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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

She probably wants something like this...

Nobody with sense wants that.


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Morgan Webb is old.

I watched the video. It appears that Morgan Webb is going through a maturity crisis as she is now over 30. I bring that up because it appears from the comments that she is trying to "grow up" and embrace only "adult things." That is the only explanation for her ranting -- because you know that Nintendo has a certain look that does not change, so only your perception with respect to that look changes.  

Certainly, Webb's perception regarding the Wii has changed since the system was released. I watched the shows when the console was released and they could not get enough Wii. Then, after 6-9 months, she and Adam Sessler seemed to turn on the console and hated almost everything about it.

Ironically, Sessler loved SMG2 and tried to get Webb to admit that the game was good in the video. But even he is not immune from ranting. He complained about imprecise  controls (which I only agree with with respect to the infamous Spring Mario). However, Chris Kohler of Wired raves about the precision of the controls: . So it definitely a difference of opinion.


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


DirtyP2002 said:

I stopped playing Mario for the same reasons she mentioned.

I think since Mario 64, which was a great game, the Mario-platformers (except NSMB Wii) were more or less the same.

Mario 64,
Mario Sunshine,
Mario Galaxy,
Mario Galaxy 2

all high quality games, but I think if oyu have played one, there is little reason to play the next.

Somebody mentioned Uncharted, Killzone, Halo or Gears series were always the same as well and I have to disagree. First these series push the technical possibilities for their consoles and I am happy that they do that.
Second they have a different story. Every game tells you a story and for Halo, it is really epic. There are 5 Halo-novels out there and all tell you a great story. I haven't played a Mario since Mario64 (expcet for some gaming sessions with friends), but is he still trying to rescue the princess?

The story, atmosphere and Multiplayer is very important to me and Mario can't deliver one of those three categories.


I am not hating on Mario, if you are into this kiddy (sorry) kind of game and you want to be entertained for some hours I say go for it, pick it up and have fun. It is just not my type of game anymore. Really no flaming here.

So, you haven't played Mario since 64 and yet you say the others are the same?

I don't know, but I think, when talking about gameplay, that most people would disagree. Sure, the basic formula is the same, but there are some pretty big differences between them. Also, of course the story doesn't change. You're missing the point here. Mario is not about the story, never was. If you go into it expecting a new, amazing story, you're the one to blame, the thing's just there to connect things. It's actually a PRO, in this case, that there's so little story, the game just has another focus.

And that focus is gameplay, and that has had steady changes, much more than most franchises out there. The cosmetical difference is not as big as in those other tittles, but the actual, fundamental differences in the mechanics are actually bigger, sometimes much bigger.

So yeah, sure you may not feel the same and you may have different priorities on what they want in games, but criticising the game itself for that is the same as saying a racer is a bad game when you simply don't like racers: it's not like it's the developers' fault, it's not like they did anything wrong or should have made things different. They didn't miss the point, you did.

I have never heard of her, and going by her idiocy I am sad I have been made aware of her existance.

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Rpruett said:
tarheel91 said:
Rpruett said:

It is an opinion ya know...

Maybe she is just sick of the same old. (Which is what Mario Galaxy 2 is).   Alot of people I would wager feel the same way.  Perhaps by cartoony she meant...Unchanged....practically identical to every Mario iteration since Mario 64.  On that sense I would totally agree.

It's actually my biggest gripe of Nintendo in general with a good amount of their games.  They run them stale into the ground for years until they finally do something that people wished they had done years prior.  (Metroid for Gamecube was a wonderful welcomed edition....but it only took them how long?).  Games like Super Smash Brothers are practically the same damn game as the one for Gamecube.  Mario hasn't really looked different since Mario  64.  Zelda, I suppose they did have the Windwaker which was a deviation but then back to the same old, same old with Twilight Princess. 

I mean don't get me wrong, still quality games but it does get rather stale, IMHO.

Reported for thread derailing.  Cartoony has absolutely nothing to do with unchanged.  The words are completely unrelated.  The concepts are completely unrelated.  You're just twisting the thread's content to fit what you want to talk about.

By the way, this conversation has been had many times on this forum, and I honestly can't comprehend how someone could think Super Mario Galaxy is the same as SM64.  I guess that whole "gravity" concept didn't really add anything new. *rolls eyes*

OT: The only people who value her opinion are worshipers of G4TV and such people are very rare.

If you actually watched and listened to the video she very clearly makes a possible connection as to what she was referencing by mentioning 'Cartoony'.

"I think it looks too cartoony for me, and I feel like I've done the Mario nostalgia thing."

I don't think it's soley on the 'cartoony' look from the game but the consistent pattern of 'cartoony' appearance that has remained unchanged through the years has left her disappointed, feeling like it is just more of the same.  Personally, I agree with that premise.

Please report me for de-railing the thread though because you're butt hurt.  Laughable.

So in order for a game to be enjoyable over the years the graphical style must undergo massive overhauls?  Guess that screws almost every series that's been popular over the years: Final Fantasy, Call of Duty, Half Life, Gran Turismo, Mario Kart, Gears of War, etc.  Do I need to go on? 

She really seems to be only complaining about the "omg it's a cartoon; it's so kiddie" thing.  I see no that having no relation to doing the same old thing.  That tends to be more gameplay oriented, and I'm sure even SHE recognizes that the difference gameplay wise between SM64 and SMG 1/2 is MASSIVE.  It really seems like you're just trying to twist the thread to fit your agenda, that is: ZOMG Nintendo's getting away with recycling the same games for 30 years despite all the massive innovation they've brought in gameplay with each iteration (in general, I will acknowledge a few exceptions).

Am I the only one who wants to punch her in the face for opening her mouth.  Not because it's Galaxy 2 but her voice is irriating.

Pixel Art can be fun.

And they pulled the "Galaxy expansion pack" line. Damn.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I kinds agree with the storybook, dissagree with the rest....

I stopped watching G4TV about 2 years ago and I'm happy I did. I think she just hates Mario and she couldn't find a reason to hate it except to say that it looks like a cartoon. It got a 5/5 and she's still complains.

Her favorite games are Halo and World of Warcraft btw.