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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does anybody else think that Shadow of the Colossus is overrated?

I always enjoyed it. I never had any problems with the visuals, but the framerate drops were pretty awful... The people who are saying it stays at 30FPS average don't know what 30 FPS looks like. Get on a PC game and turn on the FPS tracker. SotC runs at around 20 average and gets lower than 10 at times.

Overall though it's a really creative and unique game with a great feel to it and some really challenging and creative puzzles. I don't think it's overrated. I think you just have to look past its faults to see the bigger game. It's not perfect though.

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Almost everything on the PS2 was overrated. GameCube was the best.

hunter_alien said:
Your freaking kidding me ?!?!?!?! SOTC is one of the true gems of 6th generation gaming . I liked ICO a bit more , but mainly because it had more combat . On the other hand , as a pure adventure game SOTC is one of the best of all times . I still have it . It runs overall I would say at 30fps , but it drops sometimes ( never to 7 as someone pointed out ) , but the graphics are still breathtaking IMO ... they are just beautifull , and the colosis are looking wonderfull ... man those details blew me away back than . And lets dont forget about the story and sound ... both are Oscar quality ...

The problem is , many people are spoiled with games like Gears of Wars , Uncharted etc. , games that look amazing , but I have to say , that unfortunatly they dont have anithing else inside them , other than pretty looks :(

 I definately agree with you, though i haven't finished it. That game had so much soul, i remember how bad i felt when i was killing that first colosi, in my head i was like "why i am i comitting such a terreble crime?"

"For love?"


but it got easier to kill after like the second one, i had no guilt left....I was numb.....


That game is great. Definately a clasic 


grandmaster192 said:
Almost everything on the PS2 was overrated. GameCube was the best.

There was a lot of stuff on the PS2 that was underrated.  Dark Cloud 2 for example was an amazing and creative RPG and definitely should have been in the 9s.  We also have Odin Sphere, which had some framerate drops but was reviewed a lot harsher than it should have been for them. DQVIII is rated too low because no one appreciates classic RPGs anymore. 

Plus of course there are the correctly rated great games like Okami and Jak and Daxter (the first one, the 2nd and 3rd were mediocre).  The PS2 had a lot of great stuff.  IMO the GC had just as much great stuff, but there is no denying the PS2 had an incredible game library. 

Seriously people, this game is awesome. Saying that SOtC sucks. Is like saying Super Mario Galaxy sucks.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

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Kratos said:
Seriously people, this game is awesome. Saying that SOtC sucks. Is like saying Super Mario Galaxy sucks.
Here Here!!! I couldn't agree more



NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

takeru51 said:

Does anybody else think that Shadow of the Colossus is overrated?

And not just overrated, but horribly so?

@ nofosu )

I definitely know what you mean - the colossi are just so cute , you really don't want to hurt them ...

but then again it's so satisfying to kill them after a long battle :P

naznatips said:
grandmaster192 said:
Almost everything on the PS2 was overrated. GameCube was the best.

There was a lot of stuff on the PS2 that was underrated. Dark Cloud 2 for example was an amazing and creative RPG and definitely should have been in the 9s. We also have Odin Sphere, which had some framerate drops but was reviewed a lot harsher than it should have been for them. DQVIII is rated too low because no one appreciates classic RPGs anymore.

Plus of course there are the correctly rated great games like Okami and Jak and Daxter (the first one, the 2nd and 3rd were mediocre). The PS2 had a lot of great stuff. IMO the GC had just as much great stuff, but there is no denying the PS2 had an incredible game library.

I recall Dark Cloud 2 and DQVIII being quite well-received (87 and 89 on Metacritic, respectively).  I would expect Odin Sphere to be more divisive, but it wasn't exactly savaged (83).  Great games, all three.


As for SotC, as has been mentioned, it has the potential to be a totally unique and mesmerizing gaming experience, if you allow it to be.  Few games have had a real emotional impact on me, and this is probably the strongest of those.  If that's not the most glowing recommendation imaginable, I don't know what is.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

You know what i really liked about dark cloud, rebuilding villages. The enviroments sucked though.

PSN ID: clemens-nl