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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - XBox 360 S overheating video

theprof00 said:

I'm tempted to report your obvious aggressiveness, but I know it's not against the rules to be angry.

So, Watson, go check out youtube, and see for yourself that e74 causes graphical distortion.

I'm not saying you don't have a point. They are assumptions. However, I am narrowing down the range of what is possible, whereas you are not. You leave ALL possibilities open. We do not have more information on this except for what is shown on other videos. He has a huge collection of games. He could be a journalist, but he hasn't posted any other "news" on his channel except that his ps3 stopped working. So my ASSUMPTION that his ps3 broke was actually correct. Imagine that. I narrowed down the evidence and came up with a logical conclusion that turned out to be right.

My reasoning is under the assumption that he's at least as smart as you and me and has as much experience in doing so. He has a much greater collection than you or me have combined, I'm sure, and you question whether the cable was loose?!?! Look on youtube. E74 vertical lines. There are hundreds of videos showing similar artifacts to varying levels of death. Your e74 was the GPU dead. Your's didn't go through a dying phase. This guy's video is showing that, along with all the videos on youtube.

Your assumptions answer no questions and the debate will never end. If you can't argue using logical data and evidence, and instead reject it completely, then don't argue and don't attack people.

I'll finish by saying that "you could be right". However, I'll follow that up by saying that your idea goes against all presented data..

EDIT: also, to correct your misguided assumptions listed above.

He's most likely not a journalist because he has no other "controvercial" or "provocative" stuff on his page. A journalist would have a website linked or some other info. Why would he want to cover up being a journalist when d-toid posted a video of a new 360 eating a disc? That makes no sense. I could see if maybe he was a game tester...since most live in CA.
The girlfriend was on the computer, so it would be her animu, not his and therefore no logical sony affiliation. Additionally, areas of CA have heavy Japanese culture and influence so it's most likely a common thing and not some obsession with japanese things.

Also on his page are 4 videos showing off his collection. True he probably doesn't pay for his own consoles, but maybe he does. Considering the nostalgia level of the stuff he owns, he's probably about 25 give or take 5 years.

I don't think anything you presented was logical in any sort of way. And the only thing that seems possible is that he may or may not pay for his games, which really isn't relevant at all anyway. Unless you have an idea that he did indeed buy all this stuff in order to make one video showing a new 360 fail and seem like a 360 fan so that nobody would suspect he was trying to hurt MS...

I wasn't trying to present actual theories really, I was just pointing out why the Sherlock Holmes stuff is fiction. It doesn't work in real life, because there are too many variables. It's not what you think, or deduce, it's what you can prove.

That said, beyond the validity of the video, it proves nothing. My problem with you, is that you seemed to indicate that this issue was somehow related to heat, and I am still wondering how you came to that conclusion?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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theprof00 said:

that's a group. SImilar to the "will it blend" guys who blend everything in their super-blender.
They acknowledge they are doing this for fun and do it to everything, not ps3s or 360s. There is no elaborate conspiracy behind it. People destroy hard drives all the time too and put it on video. They think it makes them cool. I would say that's a big difference.

Honestly, I don't think this is going to be a big issue. But I understand the fear that would make fans deny this as a hoax or faulty wiring. This would be a huge problem. I mean, coupled with the thing where simply lifting one side of the slim can make the console eat the disc, it's scary, i think. People in that thread said he violently shook the console, it's that way on every console, and nobody ever moves their consoles while playing. All of which are complete fabrications.

But it could eventually turn out to have been a hoax. We'll have to wait and see.

EDIT: also I need to clarify. Before your x-box tells you have have an e74 error and shuts down, you can still have an e74. The GPU isn't dead yet, but it's dying. It needs to completely die before the console calls it an e74. That is a limitation of the console not being able to identify intermediate changes. It's like cancer or something. You don't have to wait until someone is dead to call it cancer. It's cancer.

Well to be honest i never really liked M$ as a company anyway, but i was just shocked that a refined console would have the same type of error as before. i was almost tempted for a minute to get a 360 for Mass Effect, but not anymore, lol.

yeah about your edit, i've seen the video again, and it does seem like a well maintained environment. and it could be a 'cancer' like thing because the console dosent identify an error. anyway i suppose we'll find out in a few months when other people may get the same thing.

and i am inclined to believe the GPU explanation, because my sisters old laptop suffered from a similar problem. and i always expected it was to do with the GPU unit. and we dont know what the inside of the new 360 looks like yet. we dont know if they changed the position of the GPU & CPU components, we just know they've added more vents on the exterior etc.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
theprof00 said:

I'm tempted to report your obvious aggressiveness, but I know it's not against the rules to be angry.

So, Watson, go check out youtube, and see for yourself that e74 causes graphical distortion.

I'm not saying you don't have a point. They are assumptions. However, I am narrowing down the range of what is possible, whereas you are not. You leave ALL possibilities open. We do not have more information on this except for what is shown on other videos. He has a huge collection of games. He could be a journalist, but he hasn't posted any other "news" on his channel except that his ps3 stopped working. So my ASSUMPTION that his ps3 broke was actually correct. Imagine that. I narrowed down the evidence and came up with a logical conclusion that turned out to be right.

My reasoning is under the assumption that he's at least as smart as you and me and has as much experience in doing so. He has a much greater collection than you or me have combined, I'm sure, and you question whether the cable was loose?!?! Look on youtube. E74 vertical lines. There are hundreds of videos showing similar artifacts to varying levels of death. Your e74 was the GPU dead. Your's didn't go through a dying phase. This guy's video is showing that, along with all the videos on youtube.

Your assumptions answer no questions and the debate will never end. If you can't argue using logical data and evidence, and instead reject it completely, then don't argue and don't attack people.

I'll finish by saying that "you could be right". However, I'll follow that up by saying that your idea goes against all presented data..

EDIT: also, to correct your misguided assumptions listed above.

He's most likely not a journalist because he has no other "controvercial" or "provocative" stuff on his page. A journalist would have a website linked or some other info. Why would he want to cover up being a journalist when d-toid posted a video of a new 360 eating a disc? That makes no sense. I could see if maybe he was a game tester...since most live in CA.
The girlfriend was on the computer, so it would be her animu, not his and therefore no logical sony affiliation. Additionally, areas of CA have heavy Japanese culture and influence so it's most likely a common thing and not some obsession with japanese things.

Also on his page are 4 videos showing off his collection. True he probably doesn't pay for his own consoles, but maybe he does. Considering the nostalgia level of the stuff he owns, he's probably about 25 give or take 5 years.

I don't think anything you presented was logical in any sort of way. And the only thing that seems possible is that he may or may not pay for his games, which really isn't relevant at all anyway. Unless you have an idea that he did indeed buy all this stuff in order to make one video showing a new 360 fail and seem like a 360 fan so that nobody would suspect he was trying to hurt MS...

I wasn't trying to present actual theories really, I was just pointing out why the Sherlock Holmes stuff is fiction. It doesn't work in real life, because there are too many variables. It's not what you think, or deduce, it's what you can prove.

That said, beyond the validity of the video, it proves nothing. My problem with you, is that you seemed to indicate that this issue was somehow related to heat, and I am still wondering how you came to that conclusion?

It's an obvious e74 error. e74 is due to heat, but maybe this one is due to something else? THat's a possibility. But it's definitely an e74.

Again, there is no end to this story. The only proof would be if the same guy admitted to changing or altering the console, and whether he did or didn't he wouldn't make a video for that. All I'm saying is that according to who the guy seems to be, it's not faked. According to how many vents are on the system, MS thinks heat could be an issue. According to techs, e74 is a heat issue. I'm just putting 3 and 3 together.

That's not an overheating issue.  It is also NOT an e74, RROD, or other random issue.  It's just an issue with whatever display adapter he is using.  Turn off the 360, reinsert whatever AV cables you are using on both the 360 and TV end.  Then turn it back on and I'm sure it will be fine.  I had similar things happen to me before and that always fixed it.

Oh, and I have a new 360 Slim.  I played it for 11 hours straight the day I got it and it didn't even get warm to the touch.  (It was my friday CoD night) That one big side vent puts out a lot of heat, but everywhere else on the console was not warm at all so it is doing its job.  Not to mention it is so dang quiet!!!  Even when I installed the games (which was about the only time I used the disc drive so far) it was barely audible.  Love it!

theprof00 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
theprof00 said:

I'm tempted to report your obvious aggressiveness, but I know it's not against the rules to be angry.

So, Watson, go check out youtube, and see for yourself that e74 causes graphical distortion.

I'm not saying you don't have a point. They are assumptions. However, I am narrowing down the range of what is possible, whereas you are not. You leave ALL possibilities open. We do not have more information on this except for what is shown on other videos. He has a huge collection of games. He could be a journalist, but he hasn't posted any other "news" on his channel except that his ps3 stopped working. So my ASSUMPTION that his ps3 broke was actually correct. Imagine that. I narrowed down the evidence and came up with a logical conclusion that turned out to be right.

My reasoning is under the assumption that he's at least as smart as you and me and has as much experience in doing so. He has a much greater collection than you or me have combined, I'm sure, and you question whether the cable was loose?!?! Look on youtube. E74 vertical lines. There are hundreds of videos showing similar artifacts to varying levels of death. Your e74 was the GPU dead. Your's didn't go through a dying phase. This guy's video is showing that, along with all the videos on youtube.

Your assumptions answer no questions and the debate will never end. If you can't argue using logical data and evidence, and instead reject it completely, then don't argue and don't attack people.

I'll finish by saying that "you could be right". However, I'll follow that up by saying that your idea goes against all presented data..

EDIT: also, to correct your misguided assumptions listed above.

He's most likely not a journalist because he has no other "controvercial" or "provocative" stuff on his page. A journalist would have a website linked or some other info. Why would he want to cover up being a journalist when d-toid posted a video of a new 360 eating a disc? That makes no sense. I could see if maybe he was a game tester...since most live in CA.
The girlfriend was on the computer, so it would be her animu, not his and therefore no logical sony affiliation. Additionally, areas of CA have heavy Japanese culture and influence so it's most likely a common thing and not some obsession with japanese things.

Also on his page are 4 videos showing off his collection. True he probably doesn't pay for his own consoles, but maybe he does. Considering the nostalgia level of the stuff he owns, he's probably about 25 give or take 5 years.

I don't think anything you presented was logical in any sort of way. And the only thing that seems possible is that he may or may not pay for his games, which really isn't relevant at all anyway. Unless you have an idea that he did indeed buy all this stuff in order to make one video showing a new 360 fail and seem like a 360 fan so that nobody would suspect he was trying to hurt MS...

I wasn't trying to present actual theories really, I was just pointing out why the Sherlock Holmes stuff is fiction. It doesn't work in real life, because there are too many variables. It's not what you think, or deduce, it's what you can prove.

That said, beyond the validity of the video, it proves nothing. My problem with you, is that you seemed to indicate that this issue was somehow related to heat, and I am still wondering how you came to that conclusion?

It's an obvious e74 error. e74 is due to heat, but maybe this one is due to something else? THat's a possibility. But it's definitely an e74.

Again, there is no end to this story. The only proof would be if the same guy admitted to changing or altering the console, and whether he did or didn't he wouldn't make a video for that. All I'm saying is that according to who the guy seems to be, it's not faked. According to how many vents are on the system, MS thinks heat could be an issue. According to techs, e74 is a heat issue. I'm just putting 3 and 3 together.

lol, ok, what "techs" believe e74 is a heating issue? I already defined that issue, and  it's a system failure which could be caused by a vast number of things. Also, let's not forget, heat issues that would be substantial to our argument would occour over time.

People who get this problem aren't going to have to wait. If the console is overheating(which it isn't) then it's a instant heating problem, and it isn't the same one that the original 360 had, which involved warping of the mobo and soldering over time.

Also, in my experience, the e74 issue is STATED when your system crashes.

I think it's very silly and presumptious to instantly jump to the conclusion that this single video is caused by heat, where there is absolutely no evidence.

Explain to me why you think this is an e74 issue, and then explain to me why you think it is likely that this particular e74 issue was caused by heat?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Around the Network

whether it is scratching discs or overheating, the chances of either problem happening is greatly reduced if you just store your consoles horizontally, (like they should be) instead of vertically.

Heat rises, with a console in the verticle position, it doesnt make much sense and in this position it is likely to be knocked over, thus scratching your disc.

Although consoles do look cool when they are vertical.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Severance said:

thats NOT the real problem its THIS


its been making a bit of a buzz on youtube... and its seriously not a good sign, all consoles can be moved while the disk is on why didn't they fix this?

How is this a problem?

Why would you even want to move your console while it's running a disc. It's not a fucking hand-held.

Would I want to move my Ps3 or Wii when it's spinning a disc? No not really.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

WATCH OUT  the xbox360 may explode and burn all your house !!!

Welcome to the site, we can always do with more awesome people like you.

Seece said:
phinch1 said:
Seece said:

Oh I fully expect tons of these to pop up online, Fanboys wrapping a towel round their console and keeping it on for 48 hours next to a a nicely lite fireplace, just to troll Microsoft!

yes im sure someone just wasted $299 to troll, can you not just accept that it may just have been faulty?

No not really, not this soon after release.

And to your first line LOL

On LAUNCH people bought $599 PS3's and smashed them in with a sledge hammer and posted the videos online (they did it with the 360 as well.) Do not underestimate the stupidity of people on the internet.

They also turned the PS3's into grills.

Legend11 said:

I am very skeptical of videos like this one where one person makes a claim that seems to go against everyone else's experience.  It's like that guy that claimed he got a 120GB Xbox 360 slim and some websites running with it and using it to make everyone weary about buying one (a claim that was later proven to be bullshit).

Multiple things here locally:

* It is sold out at Best Buy, Toys R Us (down to one copy), and also also Gamestop.  They still have the older model.

* I was at Best Buy today, and someone was looking for it.  They couldn't find it, and was thinking of getting the older model.  I was chatting with the guy, to fill him in about the 360, and what is needed and so on.  Someone in the middle of nowhere, yells out "The PS3 is better online!  It is free".  At that point the guy decides NOT to get the 360, and went to get a PS3.  He just wanted an upgrade for the Wii.  His son had friends who had the PS3, so it wasn't that bad at all.  He grabbed the Uncharted 2 bundle pack, and also Sony's Baseball game, so he made two good choices there (I did drop a suggestion that he look into getting LBP 2 when it comes out).  So, this begs the question why someone would all of a sudden jump into the middle of the conversation and say that.  I mention this at a Gamestop in the same mall, and the guy comes in and says "it is me", as I was mention it.  The dude the walks out of the store after that. 

Ok folks, listen up.  You need to know what the heck someone else wants before you can recommend them to something.  Well, unless you are an inane fanboy.  Then, it doesn't matter what people want, just your own perverse biases get manifest.  What I cay here it means that people want what they want, and then will end up looking for a reason to pick something else.

* The EB I was at in the mall happened to end up selling I believe 12 over a 1 day period and had two returns to technical issues, of the disk tray not opening, or not reading the disk.