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Forums - Sony Discussion - inFamous 2 FIRST SCANS!!

Perhaps if enough of us complain, we'll get the old Cole back.... I seriously dislike it... and their inspiration for the look. Also miss the dark, gritty atmosphere of the old game... doesn't seem to be as present in this.

4 ≈ One

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Perhaps if this gets enough votes, we can get the message through to SONY.

4 ≈ One

i like what i see still iffy about Cole, looks a bit too much like  Timberlake/back street boys for me like what others say Cole probably shouldn't be smiling and happy after his gf( even though I found her unlikable) died and all that happened in the first game. I didn't really care one way or another about the darkness, grittiness of the first game so don't mind the change. Like the change in to a New Orleans based city REALLY getting tired of New York city based open worlds. 


I agree that Cole should not be smiling

He should never be able to experience happiness again

I like the slogan of the game. "Making Lightning Strike Twice"

The slogan could also apply for FFXIII-2 :P

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wait wait WAIT A SEC!!!!!! a tornado? R U SERIOUS? :O awezome

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I agree on not liking the look of Cole but I'm still looking forward to it and then again didn't see his face much in the first game.

I'm interested by this (these?) new ice power(s?) they were discussing. The guy said Cole will still be "electric man," but I'm glad to see he won't be limited to just that.

I do wish they'd keep the darker atmosphere from the first game, and I actually would rather they have more comic book style cutscenes in this, as I really enjoyed those in the first game. I also wish that they hadn't changed Cole so much. I hope he looks closer to the old Cole in this game, because it almost seems like it's the same character.

Man this game is looking SHWEEEET! Damn, why did they try to make Cole look like a pretty-boy. I liked Cole's old sociopath look. Wow....he can summon is that electric based. You don't see Pikachu using Gust now do you.

wtf did they do to cole!? This is like when Terrance Howard was replaced by Don Cheadle in Iron man 2.