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Little history and reminder for posters in this thread.  Price history this gen and last (PS2) use this when you say who will and can reduce prices.  Just the basic price history not bundles and larger quantity HDD drive models included.

Oct 2000 - $300
May 2002 - $200
May 2003 - $180
May 2004 - $150
Apr 2006 - $130
Apr 2009 - $100

Xbox 360 - Just with and without HDD
Nov 2005 - $400 with HDD, $300 without
Aug 2007 - $350 with HDD, $280 without
Aug 2008 - $300 with HDD, $200 without

Nov 2006 - $600 and $500 less capabilities )no WiFi and no Media Card reader). $500 was not produce in much quantity
Nov 2007 - $400 Capabilities are reduced as well
Sep 2009 - $300 slim introduced

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.