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thismeintiel said:

@ selnor

Regardless of how it makes the following weeks look, the official launch was Sept. 1st.  A date most stores abided by.  I really don't think a few local Gamestops and Best Buys releasing it early should count against it.  I know no local Gamestops or Best Buys around me were selling them early.  Besides, Wal-mart and Target most definitely share a greater part in gaming sales in the US.  They are the 2 largest retail chains, afterall.

And if the point of this thread is to compare their launches, then here are my predictions.  First we have the PS3 Slim launch for the week of Aug. 30th - Sept. 5th, in which it sold 582,815 units.  So far we only have the 360 Slim launch in America, 129,325.  When it launches in Japan, I don't see it having a huge impact.  But with the release of the MH game, Ill say it may get 10K.  Again, that's a maybe.  For it's release in EMEAA, I think it may increase its sales to the level the PS3 has been selling.  It could do a little more, so I'll give it 60K.  So, in the end I think the 360 Slim's release will push it to ~200K.  So about a 283K difference.  I also predict that after a few weeks of it being in EMEAA, sales will return to normal everywhere except America, where they will stay slightly above 360's previous numbers.  PS3 will again become the 2nd highest selling home console on a WW weekly basis.

the older models are discounted (which we all know are selling) so how can these numbers be credited to the slim model? i'm a little lost here.