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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 Slim Lauch Vs Xbox 360 s Launch!

selnor said:
Wagram said:
EncodedNybble said:

Yeah the cash back stops in July sometime.  I tried bing twice, didn't like the results it gave me, went back to google immediately.

Just used it for the cash back. Google has always been my primary search engine, as well as my home page.

I know you guys dont like M$. But Bing is very very good...

So if you are assume that some people don't like Bing because they don't like Microsoft, then can the rest of us assume you are not buying a PS3 for its proven hardcore gaming experience in exchange for the unproven Kinect because you like Microsoft...?

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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selnor said:
Jordahn said:
selnor said:
dahuman said:

Well technically the old models got a price drop, with arcade at 150 and elite at 200, I can see people who are tighter on money going for the older model easily, so it really depends on when the old models sell out and eventually be replaced by new models only, before that happens, I think the 360 numbers would be quiet high. That's one thing the PS3 wasn't able to do when the Slim came out, at best, they were at the same price with "more" features instead of the other way around. What I'm trying to say is that MS marketing strategy is better than Sony's on this account, and it clearly shows.

On a side note, if the PS3 drops in price again, I strongly urge you to pick up a PS3 Selnor, you are really missing out on some awesome games on it. Some of these exclusive Sony games, you just have to play them to understand.

As much as I want to I'm buying a 360s in 3 weeks. 

Also Kinect in November. My money is tied right now. With Reach and 4 Kinect games and Crysis 2 etc etc. PS3 is a no go for me this year.

You're seriously depriving yourself as a gamer.  I can't see how a hardcore gamer is willing to give up some excellect "traditional controller" games for a few shallow "wave your hands in the air" games.  It sound like it's more about the company than playing the games for you.  Well, I'm sure my message will fall on some open ears.

Um I have a Wife and 3 year old daughter. My wife wants Kinect and my daughter wants Kinectimals. 

I cant expect her to agree if I say no when she has supported my gaming habbit. Besides I will enjoy gaming with my daughter and wife on Kinect. :)

Do they have any interested in the Wii?  It's a proven product in the market.  You'll get the hardcore gaming from  Nintendo's classic franchises while the Wii motion control features and games offers plenty to almost anyone in the family. 

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Jordahn said:
selnor said:
Jordahn said:
selnor said:
dahuman said:

Well technically the old models got a price drop, with arcade at 150 and elite at 200, I can see people who are tighter on money going for the older model easily, so it really depends on when the old models sell out and eventually be replaced by new models only, before that happens, I think the 360 numbers would be quiet high. That's one thing the PS3 wasn't able to do when the Slim came out, at best, they were at the same price with "more" features instead of the other way around. What I'm trying to say is that MS marketing strategy is better than Sony's on this account, and it clearly shows.

On a side note, if the PS3 drops in price again, I strongly urge you to pick up a PS3 Selnor, you are really missing out on some awesome games on it. Some of these exclusive Sony games, you just have to play them to understand.

As much as I want to I'm buying a 360s in 3 weeks. 

Also Kinect in November. My money is tied right now. With Reach and 4 Kinect games and Crysis 2 etc etc. PS3 is a no go for me this year.

You're seriously depriving yourself as a gamer.  I can't see how a hardcore gamer is willing to give up some excellect "traditional controller" games for a few shallow "wave your hands in the air" games.  It sound like it's more about the company than playing the games for you.  Well, I'm sure my message will fall on some open ears.

Um I have a Wife and 3 year old daughter. My wife wants Kinect and my daughter wants Kinectimals. 

I cant expect her to agree if I say no when she has supported my gaming habbit. Besides I will enjoy gaming with my daughter and wife on Kinect. :)

Do they have any interested in the Wii?  It's a proven product in the market.  You'll get the hardcore gaming from  Nintendo's classic franchises while the Wii motion control features and games offers plenty to almost anyone in the family. 

My daughter no. MY wife does like it yes. But since last E3 when I showed it to her, she said we should wait for Kinect. After this E3 showing her the stuff, she is glad we have waited. She really likes the Dance game and the Adventure game. Both my wife and I agree It makes sense to keep everything under one system. Considering we are buying HD films on the new 360s HDD to we both like the idea of the entertainment side of Kinect to.

My wife was never like lets buy a Wii now I really want one. She would play it yes, but there was no rush for her. Kinect just answers more questions for us as a family than Wii.

Munkeh111 said:

The rises were for Xbox were all to do with the holiday, and more importantly as you know America =/= world, but this is certainly a decent start for the 360 slim, but will it continue through the rest of the year

In september?


dahuman said:

Well technically the old models got a price drop, with arcade at 150 and elite at 200, I can see people who are tighter on money going for the older model easily, so it really depends on when the old models sell out and eventually be replaced by new models only, before that happens, I think the 360 numbers would be quiet high. That's one thing the PS3 wasn't able to do when the Slim came out, at best, they were at the same price with "more" features instead of the other way around. What I'm trying to say is that MS marketing strategy is better than Sony's on this account, and it clearly shows.

On a side note, if the PS3 drops in price again, I strongly urge you to pick up a PS3 Selnor, you are really missing out on some awesome games on it. Some of these exclusive Sony games, you just have to play them to understand.

I thought the older 360 models got a $50 price drop. Where are they selling elites for $200? I would seriously consider picking one up for that price and giving my current xbox to my nieces.

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@ selnor

Regardless of how it makes the following weeks look, the official launch was Sept. 1st.  A date most stores abided by.  I really don't think a few local Gamestops and Best Buys releasing it early should count against it.  I know no local Gamestops or Best Buys around me were selling them early.  Besides, Wal-mart and Target most definitely share a greater part in gaming sales in the US.  They are the 2 largest retail chains, afterall.

And if the point of this thread is to compare their launches, then here are my predictions.  First we have the PS3 Slim launch for the week of Aug. 30th - Sept. 5th, in which it sold 582,815 units.  So far we only have the 360 Slim launch in America, 129,325.  When it launches in Japan, I don't see it having a huge impact.  But with the release of the MH game, Ill say it may get 10K.  Again, that's a maybe.  For it's release in EMEAA, I think it may increase its sales to the level the PS3 has been selling.  It could do a little more, so I'll give it 60K.  So, in the end I think the 360 Slim's release will push it to ~200K.  So about a 283K difference.  I also predict that after a few weeks of it being in EMEAA, sales will return to normal everywhere except America, where they will stay slightly above 360's previous numbers.  PS3 will again become the 2nd highest selling home console on a WW weekly basis.

the thing is once you take in to acount the europe and japan ales of the ps3 slim the 360 slim will be utterly destroyed

thismeintiel said:

@ selnor

Regardless of how it makes the following weeks look, the official launch was Sept. 1st.  A date most stores abided by.  I really don't think a few local Gamestops and Best Buys releasing it early should count against it.  I know no local Gamestops or Best Buys around me were selling them early.  Besides, Wal-mart and Target most definitely share a greater part in gaming sales in the US.  They are the 2 largest retail chains, afterall.

And if the point of this thread is to compare their launches, then here are my predictions.  First we have the PS3 Slim launch for the week of Aug. 30th - Sept. 5th, in which it sold 582,815 units.  So far we only have the 360 Slim launch in America, 129,325.  When it launches in Japan, I don't see it having a huge impact.  But with the release of the MH game, Ill say it may get 10K.  Again, that's a maybe.  For it's release in EMEAA, I think it may increase its sales to the level the PS3 has been selling.  It could do a little more, so I'll give it 60K.  So, in the end I think the 360 Slim's release will push it to ~200K.  So about a 283K difference.  I also predict that after a few weeks of it being in EMEAA, sales will return to normal everywhere except America, where they will stay slightly above 360's previous numbers.  PS3 will again become the 2nd highest selling home console on a WW weekly basis.

the older models are discounted (which we all know are selling) so how can these numbers be credited to the slim model? i'm a little lost here.

Capulous said:
dahuman said:

Well technically the old models got a price drop, with arcade at 150 and elite at 200, I can see people who are tighter on money going for the older model easily, so it really depends on when the old models sell out and eventually be replaced by new models only, before that happens, I think the 360 numbers would be quiet high. That's one thing the PS3 wasn't able to do when the Slim came out, at best, they were at the same price with "more" features instead of the other way around. What I'm trying to say is that MS marketing strategy is better than Sony's on this account, and it clearly shows.

On a side note, if the PS3 drops in price again, I strongly urge you to pick up a PS3 Selnor, you are really missing out on some awesome games on it. Some of these exclusive Sony games, you just have to play them to understand.

I thought the older 360 models got a $50 price drop. Where are they selling elites for $200? I would seriously consider picking one up for that price and giving my current xbox to my nieces.

typed too fast as usual =P

FantasySky said:

the thing is once you take in to acount the europe and japan ales of the ps3 slim the 360 slim will be utterly destroyed

that's true, euro will pick up some but it'd still be very dead in Japan so world wide prolly won't look too good in the end.