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theprof00 said:

that's a group. SImilar to the "will it blend" guys who blend everything in their super-blender.
They acknowledge they are doing this for fun and do it to everything, not ps3s or 360s. There is no elaborate conspiracy behind it. People destroy hard drives all the time too and put it on video. They think it makes them cool. I would say that's a big difference.

Honestly, I don't think this is going to be a big issue. But I understand the fear that would make fans deny this as a hoax or faulty wiring. This would be a huge problem. I mean, coupled with the thing where simply lifting one side of the slim can make the console eat the disc, it's scary, i think. People in that thread said he violently shook the console, it's that way on every console, and nobody ever moves their consoles while playing. All of which are complete fabrications.

But it could eventually turn out to have been a hoax. We'll have to wait and see.

EDIT: also I need to clarify. Before your x-box tells you have have an e74 error and shuts down, you can still have an e74. The GPU isn't dead yet, but it's dying. It needs to completely die before the console calls it an e74. That is a limitation of the console not being able to identify intermediate changes. It's like cancer or something. You don't have to wait until someone is dead to call it cancer. It's cancer.

Well to be honest i never really liked M$ as a company anyway, but i was just shocked that a refined console would have the same type of error as before. i was almost tempted for a minute to get a 360 for Mass Effect, but not anymore, lol.

yeah about your edit, i've seen the video again, and it does seem like a well maintained environment. and it could be a 'cancer' like thing because the console dosent identify an error. anyway i suppose we'll find out in a few months when other people may get the same thing.

and i am inclined to believe the GPU explanation, because my sisters old laptop suffered from a similar problem. and i always expected it was to do with the GPU unit. and we dont know what the inside of the new 360 looks like yet. we dont know if they changed the position of the GPU & CPU components, we just know they've added more vents on the exterior etc.