
Aug 2007 - $350 with HDD, $280 without
Aug 2008 - $300 with HDD, $200 without

Nov 2006 - $600 and $500 less capabilities )no WiFi and no Media Card reader). $500 was not produce in much quantity
Nov 2007 - $400 Capabilities are reduced as well
Sep 2009 - $300 slim introduced

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

You think so? Well, it's good to see you'r admiting it. I came to terms with that like two years ago lol.

Well, I'd hate to admit it, the PS3 is almost certain to finish 3rd now, unless if Kinect bombs and if GT5 moves like 4-5 million consoles. Which could happen...

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